Old White Woman Regret

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Bro. Justin, Sep 6, 2006.

  1. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    I notice that sometimes too...

    there could be many reasons as to why they start so late, but it does make me think. You still come across attractive white females, who have never been married and have no children sometimes tho.

    To be honest, it kind of makes you feel like 2nd choice. They've been with white men all their life, but now that they're older and not as appealing as they were when they were younger, they seek out black guys who have always been interested in white women and would do anything(for instance, lowering standards that they would apply to a woman of any other race) for a chance to be with such a highly marketed item. This is just one rationale and may not apply to all situations (it doesn't. Like I said, you still come across attractive white women, with no baggage, who are as geniunely crazy about good looking black guys, as they are about good looking white guys), but I bet it applies to some.

    Like I said, it makes you feel like 2nd best and does not jibe well with me. It's one of those "Oh, so now you want to mess around with brothas since you have nothing to lose" type deals. Some dudes may be okay with that tho.
  2. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    And for older white women it can be a double edged sword. If you have always dated black men, then you are assumed to not be good enough for white men and many black men do not want you (even the ones who only date white women). But if you married young to a white man, then divorced later and began to date black men, then you are assumed to be out of your prime and worth less.

    And of coarse all the negative stereotypes go away if you are good looking enough.

    Sorry guys, but all these things are perception. Meaning they are only your reality if you perceive them to be. IE: A 50 yo white women making $150K a year puts up a personal ad asking for black men only. You can look at the ad and say, "she only doing that cause she is old" or "she only doing that cause she thinks she can buy a brother". Or you can look at is and say "she knows what she wants and is independent enough to ask for it".

    The choice is yours and your perception is a choice. You can write her off as an old "cougar" or you can answer her ad and see what she is about. If you write her off, she will forever be that old "cougar" because you perceived her that way.
  3. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    a white woman making that sum of cash should under no conditin devulge such info in a personal ad. I mean i know its a "personal" add, but how much you make seems a bit "too" personal. Just tell em you like black men, and let the brothers decide whether they like you for you and not your money.........dont even tell them your occupation until you know them well enough to tell them your position in society.

    Its sad though, when a woman (a ww at that) of that age, having lived for that long, and making that much money, still cant keep people close to her. I could be the biggest gold diggers in the world, but if a woman of that age and status tried buying my dick.....id tell her shes pathetic....plain and simple...

    LOL....ok,,,,if the price was right,,,,maybe i'd negrotiate
  4. malikom

    malikom Banned

    This is similar to fat white chicks dating desperate brothers because they cant get a white dude
  5. fly girl

    fly girl Well-Known Member

    If you got a pussy, you can get a dude. A black one, a yellow one and white one, any one. Men come easy. It is all in keeping him, not in getting him.

    But, my point went right out the door with BMJ. Look for the negative and you will find it. That is fo sho. :wink:
  6. Intriguedone

    Intriguedone Well-Known Member

    Flygirl kept it t'real & grimey, LOL! I like that! Too funny. 8) :twisted:
  7. SharenoH8

    SharenoH8 Active Member

    Lol always a pleasure to read Fly Girl :)
  8. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Yet in the Sharon Stone thread some of you brothas are cheering on that fat slob she's been seen with now. Last time I checked she wasn't in her prime. So what about it?
  9. shyandsweet

    shyandsweet New Member


    Sometimes these posts are ridiculous! I didn't date any bm until I was in my thirties for many reasons! It has nothing to do with bm being a 2nd choice! If you go onto any ir dating websites there are numerous bm in their 30s and 40s who have never dated a ww before-that were married to bw before! I would never consider myself their 2nd choice. What does age and who people have dated in their past have anything to do with who they are dating now! I am sure many of you will change between your 20s and your 40s. Sometimes it has to do with "finding yourself". (Knowing your true wants and desires sometimes doesn't happen until certain stages in life!) Quit analyizing why a ww is dating a bm and if you are that curiuous then just ask her!
  10. maiseycat

    maiseycat New Member

    Re: dating

    Great post - I agree.
  11. nilan

    nilan New Member

    You are not getting what these men are saying......Bottom line is that women cannot empathize with rejection because most of the time, they are never put in the position of being kicked to the curb like most men are.
  12. Dark Jedi

    Dark Jedi New Member

    I would never date a white woman who took 10-20 years to figure out she was attracted to black men, nor would I entertain the idea of a relationship with a woman who gave me the slightest indication that her interest in black men was based on some sort of experimental phase.

    It is understandable that some people may have not had the opportunity to date interracially when they were younger but if you didn't have the courage to venture into an interracial romance because you were scared of the repercussions why should I have the empathy to forget that you wouldn't have given me the time of day 8 years ago.
  13. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Sometimes these posts make me angry. I try not to feed into the anger but I am a bit miffed at the moment.

    Why do people think people are dating solely based on skin colour!

    Old white woman regret! WTF! Maybe that old washed up woman had never found anyone black OR white that she wanted to marry.

    I went to an all white high school followed by an all white university. I did not date a black man until I was in my 20's. Did I go out looking for a black man...No. I met an interesting, funny, charming man who was fun to be around who happened to be black. Was anyone shocked. I don't know, nor do I care. i know my family was fine with it. i post on these boards because I have been involved in IRs and find that other people who have often tend to be a bit more open minded.

    Since then I have had 3 other significant relationships with black men. They could have just as easily been white. I date based on QUALITY people. I could not care if they were black, white, indian, asian or native american, so long as they are good people.

    Now having said that, I am 42 years old. I have never been married, I have no children nor am I fat, washed up or desperate. I look great for my age. hell, I think I look great PERIOD! lol

    Now, if one of the posters here met me would he be thinking "Oh what the hell is wrong with her?" "She is dating black men because white men are not interested." Well that assumption is not true.

    Instead of looking at old washed up white women, have a look at yourselves. Why is it that YOU think someone is with you as a last resort? Perhaps you have some issues to deal with.

    Not all 40+ white women are fat, desperate, lonely, reformed racists.

    This arguement is old.

    Carry on
  14. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Not going to bother. Like I said, this arguement is old.
  15. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    Think what you like
  16. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    fucking imbecile

    the post you're replying to is exactly a year old.
  17. Arwen

    Arwen New Member

    Be nice!


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