I like the one w the guitar a lot... and the first pic - if you edited out the bruise on her leg I hate to say it - don't like the garb, because of the colors.. its too gawdy.. Im sorry... and tha crayon is just wrong.. it just doesn't fit imho. Its something I see w kids, not adults. Not sure what you were going for here. I see her in some deep red or something. I do like the poses etc however. She isn't particularly big either as I am assuming this is the one you were referring to earlier... Big, ok, but I sorta expected something else when you said that.
The guitar pic is the best one. The first one is cute because she actually has some emotion to her face. I agree with FG, the costume & the crayon don't quite work. It looks like an outfit from the 80s. The crayon is kinda confusing...especially the one where it looks like it's practically poking her in the butt. She's a pretty enough, but she doesn't give much in the way of expression & it takes away from the quality of the pic. The poses themselves are good though. I also agree that she's not that big.
I like the 1st one, you're very good, it's hard to take motion shots like that, I've tried a million times and haven't even had a 50% as decent pic.
Well she's actually pretty big for photography, or I guess a better statement would be she's not as "well put together" but she's big. I think people excepting HUGANTIC.
Don't like the model and she needs to be airbrushed, her skin looks too mottled and textured. The only one I like the model in is the first one, and the composition of that one is too imbalanced so the good pose gets lost. It's also too saturated/exposed on the left side as compared to the right, which makes it look as if post edits were rushed and/or the crayon forgotten. The shadows by her shoes look misplaced and off, since the majority of shadows on the other side seem to be coming from a different light source. Unless it's not a shadow and simply leftovers from the original photo. It still doesn't seem to...blend. The guitar one has better composition but the pose just looks weird, and the green background gives her a sickly hue and blends too much with the pants. A contrasting background would have worked better, and or at least her skin needs color corrections. PS 7 and up = Image>Adjustments>Levels or >Curves either go for RGB or each individual colour until the balance is better. The close up is creepy, she looks like she's strung out on drugs and zoning out. For the setting and costume the make-up is too plain. Which might be why her face stands out and looks strange.
good stuff, good stuff! I do VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY little airbrushing. A good number of my stuff is SOC. I will mess with the skin a bit, the first pick I don't know what the hell I was smoking ..on the second edit I have removed the bruise on her leg and I've also removed the straps. The ONLY thing I will do .....I grey card my first shot and adjust bulk balance in CS5 You could be in a photog group....but I don't think your skin is thick enough. Those cats are BRUTAL.
that's what I wanted.....this is my fav shot. i could have slimmied her a bit, but the dead pan stare....I love it.