yeah and wallow in self-pity like the rest of em, compensating for broken dreams and mundane realities with alcohol and Friends re-runs :smt095
Of all the cases of these types of crimes that I've read, I can't remember one case where someone was interviewed and didn't say that the perpetrator had been "acting strangely" for days, weeks, months in advance of it happening. There are always signs.
It's funny to me that all gun owners are law abiding and functional, until one of them takes a shot an an innocent at which point he/she is kicked out of the club and automatically label 'crazy'. Some people who flip out aren't clinically mentally ill. Temporary insanity IMO doesn't allow people to blame all shootings on 'crazy people'. If we do, then we can drop the idea of providing more treatment for the mentally ill, because these people will always be evaluated as sane..until they use their gun to murder someone. If millions of people without any psychiatric history are potentially 'insane' under too much of the wrong external stimuli/triggers, the only real solution is to restrict gun ownership.
No, no. You have it all wrong. legal gun owners are the victim of society and are suffering because god knows they can make no other choice than not to own a gun (or an arsenal because why the hell not?) and are THE sanest people walking the planet. Everyone else can piss off and hope they don't get shot while doing it. These poor gun owners are victims! Victims I tell you! Oh, and I don't drink beer. Taste just like urine.
Common scenario of a gun owner: Rifle- long distance hunting Shotgun- general hunting/homedefense 44 Mag- Bear gun, just in case you are reloading a hunting gun a bear charges you. (them fuckers are fast!!) Glock- Concealed carry gun (9mm or 40 cal) Each tool has a use just like a craftsman set, because you can't fix everything with pliers.
You shouldnt have to explain why you have the guns you do Screw these people who want to interfere with a widely recognized freedom
LOL. I bet you're one heck of a salesman. I'm in favor of gun clubs for sport shooting of more unconventional firearms, like those used in the military. But keep the assault weapons secured at the club.
assault weapons should be JUST for the military question ...why is it that she has a gun? OH your constitutional rites fought for by the NRA. those law abiding gun owners are making death threats to the newspaper for using the constitutional rights of free speech. hhhmmmm
And the peace loving anti gun people are harassing legal gun owners since their names and addresses have been published. Again I ask all you anti gun people what is your solution other than the hope that the government bans guns.
number 1) how is it harassing? if you are a proud gun owner and its public record then embrace it. you guys are always making the argument if the criminals knew that if the city was full of gun owners the crime rate will drop. so there you go.... number 2) america 34 gun related deaths aday......britian below 50 a year. Suggestions for gun control/restrictions/regulations: 1) owner can not have clips that hold more than 10 rounds. 2) ban on all assault weapons 3)No multiround burst action weapons. (all weapons are to be single shot actions...similar to bolt action rifles. (dont have to be bolt action but in bolt action are only allow one round to be shot [per pull of the trigger). 4) all weapons sold private and through retail must be registered with the state and backround checks must be done. 5) mental evaluations must be done yearly and/or on every sale of a gun. (based on israel gun laws) 6) all first time owners must go through gun course to be certified. recertifications done periodically. (based on israel gun laws) 7) have a federal and a local backround check. 8) any criminal violent arrest and/or conviction or documentation will get you banned from owning a weapon including: domestic violence arrest, restraining orders, disorderly conduct, drunk driving record would have you banned from owning a weapon. 9) any sale to another individual without following these procedures will be held liable for any crime associated with the weapon in question and could face charges equal to the crime committed in which the weapon in question was used. 10) all guns and rounds to have a bar code and entered into a national database. each round will match to the gun registered so it can be traced to the owner. 11) federal tax at a 200% rate on all rounds and guns. israel allows only 50 rounds to civilians for life. military people the same in private life....per cnn
Its one thing to publish the amount of gun owners out there but publishing names and addresses is persecution. It's singling out plain and simple. We don't do that shit for drunk drivers and people who break the speed limit and they are responsible for ten times the amount of deaths per year. All your provisions for gun control are reasonable and mostly already done but the tax thing is stupid. People will just buy black market bullets since the actual cost of making bullets hasn't gone up. Its incredibly cheap and people will make money off of that. All your gun provisions fall under not wanting people to have assault rifles which to me is fine or if they are allowed to have them they should have to jump through more hoops to get them like the difference between a regular drivers license and a CDL. Even though I don't see how they can really enforce it though
Relax homie I agree with you on most of your points but the problem with people like you who try to present this stuff is that you don't sound like you're anti-gun owner not just anti-gun. You make zero distinction between the people who buy a gun with the intentions to protect their homes and families and the people who use them to hurt people. It's like making no distinction between someone drinks wine at dinner and a person who gets drunk all day everyday. It's frustrating because most of us have absolutely no intentions on hurting anyone. We recognize the gun problem in this country and know you can't wish it away and don't want to be left defenseless. We want a fighting chance to protect ourselves.
u can buy bullets for next to nothing. so if you are robbing people what are you robbing for? money......soooooo keep it out of the crack heads hands by uping the price. illegal guns are bought 5X the store price..soooooo. also to pay for that kind of backround checks and such.....let them pay for it. freedom is not free.
Freedom has never been possible without firearms. Disarm this country of any armed protection and see how freedom reigns. Not. And that newspaper getting death threats? Who says it's by gun owners? It was anti-gunners who called for the deaths of the heads of the NRA. So it's plausible to me that the people threatening the paper might be those who have also been exposed to criminals as not owing a gun. You think anti-gun people are incapable of murder just because they don't like guns? LOL, please. BTW, guess who is protecting the paper from possible harm from loons threatening them... Yes, armed guards. Oh the irony.