Not being attracted to black men?!

Discussion in 'The Attraction Between White Women and Black Men' started by MistressB, Jan 13, 2006.

  1. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    I'm aware that I'm either preaching to the converted or to the devil himself, but I keep reading on here about women who don't like black men at all...or the guys being worried that women won't be into black guys (awww). Quite aside from the craziness of ruling out a whole enormous racial group to find your mate for life in, what is wrong with these women? How is it not possible for them to see all the beautiful sexual (and other) characteristics of the black men?

    Or is loving black men to distraction a bug which is easy to acquire but hard to get rid of? What do we think ladies??
  2. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    For me, it's not absolutely necessary that a WW like BM. Amazing as it may sound, there are BM who would not date WW, also. Different strokes.

    I know I'm not a lady but thought I'd chime in anyway, nice to meet you Mistress :wink:
  3. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    Hello Karma, nice to meet you - it's my thread so use it to tell me about yourself :wink:
  4. diamondlife

    diamondlife New Member

    I think that there are those women who are very attracted to black men men but they do not want those feelings to grow to strong because it may break down their defenses and a brotha may end up seducing her. So in order to keep these feelings in check, she may think of all kinds of horrible things about black men to muffle her true feelings.
  5. MistressB

    MistressB New Member

    You may be right, still it's a big contradiction isn't it? If she's very attracted to black men - or one black man in particular - wouldn't it be rather nice if he seduced her? I'd think so...!
  6. diamondlife

    diamondlife New Member

    I did leave out one part. The reason that she may put up her defenses to stop the potential seduction is because she does not want the reputation of being with a black man
  7. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    Many WW often times can be very practical when it comes to love. If a WM and a BM make the same amount of money, both are good men etc. she will often pick the WM even if the passion is a little stronger with the BM. Usually if a WW picks the BM...the chemistry will be very powerful as they are probably soulmates.
  8. Iffy'swifey

    Iffy'swifey New Member

    Well I am A LADY (Little Britain style!) and all I can say is each to their own! Sometimes there's no explanation for attraction or lack of, it's just something that can't always be documented with words.

    2 strange (to me) things I will say are this: One of my colleagues recently visited and saw a photo of Iffy and commented on how good looking he was. She goes back to work and says the same to my other colleagues about him, but also adds that although she thinks he's attractive, she didn't think she could be with a black man as "it would be weird"! Why?!

    Another thing is that the neighbour of my friend says she finds black men attractive but is reluctant to go with one as she's heard that "once you black you don't go back", so she scared about that and why it is so (according to urban myth anyway).
  9. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Well, I am a refugee from the shattered wreckage that was Drifting Away.
  10. diamondlife

    diamondlife New Member

    I think someone bought Civic(Stiroids) out. It doesn't seem like him to take the board down like that.
  11. karmacoma.

    karmacoma. Well-Known Member

    Well that's another topic altogether.
  12. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Just bumpin' this thread because I didn't remember to post in it before when it was started.

    Anyway, I pretty much agree with diamondlife and TheChosenOne. Most of these white women who say that 'they are not attracted to black men' only say it because of the stereotypes, and the lack of 'privilege' they may end up with as a result of 'going black.'

    That's how I see it...

    and, another funny thing is, a lot of these SAME women are sluts for the black man underground, like the kind of women you'll see in all of those Interracial sex fetish websites (chat rooms, animation, newsletters, and secret club gatherings) out there. These are all the same women who claim that 'having a black man in their lives is just something they need for sexual reasons' and so forth, but if their white man isn't enough, then there is MUCH MORE to it than that, whether they want to admit it or not, (more than likely, they won't)which is racist.
  13. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    You summed it up pretty well.
  14. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    My ex girl Kristen of 3 years was that same way. A screaming fucking slutty freak in bed who will suck it and lick it and stroke it and let me shove it anywhere I wanted and go to town until I blew my load yet would not want to be seen with me in public. We kept it from her parents for 3 years and her friends were sworn to secrecy (at least the handful that knew). She did not even want to have biracial children, she tried to convince me to adopt. Throughout the years I noticed the seeds of doubt in her about being with a black guy and soon enough the great sex just wasn't enough and she fell out of love with me (plus i cheated on her with her much hotter best friend Stacey). Fact of the matter is some women are proud of their attraction to black men and see them as soul mates and WANT to have kids with them (like my current girl Tessa) and some are ashamed of this attraction and will hide it from the world and satisfy it when necessary in secret (like my ex).
  15. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    I agree with Sardonic....a lot of these women would never be seen in public with a black man unless he was in uniform carrying her bags....but they deep down would have sex with any decent looking black man (of any age) if they could do it without it being discovered.

    I also agree with the Genie-man...that these women hide behind sex and the infamous "black cock theory." Some of these closet BM loving WW praise the sons of Ham for being so "manly" but in reality they feel a connection that may go further than that....but its too taboo to admit to. Some of the more brazen WW...will admit their BM fantasy to girlfriends and husbands because WM have made it semi-acceptable for WW to want BM. Why you ask?.....well we all supposedly have enormous penises so WM will concede that a (slut) woman may be curious and want to try it out......but her connection to a BM could only ever be physical...never emotional which carries a whole lot more meaning. They essentially give their women a pass to be with black men but make it so where even if a WW does go can easily be explained "youthful indiscretion" or "momentary insanity."

    Unfortunately some WW buy into this..and they see BM as dicks with other body parts thrown in for good measure....often times these women are drawn to BM for more than just that...but its much safer to claim that they are "dicknotized" than to say that there is a true bond.
  16. msjade

    msjade New Member

    I myself just don't get it....As a white woman myself...and could give three shits less what people thought about myself walking down the street with a man....regardless if they were a BM or a WM....friends or a lover...I myself would hold my head up high...grab that arm...ass...or whatever felt good at the time... :lol: and be damn proud of it...
  17. chocoluscious

    chocoluscious New Member

    In addition to the closet BM lovers, conformists, priviledge-mongers, etc. , I guess you could say that some of them find white men sexier - whether its preference for culture, skin, or etc. There are alot of people who have no contact with other ethnicities at all whether by choice or not. And all they really know is sex with people of the same race or ethnic group.
  18. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Which is sad.
  19. msjade

    msjade New Member

    I second that.... :(
  20. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    Thank God I was born into IR relationships. Being that I always had family members that were into IR: my great grandfather being Irish, my step-grandmother being Latin, and going to a private school w/ tons of whites where I was mingling w/ & dating the girls.

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