Yes, in fact, I remember seeing arguments on the Internet in other message boards about it. I think so. Manhattan is the most expensive piece of land in the world, and New York is home to many celebrities, talk show hosts, Wall Street, and Broadway, also many record labels are located out in NY. I think so. To the general public, these towns maybe just 'another small and poor country town' and nothing more. Good question. Too many people were so busy blaming the victims for what happened based on the reaction of the looters until no heroes were ever mentioned, and get this: the cable news network, MSNBC, pulled a fast one on the American public, when one of the anchors said: "well, you know the race card is gonna get played NOW" or something to that effect. Afterwards, people were calling in and debating whether or not this whole tragedy was race-related, and then the other 2 networks (you know which ones, I'm sure) got in on it, and about a week later, threads began to surface in message boards about it, more debates got started over it on networks like MSNBC and C-Span, and then things just took a turn for the worse from there.