NFL QB National Anthem Protest

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Thump, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    I can agree with that.
  2. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Millennial are a shielded bunch, with un-real understandings of many true race issues. Because in reality, affect-ive racism hasn't hit them. Micro-transgression has become their "racism" and the fact is, those can be and are usually dismissed in the course of a life as a part of life.

    For example in yesteryear, being called the n-word could be followed by an act of violence or death..that's racism. Today if someone says it, it is offensive and hurtful, but usually powerless. So that's a racist mentality but not necessarily racism by definintion. Until they are targeted, denied a loan or job, a home or school entrance, etc, they may not yet understand racism's power.

    Not knowing Wayne's experiences, one can't really conclude if his opinion isn't merely based on HIS own life experiences and is thusly projecting his POV as a general consensus, or, if he has recently experienced significant positive changes(progress) in race relations in his time and felt a need to express that.
  3. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member


    I will say this when cops come to your house and most of them look for drugs after looking at you(aka black kid bleeding to death on the ground) instead calling up the ambulance or driving you to the hospital and you don't notice that then you may be right about not understanding racism but then again this is a rapper.
    Had that happen near tulane .... They wouldn't have done that.

    I was probably the only one to catch that as I have yet to hear any one critique on it but then again I may be the only one to pass through New Orleans and know what it is. There are clearly areas that are black and have not seen the funding that other areas have. It doesn't take 40 years to figure it out. It does however show that people who are older don't give a crap as this has been like this since at least the mellinals have been around.:smt012

    The funny thing about your comment is the oldest mellinal is 36 by now. If you are denied for a loan or job. How do you know it is because of race? Everyone has perfected other ways of saying it.

    Reminds me of a manager of mines that had dislike for this male manager because he said she had never been sexually harassed. He belittles her own experience. He is very xenophobic. He would never hire a person not born in the USA to certain degree or cultrally different but how would you know if you weren't in the department?:smt012

    How many shootings of mellinals have there been?

    Last edited: Sep 19, 2016
  4. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    I'm assuming you mean racist-inspired shootings of (black) Millennials?
    If so, no idea, I'd have to look into it, or you could. (Beasty pokes fun at my calculator, so don't tell him you asked :?)
  5. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    You guys smell that? Good old fashion American white privilege.
    Nothing better than someone who never has to deal with racism trying to tell you what is and at what degree to take it seriously.
    That's like saying sexual assault or harassment isn't that big of deal because these sheltered women weren't actually raped. Stalking is no big deal just some guy showing a lot of interest.
  6. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    lmao I causally said that lol but not in that degree.
  7. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Yeah, had me like "what the hell?"
  8. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    What does "American White privelidge" have to do with what was written?
    I forgot you are the millennial l was referring to. Sheltered, privelidged life who seeks out any and every micro-transgression and cries racism from your sjw keyboard.
    Are you saying that if someone today called you the n-word ( and l'm not talking about when you ask the WW you fuck to call you that because it turns you on sexually), it has the same 'power' as when it was used in the days prior to physically hurting someone?
    Also, do you not think there is a difference between racism and a simple powerless racist?

    Furthermore @ your analogy, l'm not delusional enough to equate stalking and sexual harrasement with rape/sexual assault, which is the ultimate form of violent violation next to murder. And if a woman tried to claim they were the same, she would cop a hearing. Yes women experience sexism but l wouldn't dare assume that women today have it as bad as women of yesteryear who dealt with the harsher realities of being female and you have said it as much yourself. I respect that women have come a long way, even though some struggles remain, but a man whistling at her is far less of a transgression than when he could grab her off the street and she had no recourse.

    Also, racists are not only whites, l have encountered many Black racists living in a predominantly "Blacks run this City" city. So l do know. I have also dealt with my husband and boyfriends dealing with affects me too because l see what some things they put up with and it hurts to see them hurt. My husband getting denied a promotion, for example, affected me too.
    I also was treated like a second class citizen growing up because l wasn't Anglo. So you can stick your white privelidge up your "smelling" snot nose.
  9. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Just want to make a point before the fight breaks out. You generalized a whole group of people and belittle their experience on age.

    You started the fight. I tried my best to point it out in the nice way though you seemed to ignore or not said that it is wrong to generalize a whole group of people just because they were born at a certain time and never chose to be born at that time.

    Now the fight breaks out remember who made that first post to insult mellinals.:smt012

    I tried my best to get to you out but you have decide to just offend people on here. You seem to want to just fight with people. :smt062 This thread was mighty peaceful .....
  10. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    See that's your problem. Always want to see an opinion as a fight. You brought up lil Wayne as a use piece to embarrass millenials. I was adding to it that many of today's millenials haven't bared the brunt yet of housing job and loan racism. When and if that happens, micro-trangressions will pale and they are in for a rude awakening.
    The fuck you have to wail about fights about to go down now. If anything, TDK started it with his dog whistle round up of his posse, calling for you to come smell "white privelidge". Miss me with your sniff, thanks.
  11. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    And this is why you get constantly called out on your blatant racist horseshit
    Bringing up past suffering is like bringing up black on black crime. Its It's a veiled distraction. Its saying what right do you have to complain it's not like you're getting hit with firehoses or chased by dogs. It's not that bad stop complaining. Why are you complaining about government employees murdering you in the streets if you can't make criminals not kill each other. All silencing tactics used time and time again by racists assholes. You aren't fooling a soul. Your comparison b.s. serves what purpose Bliss? Stop whining it ain't THAT bad?
    Again ultimate sign of privilege
  12. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Dude sometimes I wish we could turn these conversations into scripts we could make bank lol
  13. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    are we all giving opinions or are we all e-jumping you? That's where I started. ok she doesn't like e-jumping. fair enough lets look at it from her point of view.
    everyone say nice things.
    next thin I see is you belittling mellinals. try to see it from our point of view. A cop shoots a millennial because he sees that he is black and has a gun like philando. You don't think that's not experiencing racism. There are a lot of mellinals that have to deal with the police and their views on young black men. You are bashing a huge generation on that.

    We are still trying to avoid getting shot by cops and staying alive. because staying alive pales to this housing job and loan racism. Cop racism gets you killed. That being said we have been fortunate to have people that are dealing with that aspect in congress.

    Already with a fight with you. Please don't call it e-jumping. it is OPINIONS. It is opinions when it comes on your post... it is e-jumping when it is every one else. Don't worry I doubt I will ever get to you. You have to experience being black to understand. It is clear you don't. There is no substitution for it.
    Try dealing with an angry cop yelling at you because he doesn't like your skin color and not knowing if you will get shot. pales to having a husband that missed a promotion or anything else.
  14. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I am really getting annoyed by her. Maybe I am naive at changing her mind. RA seems to see things before I do. any how not sure If I should continue to hit my head against a wall knowing that doesn't work.
  15. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I always find it odd when people who aren't black talk about the n word and what it means and does now. I've been called that word at various points throughout my military career. It was followed with a punch, or a rifle being pointed at me (The EO reps rarely do much because no one wants that kind of situation on their record especially the brass. Makes it seem like they can't lead). As far as the N word and violence goes, it still happens in the south, and still happens in the north. I was in a bar and was called that while having a bottle thrown at me, that was April 2014. The smaller towns in PA can get like that sometimes (not as often as I have seen down south).

    I generally take non-black opinions on black issues, the n word, etc... with a grain of salt. Why? Because it is an outside perspective on something they have zero experience in. I wouldn't let a guy at a corner store perform surgery on me. Why? because he isn't a doctor and has no experience in being a surgeon. Even a family doctor doesn't necessarily have the skill set to perform surgery. So, when someone who has never been black, never experienced the n word as a black person, or experienced violence as a black person for being black has some off the wall opinion about these issues...

    I just...

  16. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Oh spare me, snowflake. If you can't see the difference in crying fucking wolf over micro-transgressions to the real thing, you're a bigger baby than l thought. You can call me racist all day while carrying that boulder on your shoulder, it doesn't change the fact that systemic racism is far more detrimental than getting called names or someone appropriating a hairstyle, smh.
    I also never said all the crap you ranted about goverment employees ..l even said "when they are targeted" aka by the police. But of course since you had a damn near breakdown when some cops asked you for ID because you wandered into an abandoned business, you probably equate that on the same level as being murdered by a cop.
  17. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Words of wisdom that I haven't followed even though some have told me too.

    It saddens me to hear that even in 2014 that it is like that.

  18. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Well your anecdotes are the exact point l was making. If someone is pointing a gun to your head and throwing bottles at you just for being black , that's as real as it gets..its literally affecting your life-hood.

    Curious, why would you not point your gun back or throw a bottle back at the bar asshole?
  19. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member



    To some degree hilarious.

    These Millennials are such and such...

    Millennial gives his experience of being called an N-word and gun pointed at him.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2016
  20. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    Because in the military he would likely still get fucked over and in some kind of trouble.

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