surprised his wasnt posted earlier dudes is off the fucking chain with this mass violence shit first a bombing, now shootings what's next
At a Mother's Day parade no less. This shit is beyond ridiculous. I don't even want to think about "what's next". People need to get their minds in check and knock this mass violence shit off :smt009
Nothing to see here.:| The right to own a gun is more important than the right to vote. Sucks for New Orleans those people got shot, but shit happens. One side wants you to present an ID to vote in Presidential and state elections. But no ID required for anyone no matter how crazed or criminal they might be to buy a gun from whoever.:smt030 Only in America. :smt102
pretty interesting when you think about it they didnt want to push tougher gun control laws, but pushed like hell on making it harder for people to vote in the elections im all for owning guns and doing as i please with them (legally), but that does make you wonder