Sorry I have to abuse this forum for the purpose of tech advise I am finally breaking down and plan to buy a new TV... my current one might be of interest to the broadcast museum or so.. ok it's not that bad but anyway. I am looking into 32 inches but am confused if I should focus on LCD or Plasma or maybe it doesn't even matter.... Any advise?
i got some advice... don't waste your time getting any... instead.. listen to me, and send me the TV... deal?
I use to work in the electronics section. I would get a LCD TV. A Plasma TV will emit a lot of heat, so you shouldn't place it on/against a wall; doing so will damage both the TV and the wall. Another reason why I wouldn't get Plasma is that it can't handle still images well. My friend had a Plasma TV and she frequently pause an action on the video game, Madden, and then resumes it several minutes later… in the end there were dead pixels.
Thanks guys for the input, I shall be shopping for LCD and Pettyofficer... I will send you my old TV, let me know where to send it please :wink:
My TV died so I had to get a new one just a couple weeks ago. I looooove my LCD, it's like having bad eyesight and putting on a pair of glasses.
I have a sony Wega FD triniton, and it's been pretty reliable for me.... the pictures isn't too bad, but I always did wonder how my video games and DVDs would look in hi-res.... ...... with that said and done...I also couldn't decide which "brand" to get... ..I have a sony 32..but they seem to be pretty overpriced when it comes to LCD tvs... I seen some phillips LCDs for less, and bigger size...but I'm not sure about the quality... so many choices..
I know NOTHING about any of this. But thought I would say.... You can join Consumer Reports online for like $5 for a month and go in and check out all their reports. I've done that when I needed to buy appliances, vacuums, or some other large purchase that can be confusing.
I know a decent amount regarding this topic. Whatever you do. Go HD. Do you have a satellite receiver? Many of them offer HD service. It's amazing to watch! There's so many HD channels nowadays. Trust, me, it makes viewing TV much more entertaining and realistic. That being said, go for 1080pi TVs. 1080i TVs have some of the best resolutions on the market. Ok, so as far as better resolutions between LCDs and plasmas, plasmas have better resolutions overall. Non-1080i TVs have rather grainy imagery when you get a good look at them, which is why I don't recommend them since most TVs are moving in the 1080i route. Plasmas use more energy than LCDs. Almost 2x as much. They also tend to become hotter but don't let that worry you. They're still awesome TVs. Also, certain brands should be avoided. I'm not quite sure which ones are the worst. From what I remember LG isn't that great when it comes to TVs. Sony makes good ones at a very premium price. Hitachi makes great TVs at great prices. So does Panasonic. All of this information is personal experince so you may find more accurate professional results by checking into a Consumer Reports as another member here mentioned. They will give you the most up-to-date information regarding the subject matter. So, I hope this information has helped. Good luck and enjoy.
Thank you all again for the input! It definitely helped some, didn't know about the resolution thingy :wink:
ony is OVERPRICED! Get a Panasonic, Sharp, Toshiba or Samsung (we call them Sammys) If you wanna learn more, don't ask here, go here -