Discussion in 'In the News' started by Tony Soprano, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. Loki

    Loki Well-Known Member

    Good lord what an ignorant post, completely devoid of facts and discernment. Here let me help you, The CBO and the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimate that enacting both pieces of legislation—H.R. 3590 and the reconciliation proposal—would produce a net reduction in federal deficits of $143 billion over the 2010–2019 period as result of changes in direct spending and revenues.

    This comes from the NON-PARTISAN, CBO whose precise job it is to study the costs and budgets of various bills coming out of Washington.

    As far as Blaming this administration for the economic hardships we are all facing, read this article and try to learn something about how economics, fiscal policy, monetary policy, and politics work.

    Then come back and post something more informed.
  2. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    TonyS,those words should be addressed to the Tea Baggers and other wrong minded folks. You hit it on the head.
  3. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    It actually makes little sense. Tax breaks for the wealthy does not make them want to go out and hire new people. Employers hire based of the demand for their supply. The myth is that lower taxes will spurs businesses to hire new workers. Bush lowered taxes and it did not increase fact the economy shrunk under the Bush tax cuts.

    The middle-income group has declined by 1.2 percentage points , and now constitutes less than 45% of all households.

    At the same time, households with less than $25,000 in income have grown by 1.5 percentage points, and now make up 29% of all households. So a large number of households have slipped out of the middle group and into the lower-income.

    The upper-income group -- those with income over $75,000 a year -- has also suffered declining by 0.4 percentage points over three years. ON PAPER tax cuts sounded great. Tax the rich less and they will stimulate the economy by hiring more.

    Not true...

    ...this is the same flawed thinking that Reagan had with his "tickle down" economics plan. It never trickled down. And that is the other case for "free market" and "deregulation"

    Deregulation was a FAILURE
    It created vast monopolies in telecommunications
    ...look what deregulation did to the energy field
    ...look at what deregulation did to the banking sector.
    ...look at what deregulation did for jobs. (It created China and India)

    Don't be fooled man.
  4. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    We owe a great deal to DOD and NASA, out of the necessity for better weapons came public inventions.

    prosthetics for people who miss limbs
    Invisible Braces
    Scratch-resistant Lenses
    Memory Foam
    Ear Thermometer
    Shoe Insoles
    Long-distance Telecommunications
    Cordless Tools
    Water Filters,
    radar, air traffic control, Nuclear Medicine, Airliner, cameras (digital photography), GPS, canned food, plastic surgery, 4-wheeled drive.
  5. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    wooooooooooooooo THIS BRUTHA IS FROM MY HOME TOWN!!!
  6. Ymra

    Ymra New Member


    you dropped this man.
  7. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    :smt038 :smt038 go ahead man, lay it all out & keep on telling it like it is...
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2010
  8. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    exactly, I hate when people scream the govt need to get out of the private sector and let them create jobs but then say the prez need to create jobs. HUH ? Anyway the govt has to be a part of creating Jobs. Defense alone create jobs and new tech. as fareed zakaria showed the new jobs will be under science and math. manufacturing is being phased out.

    No one can hire an uneducated or an undereducated work force
  9. goodlove

    goodlove New Member

    the uppity negroe needs to be put in his place. we dont need negroes thinking they can go somewhere with all that book learning.
  10. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    This man is SMART!!!
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Sorry to break it to you fam but when the rich get tax cuts they fucking outsource now.
  12. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    hell if i care, i got 13 more years until retirement

  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Very nice. I envy that fam. Government seems to be the best route these days.
  14. botoan

    botoan Active Member

    The 'dumbing down of America' as it is called begins at home, many children are not prepared to enter school and succeed. The successful schools exist due to the collective commitment of the families that are attached to that school.

    I was raised in a school system in KY (the state is infamous for bad schools) where the parents aggressively ran the schools. Teachers and even principals that did not measure up would catch hell from parents.

    Our school system in the U.S. has in truth never been good overall. One of the reasons is because the country was never committed to educating all of its citizens. I am sure there is no need to go into detail here about racial segregation in education. From generation to generation, the lack of quality education it is a serious problem until someone within a particular family takes extraordinary measures to change it.

    The fact that large segments of our population where not meant to succeed, is a problem that likely exceeds all others. Here is the irony, today America needs those populations to succeed. For example, the median age of African Americans is 30, nearly six years younger than the median age of the total population. Those Black Americans are just entering their prime earning years. Over the next five years those African Americans will be pivotal in determining the future of our national economy. Unfortunately many persons in the Black community, who are in that age group are not prepared to carry the burden, because they come from populations that where intentionally uneducated or an undereducated.
  15. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    You know I look at where KY lands on the education ladder now and either I missed something or I was stuck in a time warp. I hav my complaints about my home state but I am often AMAZED at how little people in my age group were taught about history who were raised outside of the KY. Also the complaints about "Black History" and who it was never covered...or only given a small part in history books.

    ...not in the Louisville and grade and elementary schools I went too

    ...I learned a GREAT deal about African American history that went well beyond the old stables, like Booker T Washington (the first Uncle Rucks), W.E.B DuBois, Harriet Tubman, Dr. MLK. (etc). Slaver was cover in detail, a was the civil war, the reconstruction, and civil rights. The atrocities of the majority race were not glossed over or re-written. I didn't go to a special school, and didn't attend a magnet school until HighSchool. Also if you failed. failed, and you were not pushed on just because you tried hard. I remember the Principles and teachers would make home visits (my ass to attest to that).

    ...I wonder what happened. Its certainly not that way now.
  16. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    Bush enacted the tax cuts about 2002 and it was set to end this january. the unemployment started creeping up from 2002 from 4.4 until 9.6 today. It has been holding steady at about 9% since 2008 when Obama was elected. HAS THE TAX CUTS WORKED YET ?
  17. One to Remember

    One to Remember Restricted

    The U.S. Supreme Court overruled the Florida Supreme Court because the election recount could not go past a certain date or time frame regardless of Florida's willingness to. Either way Gore could had done more to fight the ruling.

    Afghanistan posed a threat because it was a Taliban strong hold and a haven international terrorists and terrorism. Forces loyal to Osama Bin Laden has usurped authority from Afghanistan's pro Communist government in effect making him a dafacto overlord in the rogue state.

    As for Iraq I find it ironic that you bring that up when your the guy always pasting in the Colin Powell pics with funny word bubbles..

    Even though Iraq had no WMDs they violated various UN resolutions that they had agreed to prior. This was following their illegal conquest of Kuwait. Saddam hastened his on downfall and the invasion of his country by throwing out inspectors and playing a game in pretending he had weapons. ITS NO DIFFERENT then if you encounter cops, stick your hands in your pockets, wiggle 'em around and pretend to have something. Of course them shooting you dead is then made justifiable. How are we to know that he did not have weapons when he pretended he did and refused UN inspectors.

    And wars cost money, as always. I am sure when Iraq rebounds we will be receiving some or most of our money back from a stabilized Iraq as well as cheap oil and access to strategic lands, etc. Obama can push them on that and its now Obama's war because hes took over it. Did it take Ike 2 years to end Truman's Korean War?

    Walter Reed is nothing new. Veterans have been treated as riffraff since the War of 1812. Obama's generation spat on and chastised troops. World War I veterans were fired on by the then current military forces when they demanded their bonuses during the depression. If you want change in that department you need to vote for a congressman or senator who gets it and is running on a platform that supports troops. Have any of you done that? Protested their mistreatment? The irony of it is that n places like Afghanistan or Iraq mistreatment of soldiers would had lead to a coup d'etah or an uprising.

    Bush did not necessarily destroy the levies though. I considered it one of hi many blunders but maybe the people in New Orleans should had set up camp and seized and redistributed fema trailers and goods? They could had taken the opportunity to seize control and take back their community.
  18. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Ummm... hmmm........I might be wrong, I sometimes get things like adding and subtracting a bit confused. But Obama was like 14 years old at the end of Vietnam War. Perhaps the generation before President Obama...the very same generation that actually served in Vietnam was the very same generation that condemned those who fought it.
  19. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Another one of your statements that seems to have more than a few holes in it. First off you are right, Iraq did violate UN resolutions, but its called "The United States" not the "United Nations" if we want to talk about legality, the United states was under no international legal standing to wage war against Iraq in 2003. Only the Security council has authority to wage war under the UN Charter...when last I checked the Security Council was made up of more countries than the UK and the US.

    In addition since Iraq never had the ability to strike at the U.S. it posed no "imminant threat" to the safety and security of the United States of America.

    It was illegal, wrong, and wasted more than 4,000 American warriors. And in the end, Iraq has ended more dangerous the the US and its interests than before the war.
  20. satyr

    satyr New Member


    You know, that thing we falsified in order to present a justificatory pretext for war where none existed?

    You also need to reacquaint yourself with the historical record, because UN weapons inspectors were given enough access to Iraqi sites to satisfy Hans Blix.


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