I'm glad they stayed it. I'm not a fan of the death penalty except in the most egregious of cases, and then not even then usually, because of the disparate concepts of due process for black and white defendants.
Ughhhh.... Queasy reading this... I used to be in Amnesty International, and protested the death penalty. Two wrongs.... are so so wrong.... "Compassion and humanity. When did you lose yours?" Trying to teach our children that it's wrong to kill. By killing.
I can certainly see both sides of this debate, but people like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Hannibal Lector (threw him in there to see if anyone was still paying attention!), I don't want them to live out their natural lives in prison. There are just some truly, truly evil, disgusting human beings that don't deserve to breathe the same air that everyone else breathes and for them, I can't ever be against the death penalty. I want to see them six feet under. That way I know they can't harm another human being again. But I can certainly agree that not everyone who kills another human being deserves the death penalty. If that makes any sense at all. LOL.
Well, I cant argue that even a few hundred years ago, a Dahmer or a Bundy would have been six feet under without even a due process. But what if they were innocent? Due process is needed. And if proven guilty? I say consider them mentally ill, neuter them so they can't reproduce their messed up genes, and keep them locked up. But make them do work for free. They should earn their keep. Killing someone will not bring back the lives they took. They should be forced to at least donate the rest of their time on earth productively to society. All this killing and justice killing and murder and blood and stuff... is just ghastly and morbid. I don't think it gets society anywhere. And don't forget, Dahmer was killed in prison. Putting these sociopaths in company of others like themselves is quite possibly the cruelest and most deserved punishment. Instant karma. But, yes, its hard to argue to many people's minds why a serial killer does NOT deserve the death penalty. I think at that point, after many have been killed by the person, it's not for the sake of the killer, but for the long-term health of society, to keep the capital punishments to a minimum, to show people the saner way, the way that doesn't seek bloody revenge for its own sake. All this killing is just really.... sick.
I was for the Death Penalty when I was younger. As I got older and learned more about it (and the criminal justice system that enforces it) I slowly began to be less in favor of it and I now consider myself 100% anti-capital punishment for the reasons that both of y'all listed about. I will never be able to get behind the belief that states have the right to take someone's life.
I never said kill them without due process. I don't think anyone in this country thinks that inmates on death row don't get their due process. They're sentenced to death and have like 10+ years of appeals before they are put to death. That's MORE than enough time to find out if they are indeed guilty. (And for the record, I absolutely support the men and women who work their asses off for The Innocence Project - is that what it's called??). And with science and technology improving every day, there's no reason for any innocent man or woman to be put to death in this day and age. And no, I can't speak for over 100 years ago when they hung people for like stealing cattle. I finally read about these two men and the one who got his execution postponed RAPED AND MURDERED AN 11 MONTH OLD BABY. WTF?? He doesn't deserve to live, IMO. And really, the one whose execution was botched, I'm not really feeling too sorry for him either. He shot a 19 year old and watched as two friends buried her alive? F-ck that guy. And these people can't be rehabilitated. Their sickness runs too deep for pharmaceuticals to help them. I don't really care if no one else on this site agrees with me on this. That is all.
I can't support the death penalty mainly for these reasons http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/race-and-death-penalty http://www.amnestyusa.org/our-work/...us-death-penalty-facts/death-penalty-and-race Basically our judicial system arrests and sentences unfairly but also puts a higher premium on life dependent on what race it is.
This is a really difficult issue. Your point of view is one that many hold. It's very difficult to convince people otherwise. I don't hold it against you. In a perfect enough world we would not have to deal with either murder or the death penalty. It's tough to ask people to not seek punishment that is equivalent to the crime. I still believe it is for the best thing for society, but how to accomplish it is much easier said than done.