The part they didn't show. I don't agree with everything the man has to say but it's easy to misconstrue and present things with a sense of inflammation when taken out of context. Much less inflammatory within the context of the entire sermon
I made my mind up on him and say he's cool. He was asked the question by reps of the US government why he lacks patriotism. He ended by saying: I served six years in the US army. How long did Dick Cheney serve? Touche!
Shit, i've liked him even when i saw those simply misconstrued soundbites. Because i know all he said is true, and that very fact is what got a lot of (white) Americans - the fact he was bold enough to say what many liberal and sane people have been thinking for a long time.
Hmm, I guess I can understand him feeling rejected by Obama, but does he really want Hillary or McCain to be President? I think his defending himself once is fine, but going on a countrywide tour is unecessary. I never saw what the huge deal was in Wright's comments to begin with, and I think those that are really offended by them probably have some racist tendencies and wouldn't have voted for Obama to begin with. They were just looking for some reason to rally against him. So, I don't think Wright will hurt Obama very much, though putting himself in the spotlight isn't a good thing, either.
Wright wants his 15 minutes and fuck Obama. This says more about black people than anything else. When somebody intelligent tries to do something positive, depend on jealous blacks to try and bring him down. And remember this was Obama's spiritual leader and father figure for 20 years. Wright baptized his children! I've seen some hate and sour grapes toward Obama from some of the older Civil Rights-era blacks and here's an example. You would think that the one thing we can all agree regardless of class or education is to support the first viable black candidate, but no. We can never rise above plantation thinking. This is why the race is fucked as a whole and I don't mind saying it. This Wright episode makes me feel ashamed.
Wright is retired and so far there is no clips of Rev Hagge,the preacher who thinks Catholics are part of the whore of religion. When will Caine denounce him?
I know, where did Hagge go? Didn't he also say Katrina was revenge for people's lifestyles in New Orleans (or something like that)?
I'm not completely understanding you here. At first you're saying, "fuck Obama," but then you say blacks all need to get together and support the first viable black candidate. Well, in that case, Wright needs to put his anger aside and keep out of the spotlight. I do understand his anger and frustration, but even though Obama keeps denouncing his comments, people still connect Obama with Wright. Like I said before, most people either really care about the Wright issue or they don't (and the ones that do wouldn't vote Obama anyway), so it shouldn't affect Obama that much. Though there are some crucial undecided voters out there who want to hear more about the issues. And if Wright would just go away, we could get back to the issues. People see Wright and connect that with negativity, then connect that negativity to Obama. It's totally unfair; I don't see Wright as a bad person, and anyway, what has Obama's pastor got to do with Obama's run for President? It's silly that Obama should feel like he has to answer for this man. Religion + politics don't belong together. Of course, the core of this is race, not religion, and the right wing will continue to sneak race into this campaign. It's so discouraging, in a time that we should be able to enjoy the prospect of a minority President.
It is the racist machine known as the media. But you know what they had to get him on something, they got nothing on the man, they got everybody else on something they had to get him on something it is just it seems like it's hurting him more than hillary & mccain's problems because the media is racist. They always come down harder on black people when they see us winning in the game of success. Now some of what Wright is saying is true with the huge exception of that AIDS comment, but a little bit of me say it's possibly true, because as we know the government has done some fucked up racist shit to us, lets not forget the FHA's racist policy back in the day that gave birth to the ghetto. But the rest of me says that would be out there. But yeah even though some of what he is saying is true LC, we know like Obama said about his white friends being nervous when he brings up race, a lot of white people do not want to hear about their racism, they didn't want to hear it when katrina hit, they didn't want to hear it when they raising prices up on black folks in the suburbs, they don't want to hear it and they got all the power to kill it some how when it happens. THE TRUTH OF RACISM IS THE MEDIA'S & U.S. GOV.'S WORST FEAR
No need to be rude. Why don't you try clarifying your post, since your statements contradict one another. Or were you just on a rant about racism, and not expecting intelligent response? My bad.