The Norwegian police on Saturday charged a 32-year-old man, whom they identified as a Christian fundamentalist with right-wing connections, over the bombing of a government center here and a shooting attack on a nearby island that together left at least 91 people dead. The police said they did not know if the man, identified in the Norwegian press as Anders Behring Breivik, was part of a larger conspiracy. He is being questioned under the country’s terrorism laws and is cooperating with the investigation, they said. “We are not sure whether he was alone or had help,” a police official, Roger Andresen, said at a televised press conference, adding: “What we know is that he is right-wing and a Christian fundamentalist.” So far Mr. Breivik has not been linked to any anti-jihadist groups, he said.
ANDERS-BEHRING-BREIVIK May the victims rest in peace. That is the sick piece of shit, a right wing, nationalist in Norwegian. Shot up and killed innocent kids. How are these people any better than Islamic terrorists who kill innocent people over their twisted beliefs. I went to racist site to see what they were posting in regards to this act and how surprising, you have to register now to get into the site. Hmmm
These sacks of human excrement are of course pushing forth conspiracy theories and the to be expected vitriolic, rancorous ignorance. The Purifier - "This is sad but it's what NORWAY NEEDED MAYBE NOW THEY WILL WAKE UP MAYBE NOW THEY WILL SEE FIRST HAND THE FAULTS OF THIRD WORLD IMMIGRATION WAKE UP NORWAY" Amadeu - "If the island shooter who is arrested turns out to be white, this could backfire seriously." Fenria - "How many more of these is it going to take for Norway and the rest of the white world to finally wake the F up?" Crusade2009 - "Something very fishy about this if it was a Norwegian that did this. " Seekingouttomorrow - "It probably is a false flag operation." Canadian-guerilla - "More than 30 dead in double terrorist attack in Norway as car bomb blast hits government office block and 'blonde Norwegian' [HAIR DYE, anyone] man opens fire at youth summer camp this " bloody " pic reminds me of the " 9/11 random expert on the street " who happens to know exactly how the towers came down " because of the intense fire " i don't know how bad this lady is injured but my cynical side says " special effects " for the cameras" Redinark - "Before you go hollerin' worthless, forum member you need to specify. Do you think we're gonna come through this with out losing some children. Hell we're losing children everyday, but you just don't see their pictures 'cause the media hides it. I ain't condoning this act yet, cause I don't know anything about it, just like you, I'm having to depend on a media that hates our guts, and will bend, fold, and mutilate anything it can to make us look bad. If this guy owned that farm they're talking about, I'll tell you right now, he didn't do it." NeatNeatNeat - "His targets were political targets. I don't advocate targeting innocent children, but keep in mind his victims were the children of active Communist/Multicultist activists. Of course, this act pales in comparison to the horrors that the US/NATO/Israel have inflicted on innocent children in Serbia, Iraq, Palestine, and Afghanistan." "This is what happens when you push our people to the edge." Tiwsspawn88 - " Am I the only person who thinks the reds getting capped is wonderful. I bet that hurt their traitor parents, less future traitors also. Do forgive me for having a little victory dance!" AryanMercenary - " The mossad I bet, just trying to stir up sentiment for us to make moves against Iran. "
You can expect nothing less from these bloody sickos. They were probably waiting to hear it was a Muslim immigrant that did it and now they are left with deep, duplicitous thoughts at the Aryan character that did such unspeakable acts. They are now trying to work around it by blaming the victims, how is that any different than Islamic terrorists. That is testified to by the fact that their publicity seeking website now has the requirement to register to browse it all of a sudden.
was one of these far right types who got beat up and nearly stabbed at my bfs brothers college, ill have to ask him for more info, it will no doubt make our local paper soon, but these barstards are sick people, stormfronters and WN in general are the lowest forms of white trash on the planet, they will use anything and everything to prove a point lying, and manipulating, blaming the media, the jews, IR, these sad excuse for white people know no bounds it just shows you how sick they are, hes white and he did that and its ok to them, let it of been someone black, middle eastern and they would be calling them all sorts, their logic as long as heir white and they do this and that its a okay
Shows you their concern is not for the victims and more for their hate filled mindset and agenda about races. Truly a bunch of mentally deranged perverts.
White Christian extremist = lone wacko gunman. Islamic extremist = terrorist Pisses me right the fuck off.
Thank you, absolutely unbelievable mindset. They are all terrorists, one and the same, narrow minded, intolerant and repugnant murderers.
Precisely. (the wacko nutballs who attack abortion clinics are also terrorists) ETA this attitude is so pervasive in the Western world. I recently became friendly with a guy in the UK who is half Indian, half British, and was raised Muslim. After we'd talked for awhile, he asked me if I would "mind" or if it would eliminate him from my friendship because he's Muslim. I was horrified that the poor guy felt he had to ask me that question. He's taken a lot of crap for being Muslim in Britain - because he's a celebrity (he stars in a UK soap opera) it's gone so far as to having bricks thrown through his window :-(
I created a dummy account just to browse through everything about the attacks on Norway. http://www.racist site.***/forum/t818418/ (78 page thread: Explosion in Oslo)
"Shortly before midnight on Friday, July 22, police arrested a 32-year-old Norwegian man who allegedly went on a murderous shooting spree at a Labor Party youth camp on the island of Utoya and may also be responsible for the horrific bombing in Oslo earlier in the day. The man arrested for the attack has been identified as Anders Behring Breivik. Norwegian TV2 reports that Breivik belongs to "right-wing circles" in Oslo. Sources in Norway tell IREHR that Breivik has been known to write posts in right-wing internet forums in Norway, where he has described himself as a “nationalist” and has also written numerous screeds critical of Muslims. The Associated Press reports that Breivik has a Glock pistol, a rifle and a shotgun registered in the Norwegian gun registry. According to his Facebook page (since taken down), in 2009 Breivik established a business called GeoFarm, which he claimed to be engaged in the cultivation of vegetables. Such a business would give him access to large amounts of fertilizer, which could be used in the making of explosives. According to witnesses in Utoya, the gunman was dressed as a police officer and gunned down young people as they ran for their lives at a youth camp. Police said Friday evening that they've linked the youth camp shooting and Oslo bombing. Late Friday, police also tell Reuters that the killings are of "catastrophic dimensions", and that the total number dead from the attacks may rise above eighty, just on Utoya. Seven people are currently reported dead from the Oslo bomb blast, though that number may climb. In the immediate aftermath of the terror in Norway, many news outlets wildly speculated that Islamic terrorists may have been responsible for the attacks. Just as after the tragic Oklahoma City bombing, the press and pundits let bigotry get in the way of the facts. IREHR will continue to follow developments in this case as they become available. UPDATE 10:01pm - New evidence has surfaced indicating that Breivik appears to be a fan of the Tea Party's favorite Islamophobe, Pamela Geller. The website Little Green Footballs reports that he's been posting links to Geller's website Atlas Shrugged since at least 2009"
I'm not sure if I get what you mean with this (only because of languagebarrier) but here in Sweden the newpapers write him as terroist and nothing else.