Shut out, shut up. Yes, yes what a game. Eagles fans have become the 12th man, once again. We We were LOAO all night @ Sheli's scared ass. 8 sacks! (ok some were covered, but who cares) Yesterday was one for the memory books. :smt025
Nice fan feat for an away game! I wasn't able to see that game except catch a few plays on the monitors, and it was when your Bears were only 3 points and Atlanta were much higher (13?)...then I caught the final score and l was surprised to see Atlanta were dominated. Haha, l knew you'd be happy at that. :smt002
It was great to see our injury riddled defense so pumped up. I just hope they can carry that momentum to next week.
Yep. And after that 21pt lead over the Lions, Green Bay were probably feeling all giddy. Now, not so much.
Yep! The pressure is on. I hope they fold under it. Luckily, they're playing the Saints at home. That usually is a good sign for a win for them.
The Falcons shit the bed so consistently I'm going to be genuinely surprised when they don't lose. As bad as last season was I thought that things couldn't be worse. I was dead-ass wrong on that one. I got nothing but love for the Bears but I'm pulling out the green and yellow tonight lol. The last thing I need right now is Saints win :smt078
Yeah, well, I'm off to the movies. I'm done with this disgusting Bears game. Fucking Patriots. And the refs are helping them.
I'm still wondering myself. It takes actual effort to go from being completely dominant in the first half to completely submissive in the second half.