Perhaps the first of many senior-ranking officers to resign or get relieved of command, due to them not supporting openly gays. For those of you that don't know, the USS Enterprise is a major aircraft carrier, who's name has been a staple of naval warfare since ww2. To be in command of that beast, is like being giving command of a ranger battalion or any other elite/top-tier force. I'm surprised that he would piss away his career like that (navy captain is right under admiral, and not to be confused with the lower-level army captain) and set such a poor example as a commander.
I actually think this was over blown. They threw his ass out there. the Captain of the boat knew what was going on, everyone on the ship saw the videos...and the Navy knew about them and they still promoted him. ....they fired him because someone sent the tapes to the Media. An now everyone who hasn't spend DAY 1 in uniform or on ship is speaking with authority about shit they have no real understanding off. He pissed off the gays, and that is what got him fired. I'm all for giving a Soldier (said loosely) his walking papers but in this case....I disagree.
well...this keeps happening, whether it's in the military, sports, whatever. All it takes is for one person that has some candid footage of you smoking pot, snorting coke (ricky hatton, where art thou?), or in this case, poking fun at gays during some downtime. Everyone probably found it funny at the time, but since the repeal of DADT and the ensuing gaypride, someone decided to blow this shit up in his face. He should have known better tho. Officers are very political figures, and therefor should behave in a political manner, being well aware that any hole they show will be exploited.