47 yr old disabled veteran. I won't reveal what he did, or the time it took him to transform, but the vid is 4.5 mins long and you will be awed by the end. In-cred-ible!
Over the last year, my daughter and I started going to the gym almost daily. Some weeks we went 7 days, other weeks we went like 5-6 days. I lost a lot of weight. I'm now about 10 pounds away from my pre-fat days weight. I plan on losing even more weight than that. Now that gyms are closed, I'm finding it hard to workout at home. I may have to resort to jogging to keep fit and doing planks. UGH. I want my gym back!!!
I rec'd an email from my gym that was titled... "We Miss you", and that was exactly my thought. I've been walking on the trail near my house, but I so miss weight training. Congrats to you on your weight loss.