Just announced...Julia Gillard is the first FEMALE Australian Prime Minister of Australia...!!! http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/ne...w-prime-minister/story-e6freuy9-1225883617249
LMAO....so no one has anything to say about the fact that someone was thrown out in australian politics and the first australian female is now in power...??? REALLY????? it's shameful that something that huge hasn't even made world politics
I felt the same way when it was the general elections in England and it didn't even get mentioned here. Rubbish for us, eh?! Haha. I'm afraid I don't really know Australian politics but do you think this is a good thing, Tarshi? It's great for women, sure. How are her policies? Women in politics have been pushed back about thirty years here thanks to old Maggie!
to be honest, i was and am a complete krudd fan and can't understand why his party undermined him. it was a complete shock a) because we delt with the other critter for too many years and no one ran him out...and b) krudd was doing quite well...shows its about who you know, not what you know hey...!!! julia gillard (bluey, megs...still coming up with a name for her) is bless her heart hard working and thrust into the role for political game...hope she can prove them all wrong
Agreed. CNN had *nothing* to say about it...onlt BBC....which covers *heaps* more World Events than Sky/Fox, MSNBC or CNN....not to mention "the original big three" CBS, NBC, & ABC And that's how *some* aspects of World News Coverage goes.... I *will* be keeping coverage...best as I can...on where *this* gig takes you, the potential to import VEGEMITE Stateside for my pals (LOL!), your fiefdom Down Under, and us all in the world.... OpinionsCartoonStudios@Yahoo.Co.UK
many of the stations are american based. Lets be honest someone just got fired. That's what was all over the news. This added with the oil spill(still leaking!) and the world cup would over shadow the first female prime minister of Australia in the states.
First I have heard of this one. Did not see it in the print media or on any of the talking head pundit shows. This say a lot about our media in this country. It has become so corrupt in giving us the information they deem we should have. What can you expect from censureship, distortions, bias reporting and out right lies. No wonder they are dying as an industry.
It is the first time I've heard it. The election was a quiet one but,with so much distractions in the world no doubt it was overlooked.