Hi, All. I am new here and have never belonged to any type of on line site before. Feeling very awkward. Also tried downloading a photo and was not able to. Any suggestions. Thanks..... Restless Rita
Hi Rita, welcome! No need to feel akward. We have a lot of very nice people on this site. About the photo issue...took me some time to figure it out myself. You need an account with a site like photobucket. You can upload your pic there. Then you will have to use the link and post it here. Do you see the symbols above this message box? Chose the one that displays somethings that looks like some hills and a sun. Insert your link - that's it. Hope this was helpful
what part of florida are you from? how tall are you? do you smoke? what size shoe do you wear? french tips or solid color?
Welcome Rita Very simple and quick. http://tinypic.com/ http://imageshack.us/ You don't need to register with either, if you don't want to.
Bugleroller, I live in South Florida, smoke occasionally, wear show size 8, solid color nail polish..... I have tried uploading my photo several times but it just won't go. Giving up for tonight...... Rita
Pics certainly aren't everything, but it does make things more interesting IMO. I don't need pics every day, I just like to see who I'm chatting with!