According to actor James Woods, and she tried to hit on him in OJ's presence. For the life of me, I don't understand why this guy is bringing this up now, further more he could be a lying sack of shit. Its not like Nicole is here to defend herself, what a jerk. :roll:
It sounds like he is calling her a racist, in fact he basically did. And I can see it, cause ron goldman was a whiteman and she hanged out with him alot for some reason. She is further more looking like one of those ww who get with bm just to get a kick out of getting their ass kissed by BM.
Yeah, I guess I didn't look at it that way. If Nicole did in fact say that, she does come off as racist, or maybe she was just in the heat of the moment because her and OJ had an arguement prior to her conversation with James Woods. Who knows really, but Nicole is deceased, why would James Woods all of a sudden bring this up now, especially knowing damn well Nicole isn't here to defend herself. James Woods seems like a low life IMO.
I think it's all BS. Woods is a long-forgotten actor who wants some media attention. The Kid Rasta 8)
Yeah Kid, who gives a shit anyway. Like they said, she's not here to defend herself. It's not like we can do anything to change it. I don't see how you could have children and be married to a bm and then have racial issues. Crazy :!:
Well, it's not racist to hit on a white guy when you're married to a black guy - it's rude and disrespectful, but not racist. But yeah, I 2nd everyone who thinks this is Woods looking for attention. rac·ism (rszm) KEY NOUN: The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
MONEY!! Its as simple as that, those children insured Nicole 18yrs of child support, on top of the alimony she was receiving.
No one said she was racist for hitting on a white guy while married to a black guy. The statement she alleagedly made about not liking being married to a black athelte, was racist. :roll:
I did misread the post, so my comment - while not wrong - was misplaced. And don't roll your eyes at me. :wink: