Not Easy Being a Black Republican . . .

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Howiedoit, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

  2. NCBradin

    NCBradin New Member

    Well, I was a Black Republican myself for a very brief time. But I went back to being democrat again. lol

    Trust me, it's not easy being a Black Republican. Not many Republicans that care, though. They only care about themselves and supporting the rich people, that's it.
  3. Tony Soprano

    Tony Soprano Moderator

    Isn't "Black Republican" an oxymoron???
  4. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Obama is one re read that healthcare bill fam
  6. Redeemed One Jr

    Redeemed One Jr Active Member

    I watched part of the first video, but happened to look through the comments. Seemed humorous though, don't quite agree with the first part of the comment, but the following sums up my view on how to approach people with different views of my own:

    "It's Not Easy Being A Young Black Republican (VIDEO) is nothing more than a pejorative, a disgusting attempt at humor; at its essence it reflects and promotes the demeaning and RACIST belief that all blacks think and vote alike. Each one of us makes individual choices based on our God-given faculties of intellectual inquiry - political affiliations are no different. We should embrace and respect peoples choices, irregardless of their race."
  7. Howiedoit

    Howiedoit Active Member

    I agree that black people do not and should not think alike because of their life experiences. But when a small group of black folks feel that they are suited to join a party or organization that have influence on laws that are not in the well being for black people as a whole then I have a problem with it.

    For instance, when I see black people in the Tea Party standing side by side with white folks who hold up signs depicting Obama with a bone through his nose and don't say anything about it then I assume they have some sort of self hatred.

    I would like be believe in a color blind society but I know better.
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Back in the Day when the Rockefellers ruled New York and Arkansas it is cool to be a Black Republican. They are the ones who know what time it is. Oh yes the Reconstruction days after the Civil War when they delivered the goods for Black people. Today it is run by the Goldwater/Helms/Duke branch of the party. Plus to this day I doubt the current batch of Black Republicans will get the hook ups either the the state or federal level.
  9. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Ask tuckerreed?

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