Never been with a Black Man

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by KnCA, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. Rose

    Rose New Member

    Yes, my man is loving life! He seems to enjoy the prim and proper school teacher thing. When we go out, he enjoys pushing the envelope with me, not crossing the line, but getting awfully close. I'll ask me why he thinks he can just do whatever he wants wherever he wants, his reply is always the same, "because you belong to me." I just melt...but it is mutual, we admire each other very much.

    On to more pressing issues...Bronze, although I could not see the game up here in Connecticut, I know it was a good one. This may be the year for the Steelers. Pgh is my hometown, so I can only hope!!! It would be great for Webster's Steelers to take it in his first year!
  2. Wedlock

    Wedlock New Member

    Never Been.....Dominance/Submissiveness.

    I'm a switch with respect to this entire issue.I like the balance and shift of emotional and psychological roles.

    I'm glad to see the thread is intellectually honest enough to admit to generalizing, though. I don't suit the stereotype of black male dominance and to some white women that's a bit off putting, but nonetheless, it's just me being me.
  3. wantswhitewoman

    wantswhitewoman New Member

    Pardon the very late post to an old topic
    I have never been in that situation.

    But if I ever am, I think I would just make a joke about it.

    "I have never been with a black man either. I was right, we do have a lot in common"

    As the relationship develops long term, perhaps then it would be time to explore the issue on a more serious, or even erotic level.
  4. mllrtme324

    mllrtme324 New Member

    Once again, generalizing, but in comparison to the wm i've been with, my bm is just plain and simple, MORE MASCULINE. As said before, there are smaller and submissive black men and larger and dominant white men but from personal experience, i've found that white men tend to be more submissive in the relationship, sexually and otherwise. And if they're not submissive they try to make me inferior by tearing me down. It is a very sad thing. On the other hand, my bm has a greater respect for me then the wm i've dated. Part of it is personal, but all the women in his family take the dominant role, just as the women in my family. Its the way i was raised, to be independent/stand on my own 2 feet/etc. So we both take equal role in making most decisions and such, but when it comes to the!
    I have both sides in the bedroom, some of the time i want to be "in charge" but i always find myself melting in his muscular arms. He is so passionate, raw...i can't even think of words to use, but most of the time i find that i submit to him. I love to feel his strength and his passionate/gentle aggression. He knows every right move and when we make love it truly feels like we're one, like we're entertwined. And i've never felt that kind of passion with ANY other man.

    i know that was partially generalized, but hope no offense taken, mostly what i've found through personal experience.
  5. natedogg2772

    natedogg2772 New Member

    I don't think there is anything wrong in making some "generalizations" about our relationships. I think that white ladies just have a way of bringing out the best in their black men. Just to see that curvy, voluptuous white body must makes my blood boil! And I think so many of us borthas just are focused on pleasuring our white honies because we adore you all so much. So, regardless of size, the ladies are getting great sex from their black studs! I do like to have her take control at times too; variety is important. My woman likes to do it cowgirl because she can control how my dick moves inside her. It is a great site to see a sexy white woman riding me wildly with throwing her hair all over the place and making them sexy noises! And I certainly love to have those large white melons all up in my girll anyway! :D
  6. MissBlondie

    MissBlondie New Member

    I could not agree more.
  7. tdyson42

    tdyson42 Member

    BronzeSaint, you have just read my mind. The first time I had sex with a bm was this way. It was like losing my virginity for a second time. It's not quite like that every time now, since I've streched since then. But there is nothing else like that feeling being streched to your limit.
  8. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Hello Earth Angel, how is things in Denmark? Hope you are fine and well. Can you e-mail me? Type soon.

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