My Thoughts on the Attraction

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by collegewhitegrrlzing, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. Hi guys I just joined the forum. I'm 20 yrs old and a sophomore at college in the northeast. I'm here to waste some time and talk about my new curiosity and maybe trade some thoughts on this. I've always been curious or intrigued about black guys but I never happened to be with one. Recently this last semester I started hooking up with a black guy for the first time, one of the athletes from my school (I know what a clichee haha). It was easily one of the most intense sexual experiences I ever had. Over time we ended up hooking up more and more and I've started to think about why it's so intense/addictive to me.

    First let me say (I'm not saying this to be arrogant) that because of what I look like I've always been pursued by guys and sort of put on a pedestal. Part of what was really different about this was that he ended up having the upper hand. I found myself trying to think of new ways to please him. I did stuff with him that I haven't done with other guys before and I guess it was a real thrill to be submissive to a guy who liked to take charge and also seemed to deserve it. It sort of opened the floodgates and has changed my mind about some aspects of sexuality and my own desires. Some of my girlfriends have talked about similar experiences and I guess this is my brief take on it.

    In my opinion it all comes down to biology. While there are plenty of white guys who are hot, overall black guys just seem to have the whole package down: more muscular, more athletic ability, taller, more dominant attitudes, more confident and fun, more masculine, all of which also leads to frankly better in the bedroom. Culturally the images are very powerful, as white guys seem to have been pushed out of many sports by black guys, and the whole hip-hop culture is so powerful. In day to day life I've seen white guys just back down from any confrontation with black guys and they often seem to be intimidated or frightened of them...not many people would admit this, but for me it's been a turnon. Is it because I'm sort of a kink, maybe, but I think it's just natural female response to "alpha" behavior. I know it's nothing serious, I'm just "playing the field" in my 20's but it still adds a primitive sexy charge to the whole thing. Finally there is also the novelty of it, and yes, the contrast.

    From what I can see around me the number of interracial full-blown "relationships" is pretty constant, but the number of hookups and "fuckbuddy" stuff between black guys and white girls has skyrocketed and will continue to. I don't think it's fair to just consider that it's women taking advantage of black guys by the way, because the black guys seem to enjoy it and are not particularly faithful themselves. Actually what goes unsaid a lot I think is that not all black guys are able to take advantage of the situation. At my school and from what I noticed it's maybe the black guys who are athletes/have great bodies/are cool who get many girls in their 20's just lining up for them. I've spoken about this with my girlfriends and it's not something people admit but it's there. It's a minority of black guys who "fit the bill" that are really "in demand" on campuses and outside. My theory is that very soon, if not already, maybe a majority of the so-called "hot" white girls are competing for these guys and that it's in this sense that there's a real sexual "revolution" going on. It's easy to deny it because you can always look at black guys who aren't doing well (because they don't fit the bill) or white girls who aren't doing it, or the fact that most girls end up marrying white guys later in life, but where it counts the so-called "black stud" myth seems to be very real.

    Sorry if this is too long! I'm studying biology haha and I see some similarities to the animal world actually I think its pretty interesting/funny and makes the experience more interesting for me but Id like to know what u think!!
  2. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    I think you'll find a nice white guy to settle down with after college.
  3. haha ok ure making fun of me, but seriously i don't know who i'll end up with, not really thinking about that now; just having fun and curious about the whole thing but my experiences over the last few months have definitely been a "gamechanger" and interesting so I thought I'd reflect. And seriously even if I do end up with a white guy it's not like the black guys my age are hurting in the meantime :p
  4. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    No offense (you probably will take offense), but this is White Women Black, and you might be looking for White Girl Black because you still have a lot of maturing to do. There are plenty of "hookup sites", and of course you are entitled to your opinion. You might want to try those sites. Just as a suggestion. If you are into race-fetish I am not entirely sure this is the site for you. But, I am knew here, so what do I know? Good Luck


    P.S. Thanks for the stereotypes...we can't get enough of them here
  5. xoxo

    xoxo Well-Known Member

    Where are you from? What's your background/ethnicity? I'm asking to get a sense as to why you are intrigued by Black guys?

    He ended up having the upper hand? So did you have the upper hand at first because of your pedestal status?
  6. Black DeNiro

    Black DeNiro Well-Known Member

    WOW. I really don't know what to think of this:smt102.
  7. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Your post makes me want to vomit. Your ignorance is extremely offensive. You obviously have no respect & no clue about black men or interracial relationships, & all the stereotypes & insults make me sick. If this is your twisted view of what it's all about, you have serious issues IMO.
  8. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    I think he had the upper hand because he was trying to give a high five and she had the lower hand because she was trying to give a low five. Something that could easily be fixed with a fist pump...wouldn't you agree?
  9. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    * Passes Tam the vomit bag and offers to hold hair back...
  10. APPIAH

    APPIAH Well-Known Member

    Smh just tragic and she is a college troll erm i meant student.
  11. MixedCalifornian

    MixedCalifornian Active Member

    Yes all blackmen are buff 6"5 athletic super confident/smooth and have 11 inch dicks.

    Please keep dreaming or cure your ignorance.
  12. Nikkers

    Nikkers Well-Known Member

    I'm in college too, and the first time that I've experienced anything with a BM (relationship, sex, whatever) was in my freshman year. It wasn't even about sex, but about who the guy was... we didn't do anything sexual until we've been dating several months. I find myself more attracted to black men than white men, but I'm not swearing any race off.

    You talk of BM in a purely sexual manner... there's a lot more to BM than that. You may be curious, but until you look past hooking up it's likely just a phrase. There's so many stereotypes in this post that I agree with Tam, this makes me sick.. :vom:

    Also, seeing similarities in the animal world....? :roll: I don't even want to know. :confused:
  13. luvattractivewomen

    luvattractivewomen New Member

    Stop lying I am 8 foot 9 with a 3 inch dick, not all stereotypes are true bro
  14. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Well said, Nicole. This is what a young woman with sense, maturity & class sounds like. :smt023
  15. Black DeNiro

    Black DeNiro Well-Known Member

  16. It's not all but it's an image and there's some truth behind it, I already said most black guys are not like that so they're not really profiting from the shift in sexual preferences, but there are a LOT of black guys that fit the bill (even if a minority) and the "hottest" white girls are flocking to them.

    To the rest of the guys come on :p learn how to take a compliment. And there aren't really "stereotypes" in my post, I'm talking about sociobiology which I study in college now and am taking courses and human attraction works much like other animal attraction. I'm sorry but the sex just comes first, without the raw sexual attraction the other stuff wouldn't be there.

    I was trying to compliment black men and understand my own attraction please don't judge and try to understand.
  17. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    So according to you it's a compliment to black men that the so-called reason they have any value is due to the sex, & without the sex they'd have no value? What the hell is wrong with you? There is NOTHING you have said that could be taken as anything but an insult.

    Interracial RELATIONSHIPS are not based on some sexual fetish, & the fact that you think that's what it's all about is disturbing.

    There are plenty of other sites that would be a better fit for your jacked up way of thinking.
  18. All sexual relationships, interracial or not, are based first of all on sexual attraction. There can be more, but without the sexual attraction there is nothing there. Why are you offended at the fact that I admit my sexual attraction to black men on this forum of all places? And get so emotional about it haha

    Any man would be flattered to hear the things I said, let's not kid ourselves. Any man would love to be considered a "stud," so ya it's a compliment! If there is more, fine, but I'm trying to be honest. We are also animals, we are primates, and I'm trying to figure out why this intense raw attraction to the top black men has formed in our society.

    I for one am not ashamed to admit it's because a certain part of black men have proven they are the alphas, they are sexually superior in all ways and have pushed their competition out of the way. In our ancestral past women made choices based on which mate would be the alpha and give the strongest children this is why we have sexual attraction and I'm trying to put evolutionary biology and psychology to work here guys! I'm sorry if that offends some of you, but if you want to talk about puppy love that's OK but you don't have to judge me or what I like.

    And yes most men would be flattered to hear they are studs and wouldn't mind getting "used" for sex especially college-age men haha are you kidding? What is this the 1950's we can't talk about this?
  19. lol look at this thread where Tamstrong is posting

    she's posting black men's naked bodies and muscular asses in explicitly sexual poses and celebrates their raw sexuality at the same time that she gets self-righteous at me doing the same thing in words. Pretty funny....I guess those chiseled black bodies and asses have nothing to do with why you like black guys, right Tamstrong?
  20. Tamstrong

    Tamstrong Administrator Staff Member

    Go irritate someone else with your ignorance; I've wasted enough time on you & your nonsense. I much prefer to deal with grown folks.

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