NFL QB National Anthem Protest

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Thump, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    Sighs, Bliss, you are on ignore for a reason. I replied to TDK and not you. I would appreciate it if you would not quote me or speak to me at all. If I click on a thread, not logged in, I end up seeing your posts, so I will make it a point to just not look at them. On my end, I will not discuss anything that involves your posts (meaning, if someone quotes you, I will simply ignore your post and their post entirely). This way I won't have to read your mess, you won't have to read mine, and I can enjoy my experience here.

    So, as my final reply

    in regards to pointing a weapon back...

    If you are running the firing range with other NCOs, you aren't there to qualify your weapon. Therefore you do not bring your rifle with you. So, if we get a racist piece of shit who gets pissed off because they don't want to take direction from an "N-word", there isn't much I can do about it as I am without a rifle to point back (for the record, we had plenty of non racist soldiers with rifles also qualifying that day, so it went down without a round in my chest). That is just one of a few incidents I have had.

    In regards to throwing a bottle back...

    I don't generally drink, so I didn't have a bottle to throw. The one he threw broke against the wall. I was visiting with my cousin and the man was pissed because he thought I was talking to a white woman. My cousin, is biracial, but has Vitiligo, so he thought wrong. I am not interested in getting into fights in my civilian life because I can be charged for defending myself due to my military background. It isn't a risk I am willing to take, and the people at the bar were more than happy to remove him from the bar.

    I hope that explains things. Now, please do not write to me, and I will not make the mistake of replying to posts with you quoted in them.
  2. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    All that needs to be said man. Jeopardizing our career for some retard in a bar ain't worth it.
  3. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Then give your opinion and stop threatening me there is going to be a fight going down. I can say milenials are sheltered, why does it mean a fight is going down? Why are you invited to come smell? Why am l called racist? Or trying to silence you. That's a bloody joke. Silence? Not in a billion years. Ha.
    No point in bringing up cop shootings because Like l corrected TDK, l mentioned them on being targeted. So l agree with you on the police shootings and thus your point there is moot.
    Fuck, Lil Wayne actually said there is NO RACISM and ya'all danced around that- probably ran out an bought his CD..but somehow y'all want to warn me a fight is about to go down because l said they haven't really been affected by systemic racism but behave as if they have via micro-aggressions?? Really?
    And then right on cue, two of my favorite men, TDK and Meow get out of bed to come run in the thread to "fight" me? Lil ol me? Hilarious. :rolleyes:
  4. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    How is accusing you of starting a fight a threat?
  5. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    You replied to me first. Because when you start belittling my experience, you aren't simply giving an opinion. You are also offending me. You don't have to offend people to give opinions. I said you were starting fights. You started one with me by belittling my experience.
    I called you a racist? When did I do that? was that before you belittle my experience or after? I'm not silencing you. You have replied to your heart's content.

    I was never invited to come "smell" whatever the heck that means. You replied to me about Millennial. I started the Millennial chat and other people replied to me. You basically insulted me and many others on the thread. You started this. I certainly didn't invite you to reply to me. Paniro was replied to and you have every right to reply back.

    Lil Wayne never said that. Complete lie. He believes that it does exist and he didn't want his experience to change others since he has been blessed. You heard what you want. Nice way of saying he is rich so if you are rich you might not get racism.

    Also multiple millennial live in areas that have systematic racism. They have felt it in poverty. It isn't new. The problem is no knows when they are being systematically discriminated against. They have other ways of saying it.

    I gave a nice example of a manager. You'd never know unless the other manager told you that he isn't going to hire you aka me because I'm not like him.

    and yes the conversation was addressed at me.
    I'm not going to even address your antiquated CD comment. Insults!:smt062
    and I'm not going to bother with it.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2016
  6. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well in the Military, if in front of witnesses, a kid who was supposed to take orders from him, but instead called him the n-word and pointed a Rifle at his face, are you telling me Meow would be screwed over?

    Also, the bar incident, not if he defended himself in PA.. We have the Castle Doctrine. He'd be protected to defend himself under it.

    Well you in fact replied to TDK about me. So don't do it and l won't have to reply to you. No problem. Peace out.
  7. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Preach fellas preach
  8. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Yup I was being weak because I was unlawfully detained by five officers with their hands in their weapons. I forgot you're the authority on racial identity and feelings about it. Please foreign middle age white woman tell what racism is and how I should feel about it. Please guide me through my personal life experience and those who experience similar things. Please qualify it give the ok for me to call things what I see them to be because your brain is superior and knows all.
    Seriously why are you here again?
  9. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I would ask you the same thing - why are you here? Oh that's right, you told the forum "l run this place!"
    So yesterday l was parked sitting in a quiet spot having a salad for lunch....suddenly from my rear a fist bangs my window and startled l look to see a young PA State Trooper instruct me to wind my window down. ( He wasn't alone, btw). He asks me why am l there. ( turns out lm in a popular drug zone where they go behind the building l was parked next to).

    So after having to prove l wasnt there to get high, he let me go. I had no idea why a State Trooper snuck up on my car, but it happened. So who should l blame? Should l start a thread on it?
    I was stopped on the Ben Franklin Bridge by a shit load of arriving NJ State Troopers...they said l was driving a stolen car. In the back of the cruiser to the station l was taken. Turns out the dispatcher wrote my tag wrong. No apology. Just driven back to my car. Who should l blame? Should l start a thread on it?
    Cops always put their hand on their holster when approaching. Should you have gotten special treatment? I never did.
    You weren't roughed up, you were questioned and released. Why did you feel the need to turn it into a race issue of mistreatment when they received a call about you walking into an abandoned store?
    A lot of us have dealt with the police in an uncomfortable way...these things happen. What should they have done, TDK? Not responded to the complaint?
  10. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed! Also a huge difference is... A poor person of color who receives public assistance is grouped as lazy, and looking for handouts/free stuff. We hear it daily from plenty of right leaning folks, especially politicians. I agree that we (as a group) also need to do better for ourselves, but it would be nice to not have people writing us off, and others in positions of power/influence intentionally trying to keep us down.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    A trespassing call required five cops with four different cars not to mention it was a business that was opened at 11 am. After they got my ID ran it saw no warrants what exactly was I doing there for a half an hour?
    And Bliss when the cops star killing middle aged white women with absolutely no accountability then we can talk till then miss me with your qualifying bs.
  12. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Agreed, but I certainly didn't expect that. I don't know where he grew up and so on, but I'd bet that he wasn't exactly sheltered. I wonder if he'd think the same if somehow his wealth was gone.

    I agree. He's that one who gets out and suddenly the world is a wonderful place.
  13. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    I wish more people would make the point that public assistance is OWED to black people in this country. Hundreds of years of free labor that directly made this country rich not to mention every other group that was oppressed got reparations of some kind so why not black people. I look at it as services rendered and no one should say shit to black people until at least the year 2150
  14. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I dunno.. Mentioning it four times in one post, maybe?

    I certainly wasn't starting a fight with you. :smt017
    You stated lil wayne was put on to embarrass milenials. Only Paniro and l replied to you.
    Clearly l forgot how it is here and should have put the disclaimer "most or many" because that must be explained. (except when it's said that whites are racist, then no clarity is needed, lol). So if you have experienced racism then l wasn't talking about you.

    I didn't say you called me a racist, l said l was called one (by TDK).
    I never said You were trying to silence me, l said l'm not trying to silence anyone because TDK said l was.

    You were invited to "smell the white privelidge"..again by TDK.

    I'm sorry, l honestly did not understand your manager example which is why l didn't address it.'re calling me a liar on lil Wayne??
    Implying l think he's rich and immune? Which l NEVER did. Please.
    So what is this then??

    "New Orleans-born rapper Lil Wayne has caught heat for saying he's "never dealt with racism" during what's turned into a controversial appearance on Fox Sports' TV show, "Undisputed." The rapper came onto the talk show, which is hosted by Skip Bayless, to talk about Colin Kaepernick's recent protests by kneeling during the national anthem before football games.

    During the interview, Lil Wayne, who is an avid sports fan, said he shouldn't be asked about current race relations because he's "been nothing but blessed."

    "I have never -- and never is a strong word -- I've never dealt with racism," he said.

    Maybe you could explain it?
  15. Beasty

    Beasty Well-Known Member

    Now that's what I call zoning out.........damn :smt081
  16. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    Absolutely, and this is some real shit. Some months ago my ex had to explain this to some of her "All Lives Matter" folks who think... If you don't do anything wrong, you have nothing to worry abut, regarding police encounters.

    She eloquently put it as... When she's pulled over by police her biggest worry is getting a traffic ticket, but for me... I'm all kinds of anxiety as I don't know what type of officer I'm dealing with, his motives, if I'll eventually drive away on my own, get escorted away in handcuffs, carried away on a stretcher or even in a body bag. All realistic shit and I can't do a damn thing, but hope that any encounter I have with police goes the way it should.
  17. Stizzy

    Stizzy Well-Known Member

    I agree. I've been wrote off as a lazy D boy because I had on J's and hopped out of my V. Society at its best. Haha

    As for the anthem situation, it's touchy to blacks if you have a little common sense. This country isn't ours nor was it built for us. When the anthem was written animals were treated better than blacks. We were raped, beat, lynched, and legally crucified in public. Our reality: we're just trying to survive in a country that gave us some rights 50-60 years ago.

    I myself, respect the national anthem. I'm trying to make the best of my life in this modern day madness. I believe in moving forward (never forgetting) but not living in the past, yet I totally understand and respect the blacks that don't.
  18. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Was that so hard to say correct things? It just saying what you mean and meaning what you say.

    See I didn't understand who you were addressing because all of that and the reply seemed to be coming at me. You didn't really quote them.:smt012

    You literally typed

    That is putting words in that man's mouth. He has said he has never dealt with it. That does not mean it does not exist. It does not mean he doesn't think it has disappeared. He even goes as far as to explain that it certainly happens but not to him.

    I can not even begin to try to understand what you meant because you have to explain it. I imagine you misunderstood "never dealt with" with "No racism "but you and I know racism exist and he is not blind to that belief. You have to explain yourself. because I have no idea and I can not piece it together this time but he certainly did not say "there is no racism."
  19. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Ok fair enough. Him saying don't ask me, lve never dealt with racism, is not him literally saying there isn't. Even though I was actually referring to his no racism comment (with him), which evidently l should have clarified further, but l figured you would have understood based on what you knew he had said.
    It is also the reason btw, why l posted the story a few posts later of his complaint in 2012 that he experienced racism by not getting the courtside seats he wanted. So how can he say he hasn't when he publicly claimed he had.
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    If the people in his chain of command were assholes, yes he could get screwed over if he pointed a weapon back at him(wouldn't be the smartest choice in this situation to raise your weapon against someone after someone has theirs pointed at you anyway). UCMJ is a motherfucker and people will abuse the shit out of it.

    And at the bar, like he said, he had no interest in fighting. The bouncers or whoever removed the guy from the bar. No need to escalate it even more. Regardless of the Castle Doctrine, he didn't want to risk it. Also, he was there with his cousin. Might have ruined her night as well if he got kicked out of the bar too. I've been kicked out of a bar because one dude made a scene with me while I just stared at him with a shitty look.

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