A story in the Wall Street Journal reported that environmental scientists had discovered (yes, we're surprised there were geographical features left to discover in America as well) a lake, stream, and road in a remote part of upstate New York that were named after the n-word. Environmental conservation laws in state law books spell out the full names: Nigger Lake, Nigger Stream, and Nigger Road. Apparently no one realized that law books and maps still contained these offensive names. The state government is currently in the process of changing the names to something different. "Unnamed lake" is the temporary placeholder. The WSJ reports that, "the precise origin of the names is a mystery to even the most rooted locals." Oh, really? The yokels aren't sure about the origin of "Nigger Lake"? We're shocked. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903554904576460483180662902.html?mod=WSJ_NY_LEFTTopStories
In western N.C. there's still a place called "Niggerskull Mountain." A lot of these names are holdovers from the Reconstruction era.
In Australia, as young kids we learned either in the street or in school (cant recall) to sing iny-miny-miny-mo, catch a ni___r by the toe"...having no clue what it meant...We didn't use that word as it is used here so we were oblivious decades ago what it means. We'd also say "oh you Jew" if someone was greedy or "you're an indian-giver" if someone took something back...again, as kids in the playground or at school, we were oblivious to its racism. Only when i got to this country and I looked back, did I realize.