Need 2 Know, How to Tell if white girl goes for black man

Discussion in 'How To Meet White Women and Black Men' started by SENGO_G, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. SENGO_G

    SENGO_G New Member

    Hey, even the opposite (not coming on at all) has bad effects! sometimes I be so busy trying to hide my interest, and wait for them to bring up the topic, that I mess out on all the cues!
  2. jada

    jada Guest


    Hi, As a white woman i would just say to you just go for someone you like if they don't like black men they will say something, well i would but then my man is black.
  3. Taye

    Taye New Member

    to answer the question if a white women knows things that she wouldn't otherwise know unless she had been around alot of black people. Also if she feels extremely comfortable around a lot of black people I mean almost like the chick is "at home".
  4. staceybrewer

    staceybrewer New Member

    Re: hi

    :lol: :D

    I think it depends on the atmosphere she is in. If she likes to go to mainly all-black clubs or bars then she is definitely into black men. However I go to this mainly all white bar to where I am the only black guy who goes into there regularly. The other black guys do not go as regularly as I do. I cannot tell immediately which type of white girl is into black guys because she will be friendly toward me just because she doesn't want me to feel out of place or maybe because she is in a redneck hick bar and doesn't want the white boys to get mad if they see her talking to, dancing with, and getting over-friendly to a black guy like me. However since I am a tall, big, muscular black guy most white men are scared to fight me so they say basically nothing to me when I talk to the white women in that bar. Most of the white guys in that bar know me from me singing karaoke songs and dancing with the white women in that bar because a whole lot of white guys in that bar don't dance that good period. I don't think you can tell by general appearances because a lot of white women who go to mainly all-white bars or clubs are different when they are alone with a black guy versus when they are with some white men who don't like them talking to black guys. The best thing to do is to watch her body language, whether she moves away or close to you when she is talking to you. Another thing to tell is her circle of friends she hangs around with. If she hangs around mainly white men or all white people chances are she is not into black guys period. However I have known some white girls who say they are not attracted to black guys but will rub up against, rub their asses against them when dancing, and hug and kiss black guys, but when they start to get to know the black guy well or have sex with one then they start to like the black guys.
  5. staceybrewer

    staceybrewer New Member

  6. Trisha777

    Trisha777 New Member

    I joined this site just to reply to you

    Hey, I'm new and I saw your question about how you can tell if a white woman is into black men. I know of me and my girlfriends who are white, it seems very easy for me to tell at least, but maybe its just because i know them. The friends of mine who are simply open to dating a black man, but are just as happy to date a white man all walk, talk, and speak with others in a very open manor. Watching a girl interact with other people is an excellent excellent way to gage how she feels about other people/ men in general. If you have the opportunity without being noticed, just watch her. Now, the friends of mine who are particularly interested in black men, such as myself and a few girlfriends of mine who share secrets with me, (in my experience) usually try to make it known to a BM that we're interested in because we know how difficult picking us out of the bunch can be. That's why i think black men shouldn't be too startled by a white woman who glares back or seems real flirtatious. We may not be like that with everyone and we may be a great catch. We just fell like maybe, we should really let you know in this situation cause we know you may have no idea what to expect of the girl your looking at. I'm a big one for eye contact also. If a girl meets your stare and doesn't look away, your golden. Just walk over and try not to ruin anything! he he If she's kept your look or flirted with her eyes, shes already interested, so you don't have to work so hard to make her interested.
  7. staceybrewer

    staceybrewer New Member

    Re: I joined this site just to reply to you

    I never had to work that hard to make any hot-looking sexy white woman interested in me, probably because I have the looks going for me as well. I always let the woman make the first move if she is interested in me or not.
  8. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    Re: hi

    I saw this paragraph, and it got me thinkin': Man, it sure is a SMALL WORLD.
  9. blueeyednordic

    blueeyednordic New Member

    so how bout the opposite

    how can you tell a black guy that's in to white girls. I won't go up to guys, but I would like to be open if the right guy approached me.
  10. jxsilicon9

    jxsilicon9 Active Member

    Re: so how bout the opposite

    You can use eye contact and flirting. Some guys are just too shy or scared of rejection to approach women.
  11. titewitecat

    titewitecat New Member

    As a white girl, I can pretty much tell you we all want Black Men. Just go for it. She'll say yes.
  12. LA

    LA Well-Known Member

    or NOt?
  13. lainarain

    lainarain New Member

    Please be wary of speaking for all white women because you are one. No, some, maybe even most, ww would NOT date a bm.
  14. Darman

    Darman New Member

    One of the worst things you can do is assume that a woman (white, Hispanic, whatever) will not be interested in you simply because you are black. The best thing to do is to IMMEDIATELY let her know that you're interested, there's no point in beating around the bush. If she turns you down, don't automatically assume that it's because of the whole "black-white" thing (unless she tells you this). Maybe she's taken, or you're not her type, or your game sucks ... whatever. I used to assume that certain girls only dated guys of a specific race; only to be proven wrong time and time again. Even if others tell you this, take it with a grain of salt because chances are that they heard it through a grapevine (and we all know that most rumors turn out to be bullshit).
  15. SardonicGenie

    SardonicGenie New Member

    :? *at the latest posts*

    Though, all 4 of you have given me some things to think about.
  16. PeyBackTime8818

    PeyBackTime8818 New Member

    you just gotta walk up and talk to them. from my experience u can get a good idea of if she is into you by the way she talks. if she flirts back then there is potential, if she seems disinterested, then abort mission! haha

    but then again that is pretty much common sense no matter WHAT race the girl is. if you wanna target what white girls you will have the most luck with just from the way she looks, then go after hard rocker looking girls (like the girl I am currently with, you see her with me down below) and hip hop looking girls. these 2 types of women usually are very very open to dating all kinds of guys. if u want a upper class ritzy office white bread girl for that whole "good wife" thing, then you gotta talk to her first, get 2 know her...does she like rap? does she find Tyrese sexy, etc. you cant automatically assume this type of woman goes for black men.
  17. infiniti

    infiniti New Member

    I didn't even know this part of the website existed till now. Whoops! I second Staceybrew's post. I usually let women make the very first move. Of course that first move is made much easier by my friendliness. I can be easily percieved for a mean person when I am not trying to be friendly and this works well when I don't want to be talked to.

    That being said, I don't mind making the first move under certain circumstances.
  18. jadeoftexas

    jadeoftexas New Member

    Appearances deceive

    I don't dress ghetto fab, don't talk ghetto, no cornrows or weaves (did have an Alicia Keyes weave once for a party, way cool), drive a 3/4 ton diesel truck, and live in the bible belt in Texas. I usually have a battered cowboy hat on when I'm out in the sun and I live on a ranch. Y'all would probably peg me for a redneck racist heh.

    I do love hip hop though, and somewhere in my cracker background I inherited a ghetto booty. :D

    There's a BM who used to come into one of my jobs, always got doe eyed at me. GOOD lookin guy. I flirted and smiled and did just about everything I could to get the point across. He asked one of the guys who worked there, you think she'd go out with me? They said, like we'd know, go ask her yourself. He didn't, of course. Haven't seen him since, GRRRR! About to solve this issue by going over to his house and asking HIM out.

    My racist bosses will crap themselves if I start dating him, heh.


    Re: Appearances deceive


    Jadeoftexas is...straight gangsta!

    JREMINATOR New Member

    Whoa Jadeoftexas...I wish I was in Texas, not in New I could meet girls like you...that aren`t afraid to CROSS the BLACK SEA...ok ok, for the purists, I know it was the RED sea Moses crossed!

    But if I may, why do most girls, like you did at first, Jade, always wait for the guys to ask them out when they are interested in them? U see, now you have to do it if u want it!!!

    Girl or guy we should just go for it, tell the other what we feel...if it`s a YEA, GREAT!!! if it`s a NO, well, try again, better luck next time!!!!!

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