My Girlfriends Racist Roommate Turns Out 2B Closet IR Freak

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by playboy90210, Apr 4, 2008.

  1. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    Ok so my girl and i been gettin our swurve on for over a month now and her roommate has always been nice to me (to my face), but my girl says that when i'm not around, her roommate talks about how she's against IR dating. She comes from a very conservative background in Denver originally.


    Tonight at their crib me and my girl are puffin trees and all that good stuff and then we go onto my girl's lap top and there's INTERRACIAL PORN on the computer. My girl is like, THIS IS NOT MINE! She's like, my roommate has to be crazy, goin on my PC lookin up porn. So it appears the so called anti-IR girl is watching black guy/white girl porn!!! LOL ...

    So we texted her while she was at work (she works at Hooters) and she denies everything and says she doesnt know what we're talking about.

    Now my girl's PC has viruses and she thinks its because her roommate is going on HER computer and watching porn. She said its FULL of porn videos, its crazy!

    I just think that's kinda ironic and hilarious!
  2. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Re: My Girlfriends Racist Roommate Turns Out 2B Closet IR Fr

    Not surprised..

    A few years ago

    An Oregon white supremacist that was killed by federal agents was found to have one the largest IR(BM/WW) porn collections they had ever seen..

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  3. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Not surprised at all.Alot of "conservative" white females are very curious about Black men.Same with other ethnicities.They will usually slip,though like your girl roommate.
  4. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Re: My Girlfriends Racist Roommate Turns Out 2B Closet IR Fr


    whooaaa you gotta link to that?
  5. flaminghetero

    flaminghetero Well-Known Member

    Re: My Girlfriends Racist Roommate Turns Out 2B Closet IR Fr

    I don't have a link but I remember laffin' my ass off when I read about it in the paper..

    HBO or showtime did a movie about the guy starring peter gallagher..
  6. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member


    like i said in my thread about this type of stuff. Women that are opened to IR dating dont have IR porn on their PC (SOME dont have porn at all)....its usually the ones that deem themselves RACIST that do....its funny.They also scall themselves conservative and christians and yadda yadda....but still have porn?? hypocrites
  7. BlackMasterJay

    BlackMasterJay Well-Known Member

    Not only that but they usually GO BLACK.....and NEVER EVER go back :D

    Its a fetish. And even while dating a (racist)white guy, theyd still want black dick buried deep in them
  8. kenny_g

    kenny_g New Member

    That ties into white women IN porn who refuse to do interracial, but be the most that sleep with black men, alot of athletes in particular offscreen.
    But yet they talk all that shyt about black men. Especially more famous ones we heard of like Taylor Rain who screwed Lloyd Banks & 50 Cent
    and Jenna Jameson who made out with dennis rodman on the howard stern show and was rumored to be sleeping with him when they shared hotel rooms together.
  9. GrecoJones84

    GrecoJones84 Active Member

    Re: My Girlfriends Racist Roommate Turns Out 2B Closet IR Fr

    That had the shit flying out of my nose! LOL
  10. phillysoffercal

    phillysoffercal New Member

    Not the majority though. With one's eyes closed what's the difference?
  11. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Has your girlfriend found another roomie to replace that hypocritical chick? That "woman" could not buy her own laptop yet uses your gf's for her IR porn fetish. Hope you and your girlie nail her real good.
  12. playboy90210

    playboy90210 New Member

    yea we confronted her about it. she is moving out tomorrow actually so she won't be around for long. and the funny thing is she did have her own computer she just didn't use it i guess. maybe she didn't want the proof on her own computer. who knows? but she will be gone as of monday and moving back to denver (she's leaving the school we go to) so we won't be seeing her anymore. this is actually good news for me since I can have more privacy with her now and not have to put up with roomie being all up in our bizz.
  13. Soulthinker

    Soulthinker Well-Known Member

    Fabulous, make sure to get those bugs out and I hope you and your gf have some peace.
  14. TheChosenOne

    TheChosenOne Well-Known Member

    A lot of those chicks that don't do IR porn like black folks in general but they understand that the largest portion of their audience (likely WM) aren't interested in seeing them with one BM on camera. There's a reason why Jenna Jameson was held in such high regard...that wasn't an accident.

    BM are ok if it's a gangbang....but one on a big no-no...some of these ladies understand the nature of their business...but i'm not sure it has much to do with strong racial example of this can be seen in the music industry with Britney Spears (before she had kids).
  15. Narus

    Narus New Member

    Re: My Girlfriends Racist Roommate Turns Out 2B Closet IR Fr

    Ok, so her roommate is dating a black guy and she's curious about IR so she dabbled in some IR porn...don't read too much into it...doesn't mean she secretly lusts after black men.

    BM/WW porn is made primarily for white men who enjoy it for racist reasons such as watching a female taking a beating from a 'savage' etc. Does this now mean that white men secretly love BM/WW relationships in real life, but just appear to be dislike them? Nope.
  16. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Re: My Girlfriends Racist Roommate Turns Out 2B Closet IR Fr

    Are you a white male?
    Just out of curiosity.
  17. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member

    Re: My Girlfriends Racist Roommate Turns Out 2B Closet IR Fr

    Tons of white guys visit these forums..

    once in a while, one of them goes scout-sniper and pops off a post or two, then goes back behind cover for a bit.


    whether or not he's white, who knows..

    you could be white

    not that there is anything wrong with that.. Sharenho says he's a white guy, but he's alright because he promotes Holland IR.

    White guys are a problem, on these boards, when they start foaming at the mouth about nonsense against black guys, or white women.

    haven't seen too many of them lately
  18. malikom

    malikom Banned

    Re: My Girlfriends Racist Roommate Turns Out 2B Closet IR Fr

    Yeah,ive noticed that;but that Holland guy,does her promote holland interracial because he is interested in black females>I mean,do you get what im trying to get at?
    Why would a white male want to post on this forum?Must be some underlying mission here.Is he one of those white boys who gets off to Black males doing white women?
  19. pettyofficerj

    pettyofficerj New Member


    black studs are in such high demand, afterall


    I understand where you're comin from tho..

    this site was intended to be a place where black men and white women, could connect. Sometimes connecting like this would be impossible in the real world.

    But if a white guy wants to drop by and give the scoop on european white girls, more power to him

    he's just broadening our horizons a bit..

    seriously..I would never have known that IR was going down in "Holland," if it wasn't for that guy. The girls from that area who post here, have been helpful also.
  20. Narus

    Narus New Member

    Re: My Girlfriends Racist Roommate Turns Out 2B Closet IR Fr


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