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Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Ymra, Apr 27, 2011.

  1. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Think this is my longest post to date LOL
  2. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Yes and no. I am and have always been the type of person that says this "IF you tell me I'm wrong then you'd prove your are right" And of course the higher rank you achieve the less you have to put up with shit JUST CUZ. What I do now and how I present myself as a Senior Soldier would have gotten me choked to death as a private. I am somewhat of perfectionist as well.

    I was the Soldier of the Year
    for the Military District of Washington
    29th Infantry Division
    1/115th Infantry Regiment (all in the same year) ha!

    If you ever make it to the Pentagon, you will see my smiling mug.

    I have been an Army instructor since Nov...and I'm already the highest rated instructor. I am VERY uncompetitive, I MUST win....the military is the perfect place for me.

    Add to that I have been a Grunt since I came in (recon USMC) (scout/sniper US Army) its a different sort of attitude.

    There is a saying this old Vietnam vet told me he said "That they wait, they still serve" To me service to this country is impressive. As a young Marine I used to think if you weren't a war fighter you wern't shit. As a more mature Soldier I have come to realize that its all the same blood in the same mudd. Whether you are manning a gun, or in supply house.

    I've been an infantry man since 1990 and a couple years ago I changed to Human Resources (talk about a culture shock) I am more comfortable about Marines and Soldiers...even though I've been in an Army uniform since 2001. Sit me with an angry ass Chief, or an old crusty Gunney....a bottle of Wild Turkey and I'm happy.

    I didn't know you were a fellow warrior....

    ....I'll stop fucking with you.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2011
  3. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Now your awards are impressive. When I was a kid, my friend and I would run up and down the halls of the Penatgon chasing the robotic mail carts. Her dad worked there. Last time I was at the Pentagon was 6 years ago with the ex husband, he is about the retire from the AF. My daughter is currently a reservist, and my son is thinking about OTS if he doesn't find a job after graduation this month, I am pushing law school, which is his other goal, as I don't want both my kids to be potentially in harm's way.

    You can still fuck with me, no slack expected LOL
  4. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    thanks sis.....but really awards mean ZERO, its how one Soldiers. I've got troops under me that have never been to combat or deployed who are some of the best Soldier you could want. And I have two others that have been to combat three for times and ...umm...lets say that require further training.

    I am just competitive.

    I have to be the best, I have to be number 1 I have to win...

    ...and before I had children that really was the most importatnt thing on my mind., I'm still competitive, but my main goal is being the best father I can be. And I got three of the most amazing children.

    And I don't mess with warrior, because I know that in the end its just us. Civlians talk about honor, respect, service...but give them have a chance and they will use it as punchlines, or condemnation.

    Half this country still has no idea we are at war, those of us who serve and have served get it...that alone is enough to be respected. Ahh the wedding, still forgetting we are at war....bah.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2011
  5. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    That is the most important thing my friend. Strange how many girls want to be like their fathers...not in a bad way, but I want to be more like my mom, calm..
  6. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    If you think I would listen to a POS excuse for a uniformed soldier like you, then you have another thing coming. Just because I am not enlisted, doesn't mean I can't talk- my taxes go towards paying your salary, so I get to say whatever the hell I want. I DO respect the military, and hold it in high regard- something you just can't seem to fathom because I have a problem with you - but do you seriously not understand how your behavior makes you look bad, and casts a pallor on men and women in uniform? Just because your ugly mug hangs up on some wall of fame in the Pentagon, what? That qualifies you to look down on the rest of humanity. Fuck that. Get a clue, PRIVATE. It wouldn't have killed you to respond to the cop respectfully, rather than the jackass response that you came out with- that's the difference between you, neanderthal Ymra, and a decent soldier or human being who shows respect to other human beings.

    This attitude you have that you're better than EVERYONE, just because you wear a uniform? Dude, all YOU are proving is the stereotype that soldiers are nothing but classless, uneducated, grunts who are easily brainwashed, which is unfortunate, because there are a lot of wonderful, intelligent, amazing soldiers out there who go unrecognized. People like Bosox are examples of soldiers who understand what honor, respect, and valor mean and behave accordingly. You don't see Bosox talking or acting like you (and bragging about it!), and you sure don't see Jayarmy and BA acting like your arrogant, out of control, neanderthal ass.

    And the thing about women...

    Well, you seem to be complaining all the time about how you can't deal with women... and didn't you say that you and your 'wife' aren't getting along anymore? I can't imagine why she wouldn't want to get away from you with your attitude.. especially with all the running around you do behind her back if you ARE still married... Gosh. Heck of an honorable soldier you are, aren't you? .....and you have kids! SMDH.
  7. Ymra

    Ymra New Member daughter is ABRASIVE to say the least. Lil dude as schoolw as pulling on her hair she asked her mom what to do

    "Tell the teacher"

    ...and me what to do

    "Punch him in the face"

    ...she picked choice B. ha! But I can't have her thinking its ok to put her hands on man, so maybe plan A was the best course of action.
  8. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    aaaaaaaaaaaaah I'm wounded, I'm wounded.

    You may leave now. I thought you were bored?

    Who said my wife and I weren't getting along anymore? Point that out fo rme.

    Who said I can't deal with women? its "he's running around behind her back" and "Oh shit he's a horrible solder' now its "OMG he has children" I love it...keep going, its bee a few weeks now since one of you welps told me about me, I forgot how much fun it was.

  9. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Oh, I am bored, but it's getting fun just watching you try to laugh it off when truth gets thrown at you... using that arrogance to pretend things... damn shame, really.

    I really do feel bad for your children. I'd be worried, as a father, if my kids wanted to be just like me. I'd save some of that military money for therapy. Real talk.
  10. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    I mean we could keep this up all day, or I can laugh thsi shit off. You don't think I'm lauhing it fof cuz you are hitting home? You haven't been right about anything yet. Commoners do not anger me.

    ha ha ha ha, you feel bad for them...awwww.

    You don't give two shits about my children, just like I don't two shits about you. (real talk) but I do enjoy it (seriously) You just keep adding it on. When one of you welps get pissed off at me, you pretty much say the same this. service (the worst soldier, worthless, brainwashed Marine) relationship with women
    ...can't keep a woman
    ...I'm sorry for your children.

    basically you are trying to dig into me with the bits and pieces that I feed you..when you know nothing about me. And that makes it so fucking funny. I don't care about you at all, and couldn't tell you who you are from one post to the next.

    ALL this proves is that I'm on your mind a great deal.
  11. TheHuntress

    TheHuntress Well-Known Member

    Dude, you aren't. You don't cross my mind at all until I come across one of your lame ass posts.

    You talk a big game, but I'm curious what would happen if someone compiled all the shit you said here, along with the pictures, and sent it in an big envelope to the pentagon. Ever think about that? You're showing your ass like crazy around here- that's been my point all along.
  12. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    Right...dont' cross your mind. Even you don't believe that.

    So first you are concerned about my children, now you are concerned about what I would look like to my Superiors. should try it and see what happens. Man that would be funny. ha!
  13. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    you think what I say here is bad, you should see my facebook. DANG.....
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  14. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    This was funny...

    ....that my children want to be like me is wonderful. And I think they will be fine. As far as therapy, who needs that when I have YOU. ha ha ha!

    You should worry more about yoru own children, less about mine.....mine are wonderful. This made me think about my son. Very very very shy. He did something no one that knows him would ever think he could do.

    SPEAK IN PUBLIC. When he walk past I kept thinking "What is he doing, where is he going" I though he was going to carry something...

    ...all he wanted to so was make me proud. They told me he came up to them and said "I want to do something"..."I want to introduce my father"

    No welp, my children are fine.
    My career is stronger than ever
    My personal life is fine.

    My children? They won't be raised by men like the men in your they will be fine indeed. And given your admitted background, seems strange you are even on this site.


    I don't want to thank, you made me think of this moment...

    I've never been more proud of Jr.
    Last edited: May 1, 2011
  15. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    hilarious! LOL..I'm saying. crack me up every-time I watch it. ha!

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