Name the last three books you have read...

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Sir Nose, May 12, 2009.

  1. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member




    I enjoyed them all. I really like this author.
  2. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  3. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member




  4. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member



    I thoroughly enjoyed these two. I read Stranger Still first not realizing it was the sequel to the other one, but it works well as a standalone book. I hadn't read anything by this guy before, but I'm impressed enough to add him to my list of favorite authors.


    The "extreme horror" descriptor is no exaggeration. It's pretty fucked up, and the graphic violence and sexual content are more than a lot of people could handle. Amazon even provides a warning:

    For those who can handle it, it's worth reading. He's another impressive author.
  5. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

    If your son scare you from behind while your reading the books, would you jump out of your seat?
  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    No, I'm not that skittish. If he did it intentionally though, it would probably get him a few choice words and a foot in his behind for disturbing me while I'm reading. lol
  7. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    I'm not reading as much anymore. I miss reading and need to get back into it. So many people seem to have so much free time in quarantine and I'm over here with two jobs, both of which are "essential" and my life has changed minimally - the biggest being my commute.

    I did read Bram Stoker's Dracula. I enjoyed it, though I have to say, if I was editing the book, I could have easily cut out a good 200 pages and it would have made for a much better book. There was too much emphasis on Lucy's condition that didn't need to be in the book. That part got old really quickly.

    I'm currently in the middle of reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. At least Frankenstein is a much shorter book.

    Seeing a theme? LOL.
  8. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    I've been there, so I feel your pain, Bookie. It's tough working two jobs and having so much on your plate that there's little time doing the things you enjoy. I hope you're able to get back to your regular reading. Reading is what keeps me (somewhat) sane these days.

    I haven't read either of those yet, but they've been on reading list for a while.

    You sound like me with the editing thing. I find myself editing things while I'm reading, and sometimes I wish I could turn off that part of my mind. When I read from my Kindle, I'm always reporting errors that bug me. lol
  9. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    If I had a Kindle, I'd be doing that, too!

    Memes are the worst though. There are so many times I'd like to share a meme and it's like, really? You can't look up the correct spelling of xxxx?? Or you can't figure out if a word needs an apostrophe or not?? It bugs me so much!
  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Same here. I see so many memes that make me want to tell the creators how great the memes would be if they hadn't screwed them up. Sometimes I do leave comments about them on Pinterest. It drives me especially crazy when the use the apostrophe to make words plural. What the hell is that about?!?
  11. Bookworm616

    Bookworm616 Well-Known Member

    OMG! Yes! What is that all about? That drives me nuts! LOL.
  12. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member






  13. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Yo! Gives us the meats! Basic story book plot. What makes them good reads, stingy...:p
  14. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    You must really want to know if you quoted me twice. :p

    I edited my post to add the blurbs from Amazon for you and any other inquiring minds. ;)
  15. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I don't know how or why it quoted your post twice. When I tried editing one of the quotes out it showed up in the edit window as a single long quote rather than 2 seperate quotes.

    Thank You for the blurbs. :) Didn't mean for you to do all that hard & tiresome work. :p
  16. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    There's no telling why it did it; probably just another weird glitch.

    You're welcome. No worries. I was still able to be somewhat lazy about it...I still had the tab open from when I made my post. ;)
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    I like the way he ended it, but the getting there I didn't like as much. It was okay but not as well written as some of his other stuff.


    The story had potential, but the book didn't quite live up to it. The start was way too slow and it was hard to get interested in the story or the characters. Once something finally started happening things were disjointed and never really came together for me. The two "bad guy" characters' presence in the story came across as something random just to create some drama with no actual connection to the story. Why were they there; what was their connection? There were no answers to those questions. What happened with other bad guy in the book who actually was somehow connected to the story/protagonist made no sense, and it seemed to be done just to force the story along toward the desired ending. I was thinking maybe there'd ultimately be some connection between him and those random bad guys that would make things come together in a way that made sense in connection to the story...or something. Instead the dude magically ended up someplace he realistically wouldn't have on his own. It left me shaking my head in disappointment. I still love this author though.


    This one was good. I'm glad I read some of this author's best stuff before I read the other two books in this post. If I'd read one of them them first, I'd have never bothered with any of the rest.

  18. CAkicker

    CAkicker Well-Known Member

  19. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    Not bad. I won't be rushing to read the author's other stuff, but I still enjoyed it.


    Pretty good.


    Another great trilogy by this man.

  20. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Marvel has re-worked the Hulk over the last 3 years fully embracing the concept of him being a monster resulting in his current comic run, The Immortal Hulk, becoming a true horror/sci-fi comic.

    The Immortal Hulk Volume One.



    You know Bruce Banner. He's quiet, calm, never complains. He's a man who believes he can use the darkest elements of his personality to do good in the world. If someone were to shoot him in the head... All he'd do is die. But the horror lives deeper. A horror that refuses to die.

    When night falls something other than the man gets up again.

    The horror is the Immortal Hulk.

    The Immortal Hulk Volume Two.


    Bruce Banner is alive and on the loose — and now the entire world knows it. Soon the Hulk finds himself hunted once again — this time by the government, Alpha Flight, the mysterious Shadow Base...and the Avengers! Someone’s going to find him first, but which option is least bad? It might not matter, because Bruce has bigger problems. Something terrible has infected him. Something with unspeakable plans for humanity. And the only one who knows about this dark infection…is the Hulk! Meanwhile, Carl “Crusher” Creel was just trying to live. Now, to save what he’s built for himself, he must do the impossible. The Absorbing Man must kill the Immortal Hulk! But the Hulk is the one thing standing between the world of the living — and the Green Door!

    Immortal Hulk Volume Three.


    Carl Creel is in Hell. Walter Langkowski is in Hell. Eugene Judd is in Hell. Los Diablos is in Hell. Shadow Base is in Hell. New Mexico is in Hell. We are all in Hell…and so is the Immortal Hulk! And now the creature that rules Hell has come to collect. It whispers through many mouths. It destroys with many hands. Its only weapon is hate. It wears human souls like masks to work its will. But in the lowest Hell, underneath all others, all the masks come off — and the One Below All is revealed! Bruce Banner belongs to him. But the Hulk…not even Hell is strong enough to hold the Hulk. Meanwhile, in the world above, two familiar faces resurface: Betty Banner and Doc Samson! What will their returns mean for the Immortal Hulk?

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