New Year's Eve

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by fnnysmrtprtty, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. PearlGirl

    PearlGirl New Member

    Happy New Year!

    Wishing all of you a year full of joy, health, prosperity... and most of all: lots of loooooooooooooove!!
  2. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    Happy New year to all of you!!! Hope 2008 will bring all the good things to your life

    I arrived back home yesterday from a long, delayed but wonderful trip back home to the Motherland and my new years was spent in bed, sleeping having wonderful dreams of ....... yeah.... lol I AM NOT TELLING ha ha ha.
  3. mike38

    mike38 New Member

    Happy New Year. Sorry about my lateness, I usually say this several hours before midnight, but I hope everyone on here have a very safe and healthy new one. By the way I mainly stayed at home, watched the To Catch A Predator marathon, switched to whatever channels that had the countdown, then switched back. I went to sleep at around a quarter until one.
  4. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    So where in the Motherland did you go Chigirl?
  5. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    sleeping! ;)
    I was half way through a 1500km drive home, so I put up my tent at 10.30pm in the dark in a town of about 500 people in the middle of the bush and got up at 4.30am to keep driving. Woo Hoo!!! I'm a party animal! :) ha ha

    Hope everyone had a nice new years and a safe holiday season! :)
  6. awia

    awia New Member

    This sounds GREAT! (Not sure about the meat pie though 8) )
    >>> HEY, how was it??? <<<

    Although I'm a ww, I follow the principles of Kwanzaa (yes, seriously) and this year (oops, I mean back in 2007 :wink: ) I cooked some soul food as part of the feast on Dec 31 ~ red peas and rice, sucotash, and real ginger beer ~ and the food turned out fine - deelish, lol!
    Then a friend and I went dancing at a GET FUNK'D NYE at a club in the city - it was a covers band and I wasn't expecting that much but they were hot and a lot of fun... ! And there were some g-o-o-d moves on the dance floor... :shock: :smt007 Pity the guy in hat and braces and w--i--d--e shoulders and big muscley arms :shock: .... was... um with his girlfriend.

    2008 is a big year of new beginnings for me - scarey and exciting...
  7. awia

    awia New Member

    hey FEHG... where the heck were you? :D

    and what does F E H G stand for? I keep typing FENG by mistake. :oops:
  8. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe New Year's!!!

    The hotel I stayed at with my friends was actually packed with a very mixed crowd - well, as far as age anyway :cry: - so that was a nice surprise. The cover band ROCKED! Sadly the very hot trumpet player has a g/f so I will have to troll his playing venues and keep an eye on the situation until they break up!! Kidding...I wouldn't want to take action that encourage my stalker tendencies!! :wink:
  9. Chigirl

    Chigirl New Member

    I spent the majority of my time in my hometown, Hannover, I also jumped on a train to spend one day in Berlin which was lots of fun. It's only a 2 hour train ride and my friend and I just walked around, did a little shopping and lots of Gluehwein drinking at the Christmas market. The funniest thing happened there... I met this cute and handsome American who now lives in London... I thought it was funny... a German living in the US meeting an American who now lives in London at the Christmas market in Berlin... I guess thw world is only a village after all he he he.
  10. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    Awww.....come on now, Chigirl.....ya gotta tell us!
  11. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    Chi - glad you are back!! Did you kiss anyone at midnight? I did not, I was on a dance floor swimming in a sea of couples ...
  12. dossou

    dossou Member

    Hi funny hope you enjoyed yourself. Thanks for sharing
  13. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Pleased you enjoyed yourself in Germany. Had you been on those party trains?
  14. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Oh man, I had the best new years EVER! It was the first time I wasn't in Wrestling season and was actually able to enjoy myself! My buddy and I Nabiy(used to post on this board) hopped on the dance floor early got it hyped! On top of that I went to buy the first round of drinks paid with a 20 and got change for a 100! WOOOOOOO! So yea spent the rest of the night dancing away with my boys and a butt ton of beautiful woman! Oh yea almost forgot got my first new years kiss Ever!
    8) :smt023
  15. fnnysmrtprtty

    fnnysmrtprtty New Member

    :lol: :lol: Well, congrats on all that!!
  16. FEHG

    FEHG Well-Known Member

    Hey Awia,
    Howzit? Heard NYE is Sydney was awesome. Brisbane's was nearly cancelled cause of the majorly crap weather. But, I'd rather NYE was cancelled and we got some rain, if that's what it takes....

    Um, I went soul searching in the bush for 6 days by myself. I drove to Longreach and back. I clocked up 2950km and was pretty chuffed with my adventure. This year is also looking good and scary for me. The trip was a tester for me on how I travel solo, because in July I'm going to the USA for a solo treck for 5 months - seeing everything possible...and then I'm moving to the UK solo after that.

    FEHG is an acronym hence the capital letters..kind of an internal joke type thing...but if I told you what it stood for, I would have to (somehow find a way to) kill you! ;)

    What does Awia stand for, I always go to type Aiwa (like the electrical brand!! :) haha)

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