There have been a number of far left wing groups that have turned violent in regards to anti gov sentiment. Notably just recently in Greece Also far left groups have rioted and destroyed property and turned violent during the WTO (World Trade Organization) in Seattle. I do agree though that there are very dangerous far right groups out there (most Islamic) Lets just not act like the left is all a bunch of angels though lol
Also the psycho that shot and killed a bunch of people in Arizona (as well as almost killing a politician) is said to be a left wing extremist (and very anti gov). One of his favorite books was the Communist Manifesto
Fair enough, but I never implied that the far left aren't excused of their actions either. However, the Wikipedia article doesn't quite go into details relating to Anarchism. Plus the recent debt crisis wasn't a left or right issue. Everyone that's not involved in Greek's Parliament were up in arms because they were greatly affected by the austerity measures there.
Laughner was a lunatic. It's ridiculous try to ascribe political ideology as the motivation for his crime. It's also ridiculous to claim that the fact that he read The Communist Manifesto means that he was a leftist. His politics were all over the place. They also found plenty of right wing propaganda in his belongs, and he cited Mien Kampf as a major influence. You're way off base in trying to draw some kind of equivalency between far right and extreme leftist groups when it comes to violence. There are some examples of terrorism from leftists groups like what we see when the WTO meets and the destruction of property by eco-terrorists, but most political motivated violence is perpetrated by ring wingers. The nutjob in Norway was heavily influenced by the anti-Islamic ramblings of the American far right. From the New York Times: Killings in Norway Spotlight Anti-Muslim Thought in U.S.
one WN yesterday tried to tell me on youtube that israel has made interracial marriage illegal to "preserve race and culture" then he said that segregation is comming back because of the people in mississippi who voted to making interracial marriage illegal
LOL, yeah because Mississippi, that backwards ass state that always ranks at the bottom of every U.S. state in terms of historical race relations and standard of living is representative of American progress. Mississippi probably thinks its still 1811, hell if we have a mixed race president from a black man and white woman. You have to love how these bumpkins quote "Jews and Israel" when it is convenient for them.
thats one thing that burns those fuckers the most, he was even going on about zionst jews causing white genocide in the west, ive even seen them on racist site tryin to come up with ways to prevent mixed race people from being born, isint that a form of genocide?
What is odd is how they go on about the Jews. Shit the Native Americans have more room to complain about almost being wiped out by Westward expansion and forced onto reservations. These guys are never accountable, its always Jewish this, media that, liberal propaganda, etc. Lots of people in this world have far more room to complain about getting fucked over for centuries and generations. Those racists pieces of trash just cannot handle the world around them changing, maybe they should move into a hermetically sealed bunker in Casper, Wyoming and live out the rest of their days because ain't shit changing on their account. They are just mad because the world doesn't two step to their obsolete beat, when they can't handle it any longer they behave like that pathetic scumbag in Norway, killing innocent people because you are intolerant and rancid in mindset. There are some truly sick people in this world indeed.
Last I recall, I still see Israelites and Arabs hitting it off a lot. He's sadly mistaken. It's preferred that others marry within the same religion, however that's slowly changing in Israel despite tension relating to Israeli-Palestinian conflicts. Also, only 46% of those who are registered Republican in Mississippi would consider banning interracial relationships/marriages. So I don't know where the hell did he get that from. Mississippi maybe backwards in many ways, but at least the majority of them know better than to think they have to ban something that's remotely trivial. I will simply add that for anyone to be a Christian, they simply have to believe that Jesus is a divine figure and their lord and savior. Beyond that, it doesn't matter much if they harbor strong indignant hatred for groups as long as they feel that they are still forgiven for their actions beyond the doors. Of course, one delusion caps onto another delusion. Reality won't sink into them and thus they will learn the hard way that one life is the life they live in now. well this is interesting, i used to live in new addington aswell, alot of bnp types there
Alright professor. I gave you all fuckin' week. Now, prove that you aren't a simp and tell me what excuses I made for left wing terrorists in my first post in this thread.