Name the last three books you have read...

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Sir Nose, May 12, 2009.

  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks. I definitely like them, and I'm looking forward to continuing since you said they keep getting better as the series continues. I've started following him and will be checking out all of his stuff at some point.

    I'm also looking forward to October 8th for the next Golgatha installment from R.S. Belcher.

    Thanks again for the recommendations.
  2. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    You're Welcome. You're just getting into the series & I'm so far in I'm just waiting until you get a few more books in to start having little chats until you are all caught up.

    Funny how we were wondering a short time ago if Belcher would be putting out any more Golgotha books or if they might cross over into any of his contemporary series & BOOM!! the next installment is on the way.
  3. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    As usual, Neil Gaiman wrote a good one.


    Another impressive book. I've yet to read anything by NG that I didn't like.


    It's short, but it's beautiful & moving!
  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I'm looking forward to that. It'll take me a while to catch up though.

    Yeah, that's what crossed my mind when the email from Amazon popped up for the new installment. Belcher is so good at his character development, I can't wait to "see" everyone again. There was just too much potential for more story for it to be over, and I'm so glad he's keeping it going.
  5. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Now that we know another book is coming, my worries about future stories in that world are over. I think he'll be focusing on his other series & stories in between Golgotha books. As you say there is far too much potential with the series to be cut short. Still wondering if there could be cross over with the other 2 series since they share a universe or if it's a stand alone world?
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah, mine too. Probably so; he's evidently he's always writing, the way writers are supposed to and takes the quality of his work seriously. It takes a lot of discipline to stay on top of things, especially when new project ideas tend to pop up all the time. Crossover would be cool if it expanded that universe, but I suppose we'll have to wait and see. That's hard when you have almost no patience. lol

    I wish ol' Georgie Porgie Martin was that disciplined, but, alas, he is not. Part of me doesn't care as much as I used to though. I guess I can't talk a lot of smack about undisciplined writers when I'm one of them myself, but at least I'm not leaving a bunch of folks hanging with any release promises. :p
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    The differences between you and George is he has put stuff out & is still undisciplined. Probably due to age & new found fame. You still have love & discipline for the craft like most dedicated writers do plus you'd shy away from any fame if it came your way to continue telling stories. ;)
  8. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    True, and maybe the added pressure to get his stuff done after GOT became so big made it harder for him. As a pro, he doesn't have much excuse though.

    Even though it would be awesome to see my name in print on a mainstream kind of level, I don't think I'd enjoy fame. I would love to be making a living at writing, which I should've been disciplined enough to be doing by now. Yeah, life got in the way of that for me, but it doesn't give me much excuse either.
  9. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Life gets in the way for a lot of creative folks both professionals and novices alike . Being a professional Martin has no excuses for the delays in finishing the series especially since he clearly has the whole series seemingly plotted out to conclusion.

    As long as you still have the desire to write you're fine. If you have stories to tell but just haven't been able to put them down on paper or computer, still good.If your spark has died then that's when you worry about your writing dreams.
  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Knowing that doesn't make me any less frustrated with myself though. I was born with the spark, so hopefully it won't die before I do.

    Yeah, George should have had the whole series out by now.
  11. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    A solid read with good flow.



    These two are another Ron Ripley series with the ghost hunter, Shane Ryan. So far they don't even come close to measuring up to the Berkeley Street Series where the character was introduced. He only has the first two books in the series written so far, and I hope they get better. If the next installment doesn't pick things up, I probably won't bother finishing the series. I've come to expect more out of the author than this.
  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    Another great Dresden Files installment by Jim Butcher. I'm amazed that HD was able to survive the craziness in this book.


    The lack of conscience and remorse people like this have blows my mind and makes me sick. The writing was a bit too long-winded at times, but overall the book is a solid read. True Crime fans would find it interesting.


    In some ways it's hard to take that her parents made the choices they did in regard to their child, but it does make me appreciate that my own mixed child wasn't born in that era. I can just barely begin to imagine how much tougher it was for Black Men, White Women, and their children back in the day.
  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Doing a mental refresher since it's been quite awhile since I've read any of the earlier Dresden novels, this is the one with Michael Carpenter & family, Thomas Raith & The Red Court? I recall when certain situations occurs & characters appear but not which books. The next book I don't have that problem with.
  14. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yep, that's the one. I got an e-coupon for $6 off one of his books, so I did buy the next one, Summer Knight, today. It sounds like it'll be another wild ride for him. I'll have to wait a minute to find out though, since I'd already started another book. I hope more discounts pop up from time to time.
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    It's wild rides the further along you go in the series. And just when you think you know where he is going with the character/series Butcher hits you with curveballs that definitely have you saying didn't see that coming.
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I figured as much. He obviously has a knack for topping himself with such a long series. A good book series is better than a TV show IMO. I'm definitely enjoying the ride so far.
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member



    The first and the third books are the best of the series, and overall I enjoyed it. I read the first book of this series a while back (Demon King), and I finally got around to finishing it. Definitely an author worth following IMO.

    I've always been a fan of Sylvia Plath's work, and I was in a poetry reading mood.
  18. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    Great book...can't wait to see what happens next!


    The books in this series keep getting better and better. Another great read.


    Other than a couple of small plot twists with potential, this book sucks. The pace was soooo sloooow and so full of pointless details, it's probably like what waiting to wake up from a coma feels like. I shouldn't have wasted my time finishing it. A friend of mine raved about this crap and recommended it—I don't think I'll be taking any more book suggestions from her.
  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I had this pop up in my Kindle recommendations the other day. Sounds like the start of yet another new series.


    Ramon “Ray” Cosa’s life is not what he expected it to be. Living in a small Texas town ravaged by Hurricane Harvey, Ray has suffered many losses in his young life, and he has little hope left that anything will ever change or get better.

    That is, until the vintage Ford Galaxie and its strange, dying owner enters Ray’s life. Given a jeweled ring he cannot remove and a desperate mission, Ray is plunged into a universe of secrets, wonders, and terrors he never dreamed exists.

    Now, he travels the Queen's Road - a hyper-space highway that connects all the planets and galaxies in creation - in search of one man, one of the Queen of the Universe's Rangers. That journey will put Ray on the front lines of an eons-old cosmic war between the primal forces of order and chaos.

    And probably make him late for his next shift at the Chug-n-Lug.

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