Three words for the NFL...About.Fu*king.Time. The tuck rule has, since 2002, been a thorn in my side. Raiders should have won that game. Period. And I'm still pissed.
yahoo You can see her im under her nick. good luck to you two hope it works out. I'm starting to think I am good at this match making thing. Who is next!!!:mrgreen:
do you have twitter, instagram, or any other social media. im not sure how to contact you through yahoo
You can IM me through yahoo or email're a smart man, I'm sure you'll figure it out I'm just not comfortable listing my other info here lol, sorry love.
If your profile name with I sent you an email. if not someone else just got an email and they are going to be completely clueless :smt087
Hahaha no that's not my email... For the purposes of this site, I use It's the same as my Yahoo IM