Nitwit Mitt Romney Booed at NAACP Convention

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Kid Rasta, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    A little typo there.

  2. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    The NAACP is an embarrassment. Booing him shows absolutely zero class.
  3. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    You do raise some solid points in that regard, food for thought.

    If the nation as a whole had 16% unemployment rate, double what it is now, you better believe it would be rougher going for politicians even moreso than it is in the economic circumstances now.

    At one point I would have been someone who considered myself a black Republican, but the party just veered too much off course for my taste, with all the tag lines that have developed. So now I am pretty apolitical at least until the atmosphere in America returns to respectability.
  4. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    shit i know people who dont care what u say about obama, just because he's black

    the man could drive this country into poverty and they would vote for him in 2012....

  5. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Oh for sure there are folks like that but to say a whole group is only supporting him for that reason alone? We do some stupid shit as a people but I don't think we have hit that level yet.
  6. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    some people accidentally generalize, and don't use more academic descriptive language such as some, many, a few, etc. I think we all should know that not everyone who voted for him did so because of his color alone. His color is one thing I looked at, and continue to look at, but I also pay attention to his policy both foreign and domestic. However..this one woman at work...she swear Obama is 'her brother' and readily stands at his side no matter what issues I bring up. She doesn't engage the issues and just isolates his skin color. She gets more angry when I remind her that he is mixed. As much disdain as she has for whites, she still clings to him regardless of the fact that his mom was white.

    I know i'm off topic as usual, but how can you be a bigot and support the guy at the same time?
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    The shit happens all the time with all races in a lot of varying situations and circumstances. I think we are seeing a lot of it now in some instances due to Obama being the first person of the non fully white persuasion in that high of a position of power. The shit will happen also when another non white or a female steps up to get their shot at the office now that the door has been officially opened.
  8. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    tbh i thought a white woman woulda been elected before a person of color

    last time i checked..and it's been a while...more WW held seats in congress than both black men and women combined

    i'm not sure of Condi's stance on anything, but I know she's breaking down doors for the sistas. if you had a daughter of color, you'd really be able to tell her she could do anything she put her mind to. I rep her for that. Gotta rep Michelle too. :eek:

    we came a lonnnnng way as a people. If Dr King was alive, he'd be going bananas.
  9. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I can't lie I was in that same camp. Also thought if any black person would have been able to be the first in the White House it would have been Colin Powell. If there were more Black conservatives like him running and holding down office rather than the current batch of butt clowns representing now I'd be more inclined to take conservative positions more seriously. Just think if Colin & Condi would have been chosen for a Republican run at the White House over a McCain/Palin?
  10. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    To be frank, Colin Powell's anything but conservative in most positions. A while back, ever since Obama announced his support for same-sex marriage, Colin Powell immediately followed suit. Furthermore, he doesn't really support the current GOP as it stands.

    He represents the more moderate, practical wing of the GOP. That's now long since been weakened dramatically.

  11. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    that woulda been epic

    i looked up to colin, from him working his way up as a junior officer in 'Nam, to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. I couldn't imagine how much extra bullshit he went through because of the color of his skin, but he kept achieving anyway. That's the message you gotta send to your kids. Even if his politics aren't in line with mine, I still respect the man. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions and beliefs after all.

    people used to criticize him tho..saying as a BM with power like that, he shoulda done more and said more. I think he was just playing the game and not trying to become a mockery like Jesse or Al Sharpton.
  12. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Exactly why I can and do respect the man. Unlike these other stuntin' & frontin' ass black conservative fools that are currently out there he actually thinks things through and doesn't just follow along just to fit in with the party

    And because of the things he endured and the dignity he carried himself with both then and now, that gives him cred in my book and therefore when he speaks on things both he and his experience have legitimate weight I personally can relate to IMO. The majority of the black conservatives out there can't and don't hold that type of weight in deeds, dignity or words that connect with me.
  13. z

    z Well-Known Member

    Why would Obama speak at NAACP meeting? He knows he has got the blk vote on lock down, so it would be a waste of time for him to travel there. Obama is a great 21 st century politician and opportunist so even if he had a light day, he won’t waste his valuable time to go down and speak when he already know he's got their vote.

    I don’t really give a rat’s ass for Romney either but I gotta give it to him. The man went to the lion’s den knowing they will tear him down and most prolly won’t vote for him. Also he did not pander; he gave the speech that he would have given other groups, so in that case I give him props.

    This November better bring other qualified candidates, oh wait, what I am saying, we are stuck with these two unappealing candidates
  14. GQ Brotha

    GQ Brotha New Member

    LOL, blunt but oh so true bro.

    Heck he is probably more interested in speaking to Latino voters given they are now the second largest population group in America.

    As you mentioned Obama is like any other politician he knows he doesn't need to speak to black folks for their votes, he is going to get it regardless.

    That I think is the actual shame, because there are concrete issues that even this thread has brought up about education, poverty, violence in black communities around this nation.

    Wonder if black voters actually split their votes what the scenario would be in the approach by politicians, as opposed to what we see now. The assumption of the Democratic vote at every level of governance.
  15. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Hmmmmm, social issues...not quite. But unsure of other positions.

  16. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Why would Black-Americans vote for a man who said the NAACP wants "free stuff" and whose party supports Voter ID? Not to mention of him not being confotable with Blacks. Ever time I hear a conservative mentioned the "Content of Their Character" of King's "I Have A Dream" speech has not read the entire text. Has any conservative mentions the quote of freedom being overdrawn? No. The conservatives don't want Blacks to succeed since all this talk of diversion of interests. Do they really concerned of the plight of Blacks from crime to reforms in urban schools? No. The Black leaders those conservatives support do not set foot in the real hood. Those 'House Slaves' only speak for conservative thinktanks and gaining tenure at major colleges and universities. If it were not for King and other liberals they would be holed up in a historically Black college or university since affirmative action gave them those plum jobs.
  17. Iggy

    Iggy Banned

    What the hell is so bad about wanting "voter ID"?

    Please explain . Thank you.
  18. Archman

    Archman Well-Known Member

    Voter Identification is rotten,one-sided and completely unfair !!...The ideal scenery is to coral as many undocumented aliens as we can find. Have them all driven and escorted to polls by armed black-panther party members..... coupled with convicted felons wishing to regain their rights.......coupled with as many street thugs, car bait thieves, drug dealers and welfare/food stamp cheats, all of whom care nothing about the democratic process......Just get them in the building lined-up going into the voting booth.
    Don't harass them about their proper precinct, their address, party affiliation or pictured ID........Just shove them in the booth and tell them punch the chads strictly democratic for the downtrodden, the disadvantaged and the party for the oppressed..........Why the need to identify your self when you can conduct a quick flash-mob style abuse of the process to achieve the goal......
  19. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    From 1877 to 1965 there has been a lot of tricks to keep Blacks from voting and any process of requirement like IDs are suspect. Plus,those conservatives want to defeat a Black man and getting a ID is costly which means a poll tax. During the Republican primaries this year no one had volunteered to bring their ID's. No question the ones who support this nonsense has not volunteered either.
  20. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    its 1965 bitches

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