We had eight years of Bush and Cheney, but now you get mad! You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President. You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate energy policy. You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got ousted. You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.. You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us. You didn't get mad when we spent over 600 billion(and counting) on said illegal war. You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars just disappeared in Iraq . You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people. You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans. You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden. You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed. You didn't get mad when we let a major US city drown. You didn't get mad when we gave a 900 billion tax break to the rich. You didn't get mad when, using reconciliation; a trillion dollars of our tax dollars were redirected to insurance companies for Medicare Advantage which cost over 20 percent more for basically the same services that Medicare provides. You didn't get mad when the deficit hit the trillion dollar mark, and our debt hit the thirteen trillion dollar mark. You finally got mad when the government decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick. Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, are all okay with you, but helping other Americans... oh hell no. AND NOW YOU'RE MAD -Author Unknown
many of the points are spot on, but the tax-break for the rich comes with a silver lining. The rich are looked upon as employers (or potential employers), rather than just 'idiots with a lot of money I wish I had.' If said employers were being taxed out of the ass, they would have less money to trickle down to employees through wages, benefits, what have you. When you look at it from that perspective, it actually makes some sense. But many people don't consider that, and just look at the disproportion in money and cry foul.
Nice one Tony! I'd like to add, "You got MAD because this Government couldn't clean up fast enough the lake full of shit they had to step thigh high into, left behind by the previous Government. Have you ever tried to clean even ONE piece of shit off your shoes?"
The rich corporations barely trickle down their profit to their employees, particularly benefits (and why it's usually the last bastion in negotiations, often ending in a stalemates). The bottom line is the rich are always looking for way to get richer. They stay rich because they look for ways to cut costs, and/or hoard their money, or re-invest it with lucrative dividends, even if it means taking that investment overseas for a pittance outlay. Someone has to foot the bill, and the rich got rich off the middle-class. They can gripe all they want, but if they moved their enterprises to Europe, they'd faint at the tax rates there. China may be their last hope. If not, then its back to the 900 bill tax perks.
Well here in the land of Rand Paul, once known as Kentucky, those things don't matter as long as a white man is f*****n you in the a** its fine. What matters here is the fact that Obama, is not a 'real' American, he was born in Kenya, he is a Muslim, he is a Communist, he is taking away guns (granted he hasn't yet but he will) which will leave law abiding citizens i.e. whites defenseless from certain men (who look like Obama) who want to rob, rape certain women (who look like Obama's mom) and then take white mens jobs. That is what matters here, those things you mentioned are just lies told by liberals and uppity n*****s. The media CNN,CNBC, MSNBC, FOX News all of them have painted Rand Paul's rise as evidence of how upset Americans are at Obama and everyone believed it, even people who agree with Obama did not vote because they think they are supposed to be mad at him. Rand Paul would have won regardless of the economy or the state of the nation, because it was nothing more than good old boys being good old boys, 'they stick with their own'.
The Bush tax cuts were enacted with the stipulation that they would EXPIRE in 2010 because to continue to give the top 2% a tax cut would explode the deficit in lost revenue. The richest Americans, especially corporations, don't really pay out their share in federal taxes because of all the loopholes and tax shelters built into the federal tax code. Remember, the tax cut was a 3 point drop in the effective tax rate, from 39% to 36%. Now, President Obama wants it to return to the previous rate of 39% and conservatives are crying that to do so would slow the growth of the economy and business investment into creating jobs. Never mind that the biggest economic growth spurt in recent memory happened under Clinton with a 39% tax rate!!:smt119 Middle income folk are being bamboozled. Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have BOTH said they don't need or want the Bush tax cuts, in stark contradiction to rhetoric from the GOP. The Fed bailed out all the banks caught up in the mortgage fiasco and notice how most banks invested those funds into the stock market instead of growing the economy through lending to small businesses. Recognize the game, because most of us are being PLAYED. Did those Bush tax cuts prevent Wall Street from collapsing?? Did they promote job growth domestically or prevent corporations from outsourcing U.S. jobs?? President Obama is right, extend the tax cuts for the middle class, and let the wealthy and business owners 'get by' on paying 39% federal income tax. I can't wait for Sarah Palin to declare her run for the presidency...apparently Americans need another beat down by a right winger in the Oval Office to finally see what's up.:smt003
Sad, but all TRUTH. Some people need to be face down in the ditch before they recognize what's being done to them by certain entities in this country, and trust, those good 'ol boyz were being screwed for a long time before BHO was ever elected.
Outstanding post, I try to explain this to people here who keep whining about Obama taxing the rich, despite the fact that these same people generally make less money than I do. I fully understand the argument that the wealthy invest in businesses that may lead to job creation however, purchasing stock in a corporation does not mean that there is job creation here in America. For example if you buy stock in Apple the manufacturing is actually done in China. That does not help workers here. You buy stock in Pepsi or Coca Cola that money may go to create greater market shares in Asia or Europe and bottling for beverages is local or regional. Again it may not help families here. In terms of Sarah Palin the men that like her that I know just talk about in regards to her is how much they want to see her naked and/or have sex with her, they don't listen to her. Women in KY and Indiana say they really relate to her, what does that tell you? They rather have a sexy airhead than an intellectual like Obama. At best Obama is seen as a black nerd, at worst an arrogant Black man who needs to be put in his place.
You didn't get mad when you heard the price tag of universal healthcare with a staggering economy and unemployment reaching almost 15% in some states under the Obama regime? A message was sent to that buffoon who doesn't listen to jack shit in the white house last night.
There is no universal healthcare in the United States, so called Obamacare expanded health insurance to 30 million Americans. Yes, I knew it would cost a lot of money, who did not know that? Healthcare is expensive. That is why it is bankrupting families,businesses and the government at both the state and federal level. McCain also had a costly healthcare plan. In fact this healthcare plan is almost a carbon copy of the 1993 Republican healthcare plan proposal and the Clintoncare health plan in 1994 merged together.
what people dont know that some of the greatest innovations came from the govt and govt backing...IE the internet, govt subsides R and D to PRIVATE business. Fareed Zakaria, GPS Podcast, 10-31-10: "The semiconductor industry, for example would not exist, if not for the D.O.D.... The Internet, well Al Gore didn't invent it, but DARPA did. The computer industry, for years NASA was it's main client and kept it alive and growing.... GPS, that's powering the next wave of innovation on the web, mobile telephony, and that was also a defense department project. All the CEOs I've spoken to, especially those running technology companies say that government investment in research and development has been crucial to driving technological change." Are these claims true? Do Americans all owe a debt of gratitude to the Department of Defense for all innovation since WW2? Does anyone here have any evidence to the contrary? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CEO's that he profiled on this show ( I saw it and the Tea party would be pissed to here this) and they want money from the govt to fund them to do R and D to further their business ventures. Sound like socialism to me.