[YOUTUBE]hruMuZvvUs4&feature=player_embedded[/YOUTUBE] Is Obama being an arrogant prick or is he making a valid point? Discuss..................
If a white man said this, nobody would be calling him "arrogant." And who has more of a right to be "arrogant" than the President?
i don't know about that karma. i think the press love to beat up men in power no matter their colour. they're great punching bags.
They gave Bush and especially "Deficits don't matter" Cheney quite a pass if you ask me. You're Australian. American racial double standards are lost on you. No fault of yours of course.
lmao...thanks for the pass love...!!! and yes, i guess they are. i look at the press coverage of world news over here and we don't care about race or colour, just the topic at hand
The last administration went to war over the objections of the majority of the American people and stayed there despite the wishes of the American people. When asked about the negative poll numbers, Cheney said "So?" Cheney also famously said "Deficits don't matter." This is the same party who are now suddenly penny-pinchers. I'd say that's pretty goddamn arrogant. Now Obama wants to spend money to actually help the American people instead of propping up Iraq, and he's the one who's "arrogant." That my friends is a RACIST DOUBLE STANDARD. I'll give GZ a pass for even posing the question because it's a "teachable moment."
Yes he is being an arrogant prick. With every day that passes, I become less and less worried about Obama. I read both of his books and I'm starting to see what "politics" really means.
This is all posturing. Everybody knows where they stand on the issue, there was no need for this summit :lol: it was all show to cover their asses if this does or doesn't get done (depending on which side your'e on). I still don't understand why the democrats didn't try to push the original house version with the public option, they have conceded so much of the bill already to the Republicrats that if this doesn't get it done, no one liners or witty remarks (I think he's said that before about the campaign being over) can save this from looking like another case of Democrats not being tough enough to pass legislation.
I read both of Obama's books long b4 Chicagoans even learn how to prononuce his African name and b4 most African Americans accepted him as one of their own. Heard of him when he was a prof at U of C, but I am not sure about health care reform, November and 2012 tho..... we will see.....
This "Obama is arrogant" meme is a load of shit. I was thinking about going on a rant on this topic, but I read comments by Paul Krugman earlier that sum up my feelings on the issue perfectly. http://krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/02/27/youre-so-vain/
I need one of you Obama supporters to explain to me how he's not just another corporate controlled politician. All this bullshitting around by both parties show they could care less about the people. The Democrats are too pussy to push through legislation that could make healthcare affordable and the other side argues over cost and it being a socialist program without offering a viable alternative. All I see is a bunch of rich guys arguing about an issue that doesn't affect them personally so they keep dragging it out until elections come up. I'm seriously disgusted and disillusioned with this whole process because while they argue and make no progress Americans who don't have to die perish.
They can't say uppity negro anymore so they say arrogant, we're gonna be hearing that word referring to Obama a lot.
Actually, despite all of the claims about "political correctness" running rampant these days, some of these guys just don't give a fuck. [youtube]qt1s0Qx0_h8[/youtube] [youtube]M4zdEmkSmzc[/youtube]
I can't really argue with that sentiment. In certain respects, the Obama administration has clearly paid much more deference to corporations and the old guard than the people who voted them him into office. However, that doesn't mean that I'm not going to comment on the coded BS that is used to launch illogical and invalid criticism on the President in the media day in and day out. If people want to debate the man's policies, fine. I'm right there with you. If you want to talk about how "arrogant" and "condescending" he is for addressing lower ranking government officials by their first names, go jump off a fucking bridge. (This last bit wasn't directed at Andrae.)
I'm right there with you. The blatant racism expressed by Fox and certain members of the GOP is disgusting and whenever you say anything about it you're playing the race card. It's boring and old but I digress they're all facist pigs who only care about their careers. Intengrity means nothing honor is dead with these people.