My friend is an IR relationship and my friends girlfriend, said, the "N" word...

Discussion in 'Conversations Between White Women and Black Men' started by PBM, Nov 1, 2012.

  1. goodlove

    goodlove New Member


    Hi, Im President Barack Obama and I approve the following message

  2. PBM

    PBM New Member


    Some ideas to move forward:
    * She has an issue with race - work with her
    * Tell her how you feel, so she can emasculate you in the future
    * Let her go - she disses in private, imagine what is going on in publics
    * Be manish in the relationship, be first, in everything, her "background" is second nature, she might fall into line.
    * Don't look at her as an equal, look at her as subpar. Don't treat her with equity because its going to her head.
    * See where her mind is - she might have external influences, escpecially if its out the blue...

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