NFL QB National Anthem Protest

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Thump, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    To even infer or let that come from your lips to give up the right is bs. No one ask Clive bundy to give up his rights or the gun advocates
  2. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    It's called being an adult and separating the times you disagree with the times we agree. I can do that with my liberal friends IRL as well. Hell I flew to Houston to see my kids and check on my house and fam this past weekend. One of the nights I went with friends to the bar and we talked politics, Blm, etc. etc. at the end of the night no names were called, no one called anyone a "coon" "sell out" or any other names.

    We bullshitted drank gave pound and that was it. Pulled a cylinder head the next day for my most hard core liberal friend that night.

    Bottom line agree to disagree without being disagreeable. And no a persons opinion doesn't make them disagreeable.
  3. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    We had never "bumped heads" about working out.
  4. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    That's cute ;)
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I say use it and work the hell out of the system
  6. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    I don't expect my friends to agree with me on everything but the self hate stuff is just unacceptable. What does self hate have to do with being an adult?

    Looking down on one another and having lack of self respect can do us no good as black men. Its really pointless to have a friend that subscribes to the nonsense that we fight against in this society.

    We as black people tend to tolerate too much bullshit from self hating blacks. Its one of our biggest flaws that hinders progress.

    Accepting the fact that your friends may disagree is not the same thing as being accepting to a self hating blackman. The self hater is a friend to none.

    Your memory is shorter than mine. Not a big deal tho. As long as what you do works for you I'm happy for you. We bumped heads because you were making general statements that could have been misleading to someone in need of knowledge.
  7. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member

    Looks like the local Tulsa News tried to scrub a racist-ass comment that 1 of the cops in the Helicopter said:
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And shit like this is why I freak out and get upset when being detained for no reason because it can easily lead to this, it's an ongoing epidemic.
    Quick someone ask about black on black crime and say all lives matter.
  9. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    Living where they tell you and buying what they let you isn't "working the system"
  10. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    Agree to disagree then my opinion vs your opinion.

    On workouts: My workouts work for the people I help. So whatever.
  11. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

  12. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Sir, I totally disagree. If you say we need welfare reform... I'd agree as the current system is definitely broken. I guess I'm sort a passionate about this subject because for some time my family rec'd public benefits while both of my parents were laid off at the same time. However, it didn't make them lazy, and they didn't abuse the system. I don't know the length of time, but eventually they got back on their feet and we continued along. That said... my brother and I turned out just fine. I'm all for people working hard, but I'm totally against this "pull yourself up by your own bootstrap mentality".

    I don't disagree that we need to do better in our community. We definitely do, but I don't think snatching the rug from under people who may fall on hard times (like a layoff, illness, etc) this the way to go.
  13. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Exactly!!! Obviously the civilian has a duty in this, and it may well be a simple thing, but we know the reality is...The outcome is heavily contingent on the mentality/motives of the officers involved.
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I really respect Malcolm standing.
    He's standing <-- up for his Rights and reform.

    Malcolm has a good relationship with the Philly community
    and the PPD.
    Relationships are a bit strained right now
    because of what happened on Friday night here.
    I know it wasn't spotlight news news on here,
    but a gunman, Nicholas Glenn,
    walked up to a (black) female officer in her squad car
    and shot her in vengence because he hated cops.
    He continued on a shooting rampage that killed
    an innocent civilian and injured another cop.
    They found a rambling note entitled ‘doomed’.

    Malcolm as a result reached out to them
    and was in dialogue with them, which l respect him for.
    His intention is to stand for justice for innocent people
    killed by cops and oppression in general,
    and in no way shows solidarity for cop killers.
    I think some not seeing the big picture
    might be confusing that.

    I read yesterday that he was a Pastor.
    His murder was unconscionable and outrageous.
    Betty needs to be prosecuted.
    Their Chief sounded thoroughly disgusted at the shooting
    at the Press Conference yesterday.
    Prayers for his family. Totally heartbreaking.
  15. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

  16. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Ahh ok. I thought it was the other way around. I knew a dude who got kicked out for providing alcohol to a bunch of minors after the MPs got called to the barracks and he got hit with a dishonorable if remember correctly. I thought OTH was if you busted tape or were a PT failure at which you get kicked out but it can be turned into an honorable after x amount of months after a review or something. I know one dude who busted tape and got kicked out and secured a nice contractor job right after.

    Nah, downsizing because we've pulled out of Iraq(kinda) planning to pull out of Afghanistan but of course in a few years we'll be balls deep somewhere else and they're gonna need the numbers again.
  17. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted


    What's funny is the fact that you would concern yourselves enough to dig that shit up. Lol I feel honored.

    Nothing to hide here hence the same screen name.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2016
  18. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    If you can read you would know TDK mentioned you and working out in the same post.

    Its good that my memory serves me so I dont waste time discussing exercise with a non scientific mind. :-D
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Somewhere else? Lol..They're churning them out in Afghanistan.
  20. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    OTH sounds harsh for a pt failure. OTH is usually given for some kind of misconduct. Something like smoking pot would be an OTH for sure. I don't think that is reversible.

    The guy you are talking about may have gotten some kind of admin sep which I think is still honorable. Not sure. Thats still something you don't want because it will reflect on your renlistment code.

    A bad reenlistment code is just like not getting a reference from a past employer. It can still be an honorable discharge but certain employers will see it and pass you up, mainly government.

    I think army and navy use the same reenlistment codes if so you want an RE1. A RE4 is a bar to reenlistment and says the the military will not take you back which could screw you out of some potential positions mainly in government.

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