Need 2 Know, How to Tell if white girl goes for black man

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by SENGO_G, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Yes,it takes time N since most women don't get involved in one night stands.
  2. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    by the looks of you the girls are leaving their panties at home on the first date with you:smt045
  3. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    Ha....well lucky I'm a gentlemen, Lipstick. If only others, had it like that :cool:
  4. GirlieGirl74

    GirlieGirl74 Well-Known Member

    I was thinking about this topic, and how it relates in my own life. I've had boyfriends that told me that they could just tell. I asked what they meant by that, and they couldn't put it into words. They said it was just a feeling. Then, I've had other boyfriends that said they would have never guessed that I would date black men, and they only asked me out after asking mutual friends about me. I'm still the same person and present myself the same way so how can the perception be so different? I would think that it would have to do with the man and his perception of things and how he wanted to perceive me, but I don't know that for sure.

    The one thing that I would say to any man that is looking for signs is to just approach and be friendly and see what happens. I didn't know that I was into black men until the very first one approached me, asked me out, and we started dating. If he had waited until I gave a sign, he would have waited a long time because I didn't know that I was into it either. He was the man that convinced me that I was. ;)
  5. satyricon

    satyricon Guest

    She will pee on your leg.
  6. lippy

    lippy Well-Known Member

    lippy must give some kind of subliminal message because thursday morning at the airport...i am standing in line to get some breakfast...first @einsteins...and then @pour la france...there is this young guy behind really close...i backed out of both lines and he was right behind me...the first time i turned around he said...hey, how are you doing in this really deep voice...the next time (he must have followed me) he says please tell me you are single...i was sitting there thinking it's 7am and i need coffee and who is this young man trying to pick me up at the airport...i gave him my card...then this other man is standing there after i gave him my card at the coffee shop and says wow he is slick can i get your card as well...i seriously thought i was on candid camera...i'm going to start wearing that perfume more
  7. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    Attention females...welcoming a new product DESIRE by Lippy; seductive and no blackman can resist. In stores soon:D
  8. Athena

    Athena New Member

    I'd like to order a case please. :smt003
  9. prestonplaxx

    prestonplaxx New Member

    hmm this is interesting....I noticed a few checking me out @ MGM on yesterday I never paid attention to the signs
  10. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    I was at MGM yesterday as a matter of fact!!!!
  11. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    me too...ship it out pronto...!!!
  12. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    excuse me FG...have you already started to stray on me...??? :sad:
  13. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    oh noooooooo....
    I was eh..... working to get us that house we talked about...
    I have to work hard since we need to fit all of the wwbm into it...
    I need a nap....

  14. Liquid Swords

    Liquid Swords New Member

    A lot of guys seem to assume if a white woman doesn't like him then she doesn't like black guys period.

    Not true.

    There are a bunch of black guys I am definitely not interested in but obviously I am interested in black men.

    That's always confused me.

    Like, if a black guy wasn't interested in me I wouldn't think it was because I'm white necessarily (unless he actually said that).

    Maybe it helps the ego to think it's because of race rather than your personality or whatever.

  15. Raul Sinclair

    Raul Sinclair New Member

    True it shouldn't be that way. But i'm betting that for some men on this board, that whether they want to admit or not, or help it. It always tends be in the back of their minds
  16. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Lowrey,you had hit it on the head on WW. I loved it if a WW shows a interest in me because that is what she wanted and no need for a brother whom she does not like to approach her. It is a big gamble to see a WW you love to date or hang out just to find out they are not their type of brother. Had WW be more assertive they would find the brother of their dreams instead of enduring bros who want to get them in bed.
  17. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    That's funny you said that, cause I never had a problem attracting Black men. My Moms even noticed (she knows I only date Black men), but she said Black men tend to be attracted to you. I don't know what vibe I gave off. I said "gave" cause whatever it was I had, I don't have it
  18. Inner Beauty

    Inner Beauty New Member

    I think a lot of guys do. I think if you guys pay attention, you guys can see a woman flirting with her eyes. I'm not talking about the chicks who play games and play hard to get. A chick will let it be known even in a subtle way, if she's interested.

    About me, I don't know what it is. I hate to say this - cause it sounds assine and somewhat ignorant, but it explains how I am, but I've always had the "I'm down" or "I have soul" vibe going on naturally. I don't have Black men approaching me like before. I know when I cut my hair, I was in Walmart (not interested in the cashier), but I said, "Good looking out" cause he did a nice gesture and he laughed like, how did I know that Then I was in Sephora and this Black chick was asking for my email and the one I gave her had "sista" in it and she looked surprised and laughed. She said you have soul huh? LOL I said yeah. Before, it was apparent, now, like I said, I don't know what it is.
  19. bonyjoop

    bonyjoop Restricted

    meeting a white woman

    where is the general best places to meet a woman. Im asking because as a black man meeting a white woman ( which I never dated a ww but wanted to do so) at a grocery store can be intimidating for a ww. is there a nontreatening environment for a bro to meet a ww ?
  20. Athena

    Athena New Member

    Hi Easylistener, there's heaps of single women on this forum, and I always have a few favourite things to suggest when someone asks this question: join a club doing an activity that you enjoy such as diving, hiking, climbing, parachuting, etc... Volunteer, take a cooking class (holy target rich environment) or arts class or something like that. Actually take a pottery class - I did one with my girlfriend years ago and if there had been a bm in class he would have had my undivided attention. It was ALL ww.

    I simply believe that if you are doing something you love, you'll hook up with the right people and if you are trying something totally new (like pottery - think the scene from the movie Ghost) have some fun and make some contacts :D

    I met my former husband while I was volunteering as a trainer for a football team, he was a volunteer coach. I met my current man doing something I love and that is sailing - he was working the boat. Hope this helps!

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