My views on "The myth".

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by Sonny Dragon, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. Sonny Dragon

    Sonny Dragon Well-Known Member

    Now I was having a debate in my head as I always do when I'm doing a mundane task like cleaning or what have you. I began to think about the myth that black men have the world's largest penises. I am seeking predominately female feedback here. Albeit, I don't think about penis often but I am a black man and I do not have a particularly large penis. I'm confident in what I have though, as all men should be. Let me give you irrefutable proof what I'm saying is true. All men should be confident in whatever size they possess.

    As for the myth, white people started it. That myth was fabricated by white people. As for penis size, I believe that most women would prefer virility over size any day of the week. What good is a 15 inch cock if it can't get hard? I do believe a woman would take a 6 inch wang that rocks her all night long, over a 12 inch limp.

    I would like to state that there is alot of talk about bigger is better in the media. I think its all bullshit. Companies like Extenze and what have you are making millions of dollars off of male insecurity. What do you think?
  2. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    It's true, and Asian men have the smallest...
  3. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    i'm taking you've found this out from all the porn you've watched over the years...????
  4. TreePixie

    TreePixie New Member

    Statistics show that black men have a miniscule size advantage, at least on length, but since the sizes were self reported in the study, and the way the measurements were done varied, I don't put much stock in it.

    The largest penis I have ever seen, on screen or off, belonged to a skinny Scots/Irish dude. The smallest belonged to a short Jewish dude. I don't think you can make generalizations either about penis size or sexual satisfaction. Some women, in fact, prefer a smaller/more average size. Some women prefer a larger penis size. Most women generally say width matters more than length.

    The preference for penis size is as individual as, well, penis size. Personally, I do have a preference, but if the penis in question belongs to a man I want to sleep with, his size is really not the issue, it's the chemistry between us, his imagination and ability with what he's got. Don't forget men have those lovely hands and mouths too. If he's larger than I prefer or smaller than I prefer, that's overridden by the other things.

    It's kind of like breast size. Some men like smaller, some men like larger, but if everything else is there with a woman, a breast size which doesnt fit their preference is usually not a game-changer. Unless they are fetishists or teenagers ;-)
  5. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    numerous studies from Kinsey on
  6. wtarshi

    wtarshi Well-Known Member

    ahhhh...the wild and wonderful alfred kinsey
  7. Ms. J

    Ms. J Well-Known Member

    large size is not a top priority; however, the gentleman must know what to do with what he has been given to achieve maximum statisfaction.
  8. Morning Star

    Morning Star Well-Known Member

    Mine curves and the head is shaped like a bullet. What do I win? :smt003
  9. FG

    FG Well-Known Member

    The stats I have seen shows a trend towards bm having bigger wangs, but no statistical significant difference.
  10. satyr

    satyr New Member


    Another piss weak thread where men pretend that they don't like being objectified a little even if it gets them a piece of cake, and women pretend that size doesn't matter.
  11. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    I have a friend who works for Durex condoms.

    She says that they do indeed have different sizes for different regions in the world.

    Africa-the largest
    America and Europe-middle
    Asia-the smallest

    Just sharing the information
  12. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    Interesting, how did she get the job? I would love to be at dinner party, "So what do you do for work?". "I test condoms.". LOL
  13. vanilla2chai

    vanilla2chai New Member

    hahahahah that was pretty much how it went! I tell you....she became rather popular with our group very quickly!

    I begged her to take me to "the lab" but alas, I never gained entry lol
  14. Hellspawn

    Hellspawn New Member

    If only some topics were breakthroughs....
  15. bodhesatva

    bodhesatva Well-Known Member

    I think a part of it, in my experience, is that black penises simply look larger. I think a 6'' white penis would look smaller than a 6'' black penis. I'm not sure why that is, but I'm also not quite sure why black guys look good with shaved/bald heads while most white men don't. It's a trick of the eye, I suppose.

    I've had three white boyfriends and three black boyfriends, and my black boyfriends have, on average, been bigger. But that's a sample size of 6, and I put more stock in to actual studies that have sample sizes over 100. Most of those studies have shown no difference or -- at the very most -- an advantage of .5 inches on average. So studies suggest that the difference is either "non existant" or "not a big deal."
  16. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member

    Women IMO have preferences, but MEN are much more obsessed AND in love with their penises than any woman ever will be!!

    I think there are more outliers on the extreme end among Black men than there are in other groups, hence the 'myth'.

    Do all Black men have nine inch cocks?? Of course not.

    But at almost 13% of the U.S. population, I would bet there are more 9inch+ specimens who are Black than all other ethnic groups in the U.S. combined.

    Just my opinion talking to females.

    Also, dudes who are strapped tend to travel more, so if a nine inch BM fucks 200 women, half of them not BW, the 'myth' begins to perpetuate itself.

    Put it this way, I've had on more than one occasion a random BM socially question pornstar Mandingo's size, ending with the analysis that Mandingo's cock photographs 'big' and isn't really all that.

    'How do you know?', I ask.
    'Cause I KNOW.'

  17. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

  18. andreboba

    andreboba Well-Known Member


    I do believe there's an environmental evolutionary component to penis size. A larger, longer penis in colder climates is at greater risk for becoming frost bitten and falling off.
  19. stiletoes

    stiletoes Well-Known Member

    I like when the one potser is like"so that means Eskimos have no penises"
  20. Ymra

    Ymra New Member

    For example (being serious for a second) cuz I've hear a lot of women say this but can't say what that skill is.

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