Blacks down South didn't face the barriers to voting they had in the past after the Civil Rights Act was signed, but Blacks in the Northeast and on the West Coast had been voting for decades before then. Most people vote for any POTUS for very superficial reasons and not on the issues. That's why Dubya won two elections. When one of the litmus tests for POTUS asked of voters is, 'who would you like to have a beer with?', qualifications are relative.
But you're making my point...shouldn't we expect more from POTUS? Since Barack is black, should that be the only qualification black people need to vote for him? Personally I vote with my pocket book and my faith and whichever candidate best fits those areas. And in both of those cases Obama doesn't fit the bill for me.
Politicians are politicians. So yes Romney can be labeled a flip flopper and a moderate and both of those would be true. There is no such thing as a perfect candidate. But I try to look past the labels and focus on the politics. I think his policies are better suited for our current situation.
I know and I thought Judge Sotomayor was one of the worst supreme court appointments we've ever had. At least Clinton nominated a liberal but fair judge in Ruth Bader-Ginsburg
I hope you have time. Three years in office and he has enacted 21 tax hikes. Here is a full list-
I'm not one of those people who care about what people did as a youth. In my opinion, it doesn't matter in the race for the White House. I don't care that Bill Clinton once smoked pot, I don't care about where Obama was born, and I don't care if they're searching for someone Romney was nice to as a kid. These things have nothing to do with their ability to run the country now. I completely agree that there are politically ignorant out there, both black and white. My goal is to try to encourage people to at least look at things objectively. If you look up Obama's policies and voting record on issues and think he's best man for the job...then by all means vote for him. I'm not here saying Republican is right and Democrat is wrong. I'm saying my opinions align more on the conservative side and I'm always willing to debate certain points. And you're right, nobody would complain if they got more of a certain race voting for them. But I would have never cast my vote for Herman Cain in the primaries just because he was black and Republican.
Many of these so called tax increases are narrowly targeted at groups from tanning-bed users to health company CEOs, not the average American taxpayer who has received NUMEROUS tax cuts during this three years in office.
Thank you. Conservatives are going to lead this country over a cliff with their hatred of ALL taxes. Taxes are the only method the federal government has to raise revenue. Nobody wants our taxes to be punitive or onerous, but it's dangerous IMO to peddle the notion that taxes=moral evil. It's insane to believe we can lower the debt and deficit with lowered taxes AND by cutting spending, unless your main goal is to bankrupt the federal government.:smt033
If an independent candidate was on the ticket, who would you write in? To your other post about Mitt Romney, the concerning thing is definitely his character. He has a high unfavorable rating, partially because of the stuff he did to those kids during his high school years. People could read up about it and assume that if he wins the election, that's representative of America's character. It implies that most men and women that live in America share the same values and morals that he has. Apparently, that would negatively affect America's image abroad and cause us to lose the respect of other countries that we gained when Obama took the presidency. America would end up losing respect and relevance in the world if Mitt Romney (specifically) wins.
Narrowly targeted? His taxes affect everyone. And who has received a tax cut while he has been in office? He has left current income taxes in place and increased others.
I don't believe taxes are evil. I am for a fair amount of taxes. But if you think a person who earns $250,000 should pay 40% in federal income tax and then pay a state income tax on top of that is fair, then you're wrong. Paying 50% of your income is not fair. All people are equal and Obama is just pandering to the poor. And it's not insane that you can lower taxes and cut spending and reduce the deficit. I graduated college with an economics degree, so here is the breakdown. If you reduce taxes on individuals they can spend or invest the money. If you reduce taxes on companies they can hire new people or invest in their businesses. So even though you're reducing taxes, you can collect taxes on a much bigger pie. Collecting 15% taxes on $1 trillion is better than collecting 25% of $400 billion.
Yes narrowly targeted, many of those taxes are aimed at health insurance companies, drug manufacturers, medical device makers or high earners, not people who make less than $250,000. (See our detailed list of taxes in the health care law.) On the other side of the equation, though, Obama has cut taxes for many people of modest means. Obama pushed for small tax credits in the economic stimulus of 2009. The "Making Work Pay" tax credit amounted to about $400 per worker per year for two years. Then, in 2010, Obama hammered out a deal with Republicans for lower payroll taxes. That lowered them by 2 percent; with a maximum tax break of about $2,202 per year. Those tax cuts apply to all workers, while the health care tax hikes apply to more limited groups, such as smokers and indoor tanners.
You think America would end up losing respect and relevance because Romney wasn't nice to another KID when he was a KID. We've had some of the most morally bankrupt presidents in the White House. Nobody in this world has a perfect past. Obama admitted to drug use in his memoir and I don't even care. Because I think he's an upstanding guy who loves his family now. People need to focus on politics and leave stupid stuff like what someone did in grade school and high school out of's ridiculous.
Tax credits and lower payroll tax are small items that are essentially inconsequential to the economy. These cuts certainly didn't make enough of an impact on the spending increases he has done while in office. Just take a step back and think about things simplistically. If you wanted to hire more people for your small business, do you think having a large corporate tax rate would help you do that? If you lowered income taxes people can do three things: spend it, save it, or invest it. All three of those things are good. But Obama is taking so much money out of our pockets that people are lucky to get paycheck to paycheck. Middle class people are essentially lower class people now because they're just trying to get by.
James, Obama has lowered taxes for 98% of Americans President Obama Cut Taxes for 98% of Working Families in 2009 According to a recent CBS News/New York Times poll, the vast majority of Americans do not perceive that they have received a tax cut from President Obama. Asked if the President “has already raised taxes this past year,” 53 percent of those polled said that the President has “kept taxes the same,” and 24 percent think that the President has “raised taxes.” A mere 12 percent believe that the President has cut their taxes.1 This is an astonishing level of misunderstanding. The truth is that the major tax cuts enacted in the 2009 economic stimulus bill actually reduced federal income taxes for tax year 2009 for 98 percent of all working families and individuals. These tax cuts saved working families and individuals an average of $1,158 on the tax returns they will file by April 15. (The median tax cut was approximately $600.) The stimulus bill included several tax cutting measures for individuals in tax year 2009: # The “Making Work Pay” tax credit gave most working people a $400 refundable tax credit. This credit is worth $800 to most working married couples. More than 94 percent of all working families and individuals received this tax cut. # Changes to the $1,000 per-child tax credit and the earned-income tax credit gave an average of $872 each to 12 million, mostly low-income working families with children. # Relief from the Alternative Minimum Tax for 2009 reduced taxes for 25 million mostly upper-income couples and individuals. # A new, partially refundable education credit was also enacted for 2009. One reason why the public may not realize that the President has cut their 2009 taxes is that the tax cut that affected the most people — the “Making Work Pay” credit — was dribbled out gradually in reduced tax withholding on wages. Obama Tax Cuts for Working Families and Individuals in Tax Year 2009 (returns filed in 2010) Income Group Average tax cut % with tax cut Lowest 20% $ –604 100% Second 20% –628 100% Middle 20% –590 100% Fourth 20% –822 100% Next 10% –1,856 96% Next 5% –3,232 96% Next 4% –4,925 97% Top 1% –1,171 29% ALL $ –1,158 98%
Yeah it's just one of those things where you look at the person and can tell if this was just a one-time thing and if someone has grown up. Even though Obama did cocaine then, I think he's a different man now. Some people you can tell if their character will be an issue. Clinton and JFK were cheaters and always had issues with fidelity. I think that would have been a problem with Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich as well.
I think it's a lie, no offense to you james, that corporations will magically invest more profits into expanding their businesses domestically if we lower the corporate tax rate. Paul Krugman argues the U.S. 'weighted' corporate tax rate is right on par with other industrialized counties.
Obama's cuts do not equal his spending and that's why we have a deficit problem. Republicans want him to reduce his spending. That's why I posted above that his tax cuts are inconsequential. The fact is that many middle income Americans are now "cash poor". They earn a decent living but can barely afford to sustain. Tax cuts need to be more dramatic and spending needs to be curbed. And in my opinion, not to the extent that many Republicans want. I think social programs should not be eliminated, just reduce some of the funding. And you mentioned that $1000 Child Tax Credit, we need to eliminate that for illegal immigrants. In 2011, 2.3 million paid no federal income taxes and collected an aggregate of $4 billion from the Treasury in refundable tax credit money from the ACTC.
Lets be clear, the spending that has created the deficit was started under Bush and continued under Obama, but neither of them deserve the blame as the FED (and to a lesser degree the Treasury department) was/is the one that has their foot on the gas/brakes of the US economy and they were the ones creating and then implementing both stimulus packages. Our government has VERY few checks and balances on the Fed, which is VERY scary. Valid arguments can be made on both sides as to whether the stimulus packages were needed to pull us back from the brink of a historic depression (I believe they did) but to paint Obama as a carefree, clueless, spender who does not understand the basic economics is just not accurate by any measure. We had to face historic financial challenges during his first term, he has given ample evidence that he is serious about curtailing spending and creating a healthy middle class while not killing jobs and job creators by overtaxing. We are certainly in agreement that illegals should not be receiving benefits.