Great back peddle. You were dead wrong amd couldnt admit very nice. Do you know what the difference between aanihilation and tyranny is? No one is suggesting that private citizens can fight the military if they wantes to eradicate the populus but having guns makes it less likely to oppress us a whole. If you want to restrict high magazine clips why not restrict people to revolvers and single shot hunting rifles? Boba I know for a fact youve never been in a shoot out so what the fuck do you know abput what someone would need in a shootout to survive? Come the fuck on. Also no one is arguing against regulation but you dumb ass comments about whatthe founding fathers intended as if to suggest that citizens cant be trusted with guns but the "authorities" can? Get the fuck ot of here. Youre going to hope that these motherfuckers are moral enough not to be tyrants. Yeah I'd rather have a 50 cal. Also your Euro comparison is greqtly lacking. I wouldnt want to be a citizen of France during their years of revolution and struggle where the monarchy removed people for the most minor of infractions. Keep believi g the elites and crimnals have your best intereat at heart.
I didn't backpedal. THe American colonies where under the control of the British monarchy, until American colonists decided one day they no longer wanted to live under the rule of a FOREIGN tyrant and decided to go to war to end their rule. I really doubt the Founding Fathers believed a free democratic government as was being formed by the Continental Congress would need to empower citizens against this newly formed government. That's why there are checks and balances in the Constitution, and x-number of votes needed to ratify a bill into law. The security we Americans are supposed to have faith in is our political structure, not our weapons. Do you really think the Founding Fathers would have supported the Southern States seceding from the Union in defiance of a 'tyrannical government' over the issue of the right of States to enslave human beings?? IMO you're misinterpreting the intent of the 2nd Amendment. I do believe Congress does operate subconsciously with the understanding that if they go too far astray against the spoken will of the people, they risk rioting in the streets and general social unrest. IMO our leaders fear anarchy more than rebellion. I don't think Americans need guns to burn down a city. In a democracy, WE are the military. WE are the government. IMO most U.S. soldiers if given the order to bomb American civilians or randomly kill innocent Americans, wouldn't do it. Excess guns in the hands of 100 million citizens is more of a social hazard than anything else, and all these noble reasons for preserving an armed citizenry are just paranoid ramblings IMO. I'm for gun control, not banning guns. The scope and type of firearms that are available to most Americans is beyond extreme. And no just because we fund the U.S. military to have the latest weapons of war doesn't mean dude down the street has the same right. Again if you literally fear the potential threat posed to your person by the Feds, you are fucked and no amount of glocks, etc. is going to protect you. BTW I just don't fear guns. If I'm going to go out that way, so be it. I'm not married and don't have kids, so maybe if I had a family to defend it would be different. But just me?? Naw. I've had gun pulled on me once too a year out of college and I talked that dude down until he put his gun away. Was I lucky?? Or rational?? Or was it because we were both drunk and dude really didn't want to shoot someone anyway?? I dunno. I just don't look at guns as being a necessary evil we should all embrace because we face daily threats to our existence every single day. But hey, I was talking online to a Brit who told me, 'Americans will give up their guns when the British stop drinking tea.' IMO fucked up, but very true. WHich doesn't mean we don't need more reasonable gun regulation and enforcement.
Only pompous aristocratic english people drink tea these days. The brits realised that starbucks and cocoa drink tasted better. Now let me go and have my tetley's tea.
most hunting rifles are bolt action. 50 cal sniper rifles in the military are bolt action because they are easy to carry and more accurate versus the semiautomatic sniper rifles. semi are heavy and not as accurate. semi's action are for battle field close range fighting. if you want to get down on the founding fathers and 2nd amendment then lets go back and think......they had muskets and horses... can you sit there and say honestly they would see this go away and this would be here also can you imagine using a musket in a drive by.
can u imagine negroes in the hood doing a drive by with a musket. sound of a hooptie: vroooooomm and the tires: screeeeeeecccchhhhh "POOKIE Im gonna bust your ass" yells T-DOG "jue jue...gemmme the powder!!! Pookie your ass is mine" yell T-dog " OOh Oh . you want some of this. tquean. gemme my browning musket and the powder" yell pookie t-dog: packing the powder and drops the ball then shoots. screams "oh yeah motherfucker you aint shit. I want my weed mother fucker" BOOM goes the gun: pookie screams : "you missed bitch" pookie shoots back Jue jue screams "damn my window" T-dog "nigger you missed. where you at huh. where you at"
" OOh Oh . you want some of this. tquean. gemme my browning musket and the powder" yell pookie LOL.:smt005
You aren't backpedalling. They just can't comprehend that when it means something to them it's a whole other ball game. Remember when the debates about what would happen if Romney got elected and ALL the romney supporters came back and said that the roe vs wade thing would never be overturned and those who thought it would be were being silly? HOW MANY TIMES HAVE the PRO GUN croud cried foul because now ALL THE SUDDEN the 2nd might be done away with? In the words of the ROMNEY supporters: Chill the fuck out. No one is going to take away your beloved guns. You are being VERY SILLY. :smt043
Please SHOW ME where they said foreign tyrant? It was very clear they were talking about any government that wanted to infringe on the rights of their own people. Did you actually read any of the quotes I put up? And that musket comparison is always the analogy of the poorly informed and semi-logical. The arms they were talking about was clearly comparable to what the military had at THAT TIME. So naturally that would continue as time progressed. It comes with the understanding that you do not completely hand over your ability to protect yourself to someone else. And the issue for a lot of gun owners is when they hear more reasonable gun regulations it means even though I have never done anything wrong I will be treated as if I did or I might do something while those with the most ill intentions will skip the system and get their guns. Not saying that regulations shouldn't exist but a lot of the regulations proposed won't stop spree killings which is what this is really about. People are desperate to feel safe in an unsafe world.
And you apparently don't have the most basic of read comprehensions. He said that the founding fathers never said anything about a tyrannical government and I showed him they did say that and then he acted like he meant something else. How is that not back peddling? Explain.
Seems that sentiment is shared by a few other antigun posters (Not all) How can you expect us to feel the way you do? I would never say such a thing because my life is valuable to me. I wont allow a group of clowns to come to my crib and shoot me to death. Dying a natural death free of gun shot wounds is more important to some of us. Is something wrong with that??
As clear as common sense can get my friend. They are asking you to hand over your guns because they don't trust you, but by handing over your guns you would have to trust them. FUCK THAAAT! Makes no sense at all.
Because a military or police department has never killed hoards of innocent people.... wait This all stems from unbridled fear and the desperate need to feel like you're in control. I know boba or gl will say that's why gun owners want guns but I think the major difference is that we believe giving complete control to the government has never really worked out for the people and even more importantly heavy gun regulations don't really mean shit to people who intend to do the wrong thing. Unless the agenda is to dismantle manufacturing and allow the government to go from home to home and confiscate guns with heavy sanctions on those who own it I don't see how this makes anything better or more safe. Again we have real life examples like Chicago or even whole countries like Mexico where regulation doesn't do shit for the safety of the people. Btw repped fam
Shit I'm highly impressed that we have an issue where we're on the same side lol.:freehug: But that's a sign though, if the person I argue with most agrees with me it should really make others examine their own argument on this topic.
I think we established once before that it's some intergalactic anomaly when it happens. But seriously, we (and others) agree because we are smart enough to understand that there is of course nothing more important than preserving our loved ones and our own life "by any means necessary", against those who want to end it.
Pro gun people seem to be more concerned with the echo of their own thoughts. No assault weapons that can be modded to burst fire. No high capacity magazines. All sales require a mandatory background check. All firearms have to be registered. That's been my position throughout. I have personal opinions about guns in general and think Americans are too wedded to their firearms, but whatever. About that Thomas Jefferson quote TDK, I had a 'weird' feeling about because until recently I'D NEVER HEARD IT BEFORE. Maybe because this alleged quote attributed to Jefferson, "When governments fear the people, there is liberty," reads the quotation. "When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." is A BOLDFACED LIE!!! made up by the NRA and ultra right to brainwash the masses. You fear the government?? Maybe you should fear those who would distort and lie about the history of the Founding Fathers to further their own economic and political agenda. Scared people buy guns. The NRA and the gun industry want all Americans to be VERY scared....of everything. Especially the federal government. Honestly I don't trust shit the NRA says. Matter of fact I hold them and the KKK on the same level of veracity. Think critically in all things, not only those opinions you don't agree with.
I googled it and you're right its a fake but please show me the citation and source where it was made up by the NRA sir. I have seen no evidence of that. And lets not forget about the purpose of this thread. A media source went out of its way to publicly shame people for owning guns. That's what creates this kind of defensiveness not the fucking NRA. People trying to ostracize gun owners for trying to protect themselves because some dummy believes knowing that if the dude down the street has a pistol license they'll be able to get out of Denny's in time if he walks in their with an attitude read to "shoot the place up" It's ludacris fear mongering and there are already regulations to keep people from doing the things you are so damn worried about. If you buy a gun and modify it to be fully automatic that is against the law and your ass is going to jail. And no one here is against background checks, no one has fought you on that so I have no clue why you keep bringing it up. Same with registering guns. As far as high capacity magazines why the fuck should I not be allowed to have that? If I want 30 chances to gun down some else before they gun me down why shouldn't I be able to? Because some lunatic who didn't take their meds might go and shoot up shopping center? Newsflash that individual could pull a DC sniper if their objective is to kill a lot of people. Although it was the same gun as Newton it was used in a completely different fashion easily achieved with a lesser gun if used the same way. Glad you ignored the other quotes I put up but here are some more. Oh btw knock it off with the NRA propaganda. No one here is advocating for them, no one here is a member as far as I know so why do you bring them up? Because some of us agree with maintaining our second ammendment right? "Let me add, that a bill of rights is what the people are entitled to against every government on earth, general or particular; and what no just government should refuse or rest on inference." -Thomas Jefferson: Letter to James Madison, Dec. 20, 1787 "The right of the citizens to bear arms is just one more guarantee against arbitrary government, one more safeguard against the tyranny which now appears remote in America, but which historically has proved to be always possilble." - Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey "...Arms like laws discourage and keep the invader and the plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. The balance of power is the scale of peace." -Thomas Paine "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom; it is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." - William Pitt, 1783 What, sir, is the use of militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty. . . Whenever Government means to invade the rights and liberties of the people, they always attempt to destroy the militia, in order to raise a standing army upon its ruins." -- Debate, U.S. House of Representatives, August 17, 1789 "As the military forces which must occasionally be raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the next article (of amendment) in their right to keep and bear their private arms." -- Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789 "God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson, in letter to William S. Smith, 1787 I bet the NRA MADE THIS UP TO HUH BOBA:smt066