Obama "You got a problem with me"

Discussion in 'In the News' started by z, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Well here are the numbers on unemployment, bottom line more jobs were created under Obama.
    Unemployment & Jobs
    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for January 2009, the month the president took office, was 7.8 percent. And that’s exactly where it stood in September 2012, too. But the more than three-and-a-half years in between have been a wild and painful ride.
    The jobless rate was soaring when Obama took the oath of office. It had been as low as 4.9 percent in 2008, and it continued rising to a peak of 10 percent only nine months after he began his term. From there it took nearly two years to drift down to below 9 percent, and it remained above 8 percent until an unexpected drop of 0.3 percent in September.
    The country was bleeding jobs at a rate not seen since the Great Depression — 818,000 jobs lost in January 2009 alone. (All before he took office on the 20th — the BLS measures payrolls as of the week containing the 12th day of the month.) All told, the economy had lost nearly 4.5 million jobs in the year before Obama became president, and it lost another 4.3 million before hitting bottom a year later, in February 2010.
    Since then, the economy has slowly regained all the jobs lost, plus a few more. The BLS announced Sept. 27 that its routine annual benchmarking process would be adding about 386,000 jobs to the official figures for March 2012. That’s a preliminary figure, and the figures for March and all other months won’t be officially updated until after the election. But the final figures don’t vary much from the preliminary estimates. When that 386,000 is added to the historical figures, they show a net gain of 325,000 jobs between January 2009 and September 2012.

    As far as the debt, not sure you can lay all of that at Obama's feet, Congress voted to approve both stimulus bills, one under Bush and the other under Obama that are greatly responsible for the increase in the debt and spending we saw the last four years. Both bills were drawn up by the fed and the treasury departments, not Obama, the government has very little control over the Fed, it's downright scary.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Arch, you keep editing, chopping and changing your comments...let me know when you are done.

    But in THIS (temporary) version, I'll try to address your points while they're here..

    No, that's not what i was talking about (seats replaced by Republican Male Governors) I specifically was speaking of FEMALE Govs. I read somewhere they have more FEMALE Govs and Latino Govs than the Dems do. I swear I did, lol. (to be continued..)

    Ok, did you really reach back to Reagan and FDR to justify an additional 6 trillion of debt under the current Government?

    @ raise taxes?? You might want to remind President Obama that...lol...because he didn't agree with you...


    Truthfully, do you really think that the added tax revenue from the rich will dent our debt? I heard it wouldn't even be a drop compared to the debt figure.

    BTW, where did I say its ALL Obama fault, singularly. When I say Obama, it means him and THIS ADMINISTRATION. His decisions to invest in Solyndra for example...there's a whole list of companies he chose that dismally failed.

    Finally, did you really show me unemployment numbers that are currently higher than when he took office, but because the figure lowered (despite it raising), it means he's lowered it. Wow. Ok. Even Obama touted that he'd have it at 5.8 at this point in time. Nice try thou. :)

    Frankly though, I don't care the reasons "why" it's extraordinarily high - sick of the excuses, be it a republican or democratic causation....both parties owe it to the American people to get folks back to work.
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ok thank you Loki, I was posting to Arch and didn't see this. I will def look it over. A quick glance at your notes, I noticed the "Sept 7.8" figure and didn't know it was such -- I thought i was in the 8. range... that is a good thing then. :D I will look forward to reading the links more thoroughly.
  4. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    At this current moment, they do because the seats were lost.

    I pointed out that the man isn't in charge of raising taxes. This is completely skipped. It is congress that does this. The lower house is not Democrat. It isn't going to happen.

    SO you want to keep it growing. You want to pay off the debt. You got to start somewhere. It is like walking a mile. No one foot step won't get you there. But you are one step closer than you were.

    My point is you can call it Obama, Obama adminstration. Congress makes the rules. A lot of these things such as high debt isn't something Obama can control. It is congress that does this.
    Obama or his adminstration didn't vote 6 trillion in.
    This was congress. Truthfully speaking, You'll find that that 6 trillion was placed in for things that some american people wanted.

    Companies fail. The administration isn't god. They aren't going to make all good decision. Despite that, their selections of loans to companies has been good overall. Picking apart on a less than 15% of bad selections is expecting for them to be 100% perfect.

    Was it his fault that nation was on a disaster fault? Do you think that the second worst disaster could be solved on day one! Is that what you really thought? Unreasonable.

    You remind me of a female tavis.
    You hear complaints from someone who doesn't do anything.
    They have no problem complaining. No problem blaming people for things beyond their control.

    It is easy to complain and harder to do something. The evidence is here.

    The problem in this country is that there are more people to complain then to do.
    When you do something, you got at least two people complaining.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2012
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Exactly but keep blaming the guy.
  6. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    wtf....? damn dude chill with that. mccain is a down ass mofo. he is just on the wrong team.

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