My mom came home from the doctor today with bad news. Her kidneys are failing. The doctor said she has less than 1-2 years to live if she seeks treatment. But in the end of it all she will die within 2 years for sure. May I ask for your prays and thoughts. Thank you.
May the Lord heal her and give her a creative miracle if needed, may He strengthen her each day, and give peace and wisdom to all your family.
Bruh, my prayers and sympathy is definitely with you, My dad moved on in January of 07, from Poly cystic kidneys which induces total renal failure, he survived on dialysis for 22 years, he refused a kidney transplant(another reason I hate religion). My whole family has been plagued with this dis-eased, hereditary and bad diet. I'm diffidently with you on this right now.
Oh man, I'm so sorry. I had e-coli when I was 8 and my kidneys were failing, was living in hospital for the better part of that year. Was on loads of diff types of dialysis. But anyway, you're in my thoughts.
I am sorry to hear about your mother. I can't imagine what you and your family are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you
Thank you for your prayers and thoughts. My mom's kidneys are 40% failing. We are looking for a transplant and she going to be on a list. My mom told me not to worry but keep living my life. Thank you again.
Hi 7's so sorry to hear such bad news. I hope your mom pulls through this. Just yesterday I attended a transplant seminar at a prestigous hospital in my area. (I volunteer with the kidney donor group there). They had patients/recipients of various organ translants and quite a few living kidney donors. One particular man had his kidney for 33 years!!! I'm saying this to encourage you to research various hospitals and programs. There are so many new developments now that can help patients needing a kidney transplant. One does not have to be a family member to be a donor. Antigens don't have to match, blood types do not have to match (if the hospital has the specialty program). Your mom needs an advocate to put the word out that she is in need of a kidney transplant. You'd be surprised at how altruistic people can be in this area. There is even a website set up where people post about their conditions and people respond (I know this b/c of my volunteer work).; That website is Let me know if I can supply you with any additional information that may be helpful. I wish you and your family the best.