Name the last three books you have read...

Discussion in 'In the Media' started by Sir Nose, May 12, 2009.

  1. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    The title sounds like one of those z-budget creature features that the SYFY Channel loves to churn out.
  2. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Trade Paperbacks/Graphic Novels


    Once known as the greatest monster hunters of all time, the Sangerye family specialized in curing the souls of those infected by hate, but those days are fading. A terrible tragedy has claimed most of the family, leaving the surviving cousins split between curing monsters and killing them. Now, with a new breed of monster loose on the streets of Harlem, the Sangerye family must come together, or watch the human race fall to untold evil.


    A team of fearless adventurers band together to protect humankind from everything that doesn’t exist. If JACK KIRBY had created The X-Files, it would look a lot like SECTION ZERO!


    This Rivers of London graphic novel series by writer Ben Aaronovitch is one of four volumes covering the supernatural cases of PC Peter Grant and his boss, Thomas Nightingale, London's only wizarding cops. All stories are set between the regular Rivers of London Novel series and serve as character/world building expansion pieces to the novel series.
  3. Rollx007

    Rollx007 Well-Known Member

    The Vital Abyss — James S.A. Corey
    Tiamath's Wrath — James S.A. Corey
    Cityboy — Geraint Anderson

    I tend to read about 2 books a month
  4. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    So you're reading the Expanse novels. Have you watched the series?
  5. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member



    This story moved at the pace of a constipated sloth. Hmm...I wonder if it would be too harsh to use that as my review for the book...

    The idea was good, the book was not.


  6. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member






    Wow. This one was horrifying, twisted, creepy, and awesome. I highly recommend it. This is the cover my copy has, but the original cover was a picture of a bloody meat hook.
  7. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Digital Graphic Novels

    Thanos : The Infinity End Trilogy




    Writer Jim Starlin, the creator of Thanos, alongside artist Alan Davis bring a three volume graphic novel series that is Starlin's official final chapter in Thanos' saga.

    All hail Thanos, lord of all that is — including himself! In the far future, Thanos has become the most powerful being in reality. But it’s not enough to rule in his own time. The truly Mad Titan intends to command all of time and space — including his own past self! Now Thanos’ brother, Eros, his old foe/an occasional ally Adam Warlock and the teleporting troll named Pip must find a way to free Thanos’ consciousness from his own future. But the journey will take them — and Thanos — far beyond the limits of anything they believed they could endure.

  8. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member






  9. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

  10. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    Yep! This dude can write!


    This one was okay, but it's not up to par with the other stuff I've read from him so far.


    Pretty good until the end; the ending was weak and disappointing.
  11. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member



    This was okay, but I'm waiting for the rest of the installments to decide what I think of the overall story.


    This was a great little anthology. Most of the stories were awesome reads, and I enjoyed the hell out of it.

  12. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    @Tamstrong : Do you have any of the R.S. Belcher books you said you were thinking about reading on deck? I know you said you wanted to possibly check out the Brotherhood of the Wheel.

    I downloaded Nightwise onto my tablet but have only gotten to read like the first 2-3 chapters since I only take my tablet when I go for car servicing appointments or other appointments where I know I'll have some type of wait time.
  13. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    No. I have several on my Amazon wish/shopping lists, but I haven't bought any of them yet. They notify me when deals come up for things on my lists, but so far the only notifications I've gotten for his stuff is for the audiobooks. I don't have any interest in audiobook though.

    Looking through his selection, I haven't come across anything so far that doesn't sound good to me.

    Is the tablet how you do a lot of your reading? I do prefer regular books, but I use the hell out of my Kindle and always have it with me. I've always been one to carry a book in my bag, but the readers make that a hell of a lot easier to do.
  14. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    I do all my primary reading by way of regular books. I usually read during my breaks & lunch time at work.

    The tablet is reserved for primarily reading comics when I see something of interest. I do digital downloads rather than physical books since I don't have the space to be collecting comics like I once did in days of yore if they build up. I've only got 2 novels on the tablet (Nightwise & a digital novella from a local fantasy writer).
  15. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Do you spend much time at your local library? I'm sure they have a better selection than we have here in Tiny Shithole Texas. I'm not able to get to the library as much these days. Nice. Reading is the best way to spend break time in my opinion. It sure beats the hell out of talking to coworkers. lol

    Are the comics the same pricewise for the digital versions? I haven't spent any money in a long time on any kind of comic book, but it seems like digital deals are more common with other types of books.

    BTW, I remembered ordering The Demons of King Solomon anthology, which includes a story by R.S. Belcher. I haven't read it yet, but I'll let you know how it was when I do.
  16. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    Sad to say I've never set foot in any of the local libraries. Between Barnes & Nobles, Borders Books (when they were still around) & the various local used/second book stores we have around, I've never really bothered with the libraries. Last time I even went to a library was when I first moved here to Washington.

    Digital comics usually cost the same as physical comics & any bargains or discounts will depend on which digital book source you get them from. I know their are some like Comixology that let you read unlimited comics for free if you have a paid membership to their site. I think Kindle may have something similar, but not sure since I don't have a membership to their store even though I have gotten a few grapic novel from them.

    Yeah, let me know what you think of Belcher. His Nightwise novel (what I've read so far) seems far more grounded in the real world than his Golgotha books but still clearly fantasy/horror.
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    There's not much of a library and no actual book stores here, so we have to head for the city to find any kind of selection. There was a time I made regular trips to Barnes & Noble, and there's a place I used to go in Denton called Recycled Books & Records (seems like they added CDs to the name later) that I love. That reminds me, the friend who introduced me to the store were talking about adding an online feature that I need to check out.

    I get graphic novel promos from ComiXology once in a while. One was called Lick-It Man, and I was like WTH? It was free though, so I downloaded it. lol I'd forgotten about until now.

    I'll definitely let you know about Belcher. The anthology is next in line when I finish my current book. I think I'll check out Lick-It Man after that.
  18. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member


    Another great read by Abe Moss. So far I haven't read anything of his I haven't liked.


    Some of the stories in the anthology were good, but overall it was just okay. The guy who wrote the introduction and explained each demon made it hard to stay awake when you read his parts of the book. Some of the authors were really good though, so their stories made me glad I read it.

    R.S. Belcher is good at what he does. I'll definitely be reading more from him when I get around to it. I have so many books to read, but so little time.


    There were some funny parts, but overall it was boring. Since it was a free download and a quick read, I can't complain too much.
  19. Ra

    Ra Well-Known Member

    So Belcher's contribution did it's job and has you on board for his work. :)
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Yep. ;)

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