Not being attracted to black men?!

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by MistressB, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. chocoluscious

    chocoluscious New Member

    I would say that "we" - those who are willing to date IR - are in the minority. The vast majority stick to their own and they are not all racists.
  2. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    i am with you SoCal--i too was born into the IR culture with my great grandparents being an interracial couple; many IR couples in my family.
  3. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    And, depressing.
  4. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    I don't blame you.
  5. levhotchick

    levhotchick New Member

    maybe ww who don't date black men are attracted to them yet maybe they met a wm and fell in love with them before they did black man. as a ww who is attracted to black men and white men and has dated both I would have to say from my experience that you don't go seeking out a person because of the color of their skin. and to me it seems like a lot of people who are posting in here are racist against white men. your calling ww out for not dating black men yet are afraid to be called out for not dating wm. I also think dating someone just because the color of their skin is dangerous. you should date someone because you like who they are and attraction plays a role but who someone really is deep down is more important.
  6. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Why would any of the men in here want to date white men? :roll:

    And, if you had actually read the posts (because I know you didn't) almost all of the women in here have dated white men before black men, so you can stop trolling now.

    And, this isn't a site for white men, so why the hell are you even in here?
  7. tuckerreed

    tuckerreed New Member

    levtochick-if you think that color is not a factor in your choice in datig, why come to a site specifically for WW and BM? that would make no sense, why not go to a "we just all want whatever site", please dont waste our time trolling!!
  8. loveangel

    loveangel New Member

    I am new here, and was hoping for answers to my attraction to black men. I never dated a black man, but am very attracted to them. I am married to a white man and yes, you are right......I think the reason why WW don't date black man is because they never had a chance to be with a black man before. I can say that from my own experience. I have always been more attracted to black man, but never had a chance to meet one. I am from Europe(Germany) and a shy person, so maybe that's the problem, but none the less....I regret never having the chance before I got married to experience a black man. I feel I miss something, something I need, and its not the sex. I want more than one one night. Its to late now,but I will forever wonder. How does the skin feel, how would a kiss feel, how different would my life be, how does it feel to hold a black man, could a black man handle a European women, what would it be like waking up in the morning with a black man next to many un answered questions. I should have stuck my gut feeling and go date a black man. It would have saved my husband a lot of pain and suffering.
  9. loveangel

    loveangel New Member

    Sorry about replying to this, I am loveangels husband.

    Look, to be perfectly honest with you, I don't think this attraction is anything any different than a man wanting a man, or a woman wanting a woman. Not necessarily something that is generated to one particular person, just the idea of feeling there may be some excitement in something you never had before. I understand how my wife feels. I also know these feelings are destroying our marriage.

    I am supportive of interracial relationships. My best friend who is white is married to a black woman, who is a great person and fun to hang out with besides it works for them. If I met the right person who happened to be black, I suppose I would be with them too. I never was a big fan of social opinion. Just with the repressed black would get rid of their stereo types on whites too. Sorry to say it goes both way guys. Let it go finally.

    The problem I see here is, this is gone way beyond an attraction or something my wife wonders about. I believe she is completely obsessed with her idea of what a black man can offer her. The thing that bothers me the most is, I can not compete with that, plus I love my wife and there is nothing I can do with her obsession. I do know however, I have reached my end and I can not go on any further with this.

    If our marriage does crash because of this, I do feel sorry for her next relationship. A problem with her ideals, or what she feels being with a black guy means is materialistic. Not much different than wanting a white man who has the ability to be romantic. Completely understandable, but not practical. She seems to have invented a stereo type that paints a picture of ALL black men as what she wants them to be, and the reality is that each individual, based on their life experiences, handles their relationships and feeling differently. Its the luck of meeting an individual, black or white, that meets the standards you desire in a person.

    Think about it,, how lucky are you to be able to find someone who is perfect? That looks right, thinks right, is completely responsible and gives you the attention you desire. How long does it last, or will it last. On top of that,, What make you so perfect to demand these qualities and are you able to offer these qualities back.. Its easy to look at another person and think, hey now there is someone I want to be with, but what's to say that other person wants to be with you.

    Frankly, my wife might regret never having a relationship with a black man, but now that I know that I am not the man she desires,, I regret ever having met my wife. I am sick inside and feel I am without hope.

    I know she want me to feel that she is trying to overcome this feeling, but I know what the truth is. I think you all know what the truth is.

    I give up. Its up to her now. I can not take this crap anymore. Either your with me or you get the hell out of my life.
  10. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Does anyone else feel profoundly uncomfortable being caught in the middle of this? (above)

    Why not talk to your wife herself, instead of making a fool of yourself and her by putting it on the internet for a lot of strangers to read?
  11. LaydeezmanCris

    LaydeezmanCris New Member

    Now you've disappointed me for even stopping to believe this is real.
  12. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Jesus. Some people are much weirder than even I would give them credit for, I'm far too gullible Cris!
  13. livingproof

    livingproof New Member


    okay well this is STRANGE

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