Normally, I don't say this around White People but...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by shion, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. shion

    shion New Member

    "Oh, and to white women. (or all women)....equality doesn't mean having your cake and eating it too....if you get equality, you must also expect to lose some things. Don't expect a man to be treating you like a queen and then doing all the "women's work". That's not equality...If you want to be treated equally, act equal. Too many women run around expecting to be treated like gold and then some." - FEHG

    You know, I felt this way about a white women as a collective.That's why I've had a problem when women,generally, white women tried to equate their struggle with Blacks...or more specifically the Black man.

    They're not the same.A white woman can do what she wants if she fails she still has that security blanket of being cradled. society. She is a valued commodity..still has status that a lot of non-white women would kill to have.

    Non-white women don't have that.They have to go that extra mile just to prove their self-worth to society.

    I always said that I love movies but I hate Hollywood...I don't like those movies like "courage under fire" or the AshleyJudd/Morgan Freeman collabos...they're implying that white women and Black men had the same struggle against the "Man."

    I've seen some ambitous white girls step over anyone to get accolades...even other women.
  2. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Gender inequality and race inequality have some similarities, but more differences in my opinion. Gender is (in some ways) physiological, for a start, where-as race isn't (typically). I can understand gender inequality on some level, but I have never understood race inequality.

    Furthermore, women need to remember that they are women and not men...and that we are men and women for a reason. Equality also doesn't mean that you have to behave like a man. Equality is much deeper than that, and should happen as a matter of course, not as a response to blurred gender lines.

    And, please - I'm not saying with have to sit on the side lines and revert to the 1800's. What I'm saying is that there's no need to emulate male characteristics and behaviours to encourage equality. But, if you really desire to act that way, there should be no barrier stopping it. ;) That's only fair :D
  3. shion

    shion New Member

    I'm not denying there's a double standard between men and women.I've seen men deliberatly fuck women over because they thought they didn't belong or they were too pretty so extra pressure was applied to them more than their male counterparts.

    I just believe a lot white women try to have their cake and everyone else's.If they's good history...if they fail's sexism....but they're not losing nothing in stature.

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