NY: Viewing child porn online now legal

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Bliss, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    When we can't protect our kids..WTH is wrong with you, NY?

    The finding is ridiculous. Tens of thousands images, and they rule this? Where is the jurisprudence here?

    Here is the complete appellant ruling in document form:

  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Read about this shit a couple weeks ago. Didn't think they would actually follow through with that shit.
  3. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    without any capability to determine age of every single girl/boy posted online, there's no way to sanely and justly enforce that. SO, I understand why they would say that merely viewing underage porn online would not be illegal. Obviously you can tell something's wrong when you see someone around 9 or 10, but when you hit 16...17...it's hard to consistently tell if they're 18 over/under because of parity within looks across those ages.

    don't kneejerk to these type of rulings, without really examining it from both sides of the fence

    i wouldn't want to get busted for looking at someone I thought was 18, when in fact she was under.
  4. SENSI1

    SENSI1 New Member

    This doesn't shock me..It's sort of like I smoked it but I didn't inhale..smh Yet no outrage over this for most. I thought possession WAS 9/10's of the law it's on your computer it's yours. Unless you KNOW for a fact others use it but most work places have something where while you were logged on with your password this is where and what you did as proof. (unless of course you forget to log off) Poor call on the judges part. What's next is all I ask these days.
  5. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I agree with you sensi1, the man they ruled in favor of had:
    'Tens of thousands of images of prepubescent girls around the age of eight or nine were found in folders on Kent’s hard drive'

    It's one thing where the age can be questioned whether she is of age or not, but 8-9yrs old, there is no mistaking.
    Also if you err and click a pic or link, you know to not click it again. You don't make the same or similar mistake tens of thousands of times.
  6. SENSI1

    SENSI1 New Member

    This Bliss is so true. I just wonder why with crime and punishment that "we" always seem to want to find a way to let perpetrators slide in most cases. Most crime should be black n white by that I mean you did this so you get this amount of time. Serious extenuating circumstances ONLY should considered in some cases, otherwise see ya here's your cell get in! To much plea bargaining going on. Forgive me here, but while I'm on the subject. Have you ever noticed how people who are COLD BUSTED on video or in the act of committing a crime go before a judge and plead NOT GUILTY. This should be eliminated.
    "Look asshole, is this you?"
    "Yes you honor it's me."
    "I hereby sentence you to..."
    The injustice system as a whole is a failure in most cases.
  7. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Wow, a man after my own heart. I agree with so much here...

    Plea-bargaining for violent offenders is a HUGE problem in my city. We've even had attempted murders plea and walk.
    I know people will say, 'who's going to pay to house the criminals' but let's forgo sending billions to other countries for a year, instead of letting repeat offenders continue with their crimes upon good citizens.

    I have a feeling that this perverse man who was obsessed with sexually abused children will thumb his nose at his fortunate reversal and just go underground. Kid's are his addiction and NY just gave him another shot.
  8. SENSI1

    SENSI1 New Member

    OKay Bliss in this I have the perfect premise for a new "reality" show. Offenders who have walked or plea-dealed their way out get a knock on their door and when it opens they get exactly what they dished out. It can also be expanded to include others who have done stupid shit, for them maybe the door opens and they get the shit really slapped out of them. Like who was it the NY congressmen WIENER? See he gets a slap because he did all of that naked pic sending and didn't get even a sniff of the booty and got busted in the process.
    I just want to be the guy that does the interviewing and let some others do the slapping and ass-kicking etc etc. I haven't figured a name yet but it'll come to me i'm sure lol.
    the show could have "special" guest offenders. And maybe go int'l for that other guy from france who allegedly forced himself upon that maid in the hotel. Man I'd love to pay his punkass a visit.
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    :lol: Love the show! I swear it'd shoot to #1. All those surprised faces on camera when the slap comes for stupid shit. Lol @ Weiner getting it for not at least cashing in on some booty. Hilarious!

    @ the Maid...I think that was a set up, IDK, we discussed that here a while back, so out to lunch on that one for me.
  10. SENSI1

    SENSI1 New Member


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