Its on my shelf, but I never finished it. I felt like I got the point after the first 10% of the book and it became very boring to me.
She spent years researching that one. I remember seeing her on various news shows talking about it going way back. Probably very thorough.
When Will There be Good News - Kate Atkinson On Chesil Beach - Ian McEwan Now reading: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat - Oliver Sacks and for fun: Chart Throb - Ben Elton
1. A Nation of Wimps by Hara Marano 2. Do Gentlemen Really Prefer Blondes, bodies behavior brains and the science behind sex love and attraction by J Pincott 3. TheStory of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski
It really was. I read it twice and learned alot. There is even one section on penis size and how it's more closely related to height than race. A question that keeps coming up here. The title really is misleading but they do answer the question of the title and the answer is yes they do.
yes i think the OP was what were the last 3 books you have read, not what books have others read that you do not like, lol
She's not: There are many more subjects besides haircolor in the book. That is why I said the title is misleading. Here is one online synopsis: Covering the areas of bodies, brains, and behavior, this eye-opening guide reveals the genetic, hormonal, and psychological secrets behind what makes us tick sexually. For example, do you know why a man’s body chemistry and behavior change when he’s in a committed relationship? And why, when he becomes a daddy, his testosterone level seems to plummet? And did you know… • When a couple first fall in love, their brains are indistinguishable from those of the clinically insane • You can tell a lot about a person’s sexual chemistry just by looking at his or her hands • Your genes influence whose body odors you prefer • Being around breast-feeding women may increase a woman's sex drive The part about the newly in love brain being similar to clinically insane I found interesting. They did study on MRI's of both brains in love/insane and so I guess that euphoric feeling when in a new relationship isn't all in our head.
This is clearly a good read Jordan. Although I cannot say I agree with this little factoid: " And why, when he becomes a daddy, his testosterone level seems to plummet? " I don't know much about the author, but whenever I read a book like this I always wonder what their own frame of reference is, and what their motivation for writing the book was. I wonder if she has been married or has had successful relationships, has children, has a healthy sex life, etc, etc. Maybe I will read it.
I got this book through the conservative book club back in the early 90s. It is now out of print, but I think it may have inspired Levin: Liberty or Equality: The Challenge of Our Times by Erik Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
Three Cups of Tea - Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin The Yacoubian Building- Alaa Al Aswany The Audacity of Hope- We all know who BTW- I have a well thumbed copy of Tickle His Pickle and I too LOVE LOVE LOVE Janet Evanovich! I love Stephanie Plum and her grandma!