The head of the New York City Taxi Union, Mr. Fernando Mateo, has issued a directive to all of his taxi drivers to racially profile young black and latino males for the reason that they are responsible for the majority of the attacks and murders of his drivers. He is telling his drivers that they should not pick up young black males or latino males if they feel threaten by them. Mr. Mateo is himself half hispanic and black. He said that race is not a concern for him, only the safety of his drivers. This is causing a firestorm in New York City. Anyone here from New York City? Can you tell us how is this being played out on the street.
Then there should not be any protest from any civil rights groups because it's agreed and accepted that young black and hispanic males are responsible for the majority of the killings of taxi drivers, bus drivers, store owners etc.. in the nation's cities. We have already lost four here in Hampton Roads. Then racial profiling of all crimes should now be policy to identify criminals and to be reported as such. The hell with the political correctness. Like you said, what the hell, what else is new.
Don't they have bullet proof window partitions? It seems that it's a knee jerk-reaction, albeit a (self?)racist one, to the violence that is plaguing the drivers who are just trying to feed their families. I think he would be better off just saying they have permission to profile anyone whom they feel threatened by. Which is fair enough. The fine line will be determined if by default, ANY Black or Latino male can't catch a cab in NYC. Then another solution must be figured out.
I think people miss a very simple forumla. If you don't want to be treated like a low life thug don't dress like one. I definitely see a clear difference when I'm wearing slacks and shoes opposed to tims and a white tee. Stop wearing a thug's uniform.
hey even obama had problems with them and last I checked he didn't dress up like that in his youth so there is certainly something up.
Funny how they throw "latino" in if they don't have sanctuary laws and catch and relaese programs for them.