NFL QB National Anthem Protest

Discussion in 'In the News' started by Thump, Aug 27, 2016.

  1. qaz1

    qaz1 Well-Known Member

    All of the things he mentions are gloriously positive. But they're not the sum of racial/interracial experience in this country. He's got the typical blind spot.
  2. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

  3. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    This gelded motherfucker is always crying about anti-white shit, while all he does is spew anti-Blackness.

    Things won't end well for you Chicken George.
  4. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    When the Cherokkkee made there so-called trail of tears...they didn't free a single African slave.

    That alone should tell you what they are all about.

    MOST indian tribes owned African slaves and were every bit as brutal and sadistic as the whites.
  5. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    Are you going to make sure "things won't end well"

    Fuck are you going to do? The fuck can you do? Shit, that's what, keep fucking crying. Lol

    All bark no bite, just a bunch of name calling from the keyboard. :smt043
  6. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    Y'all tripping
  7. DudeNY12

    DudeNY12 Well-Known Member

    I heard this too. Biggest pile of bullshit ever. It's great that he not experiencing racism, but if he's that unaware/uninformed... I'm not sure there's much help for him.
  8. Gorath

    Gorath Well-Known Member

    Lil' Wayne sounds like he smoked a blunt before coming on the show. Skip and Shannon sound like they have more clarity than he does. But I do agree that one's own experience is different from another person's experience.

    Racism is a learned behavior.

    Racist actions are a matter of degree and can range from subtle to deliberately intentional.
  9. ColiBreh1

    ColiBreh1 Well-Known Member
  10. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

  11. meowkittenmeow

    meowkittenmeow Well-Known Member

    I don't think anyone was expecting anything profound from him.
  12. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    I just think he doesn't care. There are a lot of them out there. basically this is my bubble and as long as no one mess with me in the bubble than it is ok.
  13. Bliss

    Bliss Well-Known Member

    Archive Reminder

    Lil Wayne thinks the Thunder denying him tickets has to do with racism

    June 3, 2012

    by Sawley Vickrey

    In the latest with “Weezygate,” the unofficial title I just gave the pointless debacle involving Lil Wayne and the Thunder, the rapper is saying his denial of seats by the team before Game 3 of the Western Conference Finals has to do with race.

    Even though Kevin Durant and James Harden have already offered up tickets to him, Lil Wayne thinks that wouldn’t fix the problem.

    “That’s not the point, though,” he told The AP on Friday. ”It’s the players stepping up but of course the players aren’t white. I don’t want to be sitting there on behalf of you and I’m sitting next to a (person) that’s like ‘I don’t want this (guy) sitting next to me.’ (Forget) you. … I’m in Forbes,” he added, laughing.

    Whoa, whoa, Lil Wayne. Let’s pump the brakes for second here. The team said it simply did not have any seats available at courtside, where you purportedly wanted to sit. Sounds like reasonable enough logic to me. The Thunder are a hot ticket in Oklahoma. Seats are hard to come by for a lot of people.

    And before you accuse the people of Oklahoma City of being racist, think of how this makes you look: A filthy rich celebrity — remember: he’s in Forbes! — throwing a tantrum and taking it to a silly racial level all just because he wasn’t given something really expensive for free. You’re in Forbes, so I’m sure you can afford to buy the seats if you really wanted them.

    And, oh, by the way, since Lil Wayne tweeted “Go Spurs!” OKC is 2-0. Maybe the Thunder need Lil Wayne to hate them.
  14. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

    He's been addicted to lean for the past 10 years. Enough said.
  15. The Dark King

    The Dark King Well-Known Member

    Lil Wayne on current events? Was Ja Rule busy? Lmao
  16. GFunk

    GFunk Well-Known Member

  17. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    So I'm confused. Was posting the bullshit that Lil Wayne was spouting suppose to be a "win" for the pro-Kaepernick side of things or the anti-Kaepernick side? Because that ignorance didn't help regardless of which side you fall on the debate.
  18. goodlove8

    goodlove8 Active Member

    I love that video on Roland.

    It's really disrespectful for people to try to use veterans as s tool to go against CK. ESPECIALLY when they don't know their history or think on it. Hell you really don't have to read those books (I'm not saying don't read them) know that blacks faced racism and was bs that after they got back from war they were treated like shit.

    So to paniro and others who think it's disrespectful to not stand, then think on this; it's disrespectful for BM/bw veterans to come back and from oversea and/or protect or vow to protect a country who jail blacks at a higher than whites when the crime rates are relatively the same. Jail blacks longer for the same crime committed. Called thugs (e
    g trayvon Martin) when they smoke weed but have presidential candidates did the same and they are electable.

    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016
  19. Paniro187

    Paniro187 Restricted

    I have no idea why they asked him to be on. i feel that these are the media does to make black people look stupid. Why in the fuck did they ask him to be there. No explanation for that bull shit.

    This is the same as when something happens on the news they go straight to the person that will make a fool of themselves on camera to ask them what happened
  20. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    No they wanted to embarrassment millennials in my opinion. They had another black man on there who said the right things. Out of touch folks

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