So is that guy a troll or what? I'm asking because much of his posts comes off rather trollish. Is he just another white guy posing as a black guy? What do you all think?
I think indirectly he pointed out that he is a WM. He is entiltled to post and waste his time as much us or anybodyelse as long as he abides by the rules & policy set forth.
To me, this thread seems to fall under the category of a personal attack and is rather trolly. Making a whole thread to talk shit and bait others to talk shit about someone you think might be a troll. Hmm. :smt018
This is how you treat me after the promises you made to support me? I dedicate this one to you asshole. [YOUTUBE]6rBZdyD8LpE&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]
And you............ I thought you were cool with me wearing a little make up and lipstick. I thought our love was Pure. Now I see it's not.... [YOUTUBE]oZTbVwzEWPw&feature=related[/YOUTUBE]
No he's a white guy. I don't know about the drag queen part, but since they have a thing for BBC it's not a big stretch (no pun intended)
You think this is a personal attack? Honestly, I have nothing against the guy. Someone else made a post speculating that he might be one. I just wanted to get other people's opinions especially seeing how you guys are so tochy when trolls come on here. His posts does come of rather strange. Maybe he has a twisted sense of humor that I don't seem to get. Some people may say the same about me. I don't think this is trollish. :smt102
It's not an insult..... I don't know about UK but here in States it's a major compliment. Being white is being right regardless of your personal shortcomings...
Personal attack or not, to make a thread about a specific person so others can discuss whether they think he's a troll or not is pretty fucked up, IMO, whether your intentions were good or bad. And I'm not one of those troll obsessed freaks who think anyone new or with a different opinion is a troll or is the opposite gender or different race than they say they are because of it. IMO, he hasn't done anything wrong and has done well keeping a level head while most other people have been attacking him and I think that speaks well for him. He's behaving better than most people on here who we know aren't trolls, which is sad to me and embarrassing. I wish you all would quit it and let him be and move the hell on. If someone doesn't like him, they can put him on ignore and/or avoid his threads.
I disagree, I've tried to sliently watch what's been going on with him. Check out these two posts here, which are a bit contrary to what you're suggesting. I also disagree that a thread about Nico should have been created. In that case, we're both right. This thread shouldn't have been made and the other users are correct about how Nico's been to other people on the forum. Hopefully that's something we can agree on, just so we can all get on some common ground. I don't even think those pictures are truly of himself, the pictures of the two babies look noticeably different. He could have just found the pics on the web, saved them to his PC, then uploaded them to imageshack to make it appear legitimate. What close resemblance is there between the pictures of the two babies he posted up?